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relationship advice

  1. NothingbutCookies

    My ex was my everything and now he's gone

    It's my first time posting, and I really need someone to consult about this. It's long. My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me out of the blue. Background: He (28) has high functioning autism, and I (27) have ADHD and suspect to also be on the spectrum ( but can't afford to diagnose...
  2. Marmonduke

    Recalling my earlier threads and messages (plus updates)

    Hello y'all. I'm marmonduke. I'm a guy who was misdiagnosed asd and i am still awaiting an examination from a doctor. You might know me for my rant i had about being alone or single. During that time i was best friends with a girl for four years until i confessed to her and she blocked me. I...
  3. C

    How long to wait until sending another message to a romantic interest?

    I have been speaking to someone online that I fancy romantically, and we are both open about liking each other (we’ve called each other cute). I was going to message him about arranging a video call as when I explained to him I’d like to keep talking online then progress to a video call he...
  4. B

    Allistic/Autistic Relationship//Issues with Control

    Hi there, I'm borg, I'm allistic, but have a whole host of other psychiatric diagnoses and am also disabled. My wife is Autistic, no formal diagnosis as of yet, she's at the beginning of her journey in coming to terms with her autism. I have a number of autistic people in my life and strive to...
  5. I

    Aspie Boyfriend just break up with me. What now?

    I met this guy online a few months ago. We started chatting and then after a few months of constant chatting we finally met in person. He already had told me about his asperger, but that day I could see it clear, and I just don´t mind. I did like him as he is. After a few days he told me that...
  6. 1

    Advice Appreciated

    Hi, This is my first time posting, in any forum ever. I appreciate advice from anyone, as I do realize that a lot of what I am asking is very general, and not necessarily tied to his condition. English is not my first language, so sorry for any typos, and if any clarification is needed, please...
  7. T

    Relationship Issues --I'm definitely in the wrong

    So background: My boyfriend and I have been together for 6+ years. We met online back when we were both teenagers, had a lot of interests in common. We got together and haven't looked back since. He's from Lima, Peru; the long-distance was always a weight but a manageable one, looking forward...
  8. N

    Possible to get back ex-girlfriend with Aspergers years after a messy breakup?

    Hello everyone. My apologies that this is my first post here, but I've been incredibly conflicted, and well heartbroken. My ex-girlfriend has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, while I've been diagnosed with severe depression. Some backstory: We dated for five years. I came over from...
  9. T

    At a stand still in a ND relationship.

    Hello all! I’m going to dive right in and get straight to the point. For the last eight months I have been involved with a wonderful, bright, funny, smart Aspie man. We are a gay couple (I use the word couple loosely). He has Aspergers and severe PTSD from combat in Afghanistan (diagnoses...
  10. newbiesomuch

    Issue with cats

    So, my beloved has issues with my cats. They are fighting a lot, running around the house, and they're very distracting for him, and he often feels overwhelmed by them. Thing is, I have a very small house - only two rooms, one long corridor, and they're banned from one of those rooms. My cats...
  11. N

    How doe you make your relationships work?!

    A hello to everyone since I’m new to this whole situation and still in the struggle with the autism of my partner. I was looking for advice or experience in relationships. Since only thing I ever hear is run as fast as you can as far. But how doe you both maintain the relationships with...
  12. L

    NT wants to confess love to an aspie.

    Hello, I'm new to this forum and I'm learning a bit about the spectrum because I'm interested in an amazing guy who turned out to be an aspie. He's really smart and handsome (he disagrees with this, he often calls himself ugly on his posts). When we first started talking (well, I talked to him)...
  13. E

    Sexual Relationship with an Aspergers Partner

    Hello! As someone who has been dating a partner with Aspergers for over a year, I still have so many questions I don’t know how to begin to answer and so many parts of him I don’t quite understand. But I want to - more than anything. So I hope it’s okay I came here for advice. When my partner...
  14. Lundi

    Should men on the spectrum follow neurotypical advice for dating women?

    Following my first thread about myself being a 30 year old male with Asperger's who has always been single plus a virgin, I was recommended a few websites and YouTube channels about dating advice. But I find that the advice seems to be much more geared towards neurotypical men. For example...
  15. D

    Advice required on female autistic traits

    I wonder if someone can help me out here and help identify these traits as possibly being seen in female high functioning autism as I have seen many of these in combination among 3 separate women who are definitely not neurotypical and I personally believe are on the autistic spectrum. Lack...
  16. N

    I feel a bit down and don't know what to do..

    Probably my 3 post now.. So the situation has evolved itself and I moved out from my asperger boyfriend.. Back home to my country for awhile.. And i feel like im breaking.. The good bye was hard for me and everything but i know it was the best. We went out the night befor and had a talk about...
  17. Welshcakenp19

    What do you wish you were told about relationships and sex when you were young?

    Hi there! I am really interested in looking into what kind of relationship and sex education would have made a difference to you, growing up? I am writing my Masters dissertation at the moment, looking into parental perspectives on the topic, but of course, it's much better to hear from the...
  18. N

    I would like some thoughts on that situation please

    I have posted a while before about my situation.. Of my boyfriend who has aspergers.. I'm soon to be moving out of the flat due to the situation wich makes it really hard for me and I get a thousand anxieties again because we will be long distance for awhile again... So to the situation.. Due...
  19. Matthew Behnke

    OCD about Xenophobia

    I do not know if many autistic people have OCD like I do and ADHD but it is awfully bad especially around foreigners. You see, because of my first relationship with someone from another country, I started following people on social media and picked up the language. My ability in language is...
  20. N

    I would like some thoughts from maybe someone in the same situation.

    So it's my second time writing now here and I want to thank you all for your advice but I would also like to know if someone has some answers or was in the same shoes as me.. As it goes my boyfriend is now diagnosed as autistic he has aspergers and seems to be more open with everything now but...
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