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mental health

  1. J

    Mental Health and Autism

    Hello everyone, I am a student completing a masters in psychology completing my dissertation on autism and mental health literacy. My background is an autism liaison nurse in an acute hospital and have lots of experience working with autistic people with mental health difficulties. I would...
  2. Jenisautistic

    And the psych ward says ( a trigger and sensitivity warning)

  3. Jojo D

    Changing policy within psychotherapy & mental health services in the UK - request for feedback participation

    As an autistic psychotherapist in private practice in the UK and with experience of working within the NHS I am aware that while there are existing autism guidelines, they often seem to be implemented and initiated by allistic bodies to 'slot into' existing neurotypical service agendas. There...
  4. Jenisautistic

    For those that have been in the mental health system what changes would you make?

    Next month is mental health awareness month Hello everyone a while ago, I made a video about what I believe could be changed in the mental health system, mainly in the hospital, but I would like to hear your thoughts as well and things that should be rights versus privileges or something like...
  5. C

    Shared experiences for musical about autism?

    For the last few years I have been writing and developing a musical about my experiences of being autistic. I am at the stage of editing the current version, and I really want to know about some other people's experiences to make it as realistic and relatable as possible. Can anyone tell me any...
  6. Octopodes'MentalHealth

    I'm not sure what to write here...

    Hello I am new to the forum. I discovered it while searching the internet to see if some of my "quirks" are just autistic traits. Specifically, when I get overwhelmed, I have a tendency to shut down or freeze. Such as when I feel like I cannot speak. The thoughts and answers to people's...
  7. D'Andre

    Woke up and could hardly speak

    Not sure if related to ASD, I collapsed at my church yesterday, er said vitals normal. Woke up and found nearly impossible to speak. The words are there but don't want to come out and my head hurts in the back. Also my motor skills are slow habds numb. Anyone relate or any insight
  8. Gerald Wilgus

    Limits to Empathy

    Or, I wonder why I let myself get triggered? I thought I have been making progress, but am a little disappointed in myself. Tonight I was watching a news segment about schoolchildren having a hard time after COVID social isolation, the increase in suicides, and the mental health assistance...
  9. Streetwise

    Mental health occupational therapist

    What Does an Occupational Therapist do in Mental Health? — Beam Consultancy very detailed if your health provider isn't utterly perfect(its about the UK but I think any country with this profession applies)
  10. Streetwise

    Samaritans.org self help app

    The Samaritans is an English charity, originally, now UK and Eire(republic of Ireland)wide ,founded by rev(pastor in USA)Chad Varah, in the early 1950s ,as there was no suicide prevention, 24 hour helpline and suicide percentages were high. Cut to the 21st century, now there is the Samaritans...
  11. Nummulite

    Probably not autistic, now I don't know what to do

    This summer I've been doing a bunch of research about autism, making pages and pages of notes with reasons why I might be on the spectrum, and I got a referral from a doctor to get an autism assessment in a few years. I felt like I was finally on to something after a lifetime of wondering what's...
  12. Leslie Keating

    ND Masters Psych Student need Autistic YAs for short online survey on mental health & wellbeing

    Hi guys , we need participants for research on the impact of changes to services and quality of life during Covid 19 on autistic young adults. This survey has been approved by autistic young people. We really hope that this research will help to improve services for the autism community. See...
  13. J

    Advice for dealing with someone with autism.

    Ill get straight to the point but first, some context. Basically I have a friend of mine who is autistic. he also happens to be religious and i was also religious but am not anymore. im also bi. when i told him that i wasn't religious anymore he, at first, seemed fine with it but then threatened...
  14. P

    Dissertation research – The Effect of Friendship Quality on Mental Health in Children Diagnosed with

    Hi everyone! For my dissertation, I am conducting surveys about the effect of friendship quality on mental health in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. If you have a child age 4-13 with a diagnosis of Autism, I invite you to complete my survey, which will take only 20 minutes...
  15. AprilR

    To tell my psych.

    I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose my only friend but i dont want to lose the person in my heart either. I still love him want to be with him after i die. But i don't want to hurt her. I want to make both of them happy. And i know i am not able to be in a relationship with him. Even...
  16. A Snowy Dawn

    A Snowy Dawn

    This morning I was greeted with an early snowfall, and it's actually still snowing now, as I type this. I consider it to be a beautiful and peaceful conclusion to two weeks in which I've made huge improvements with my mental health and issues. Starting around Oct. 13th, the anniversary of the...
  17. AngelaS267

    Doctors Ignoring Women's Problems.

    So I had to talk to a psychiatrist this morning about my depression. This has been a huge step for me. This is the first time in my life that I've ever gotten help from professionals with my anxiety and depression. I am very grateful, and happy to be getting this help. However, I have noticed...
  18. Jenisautistic

    in to the unknown cover talking about anxiety

    hi just wanted to say that I love this song it is so powerful and amazing I feel like Elsa sometimes and I get shutdowns where I'm in a sort of inner world but it s more From the trama but I believe the autism causes it to come out too it feel like my inner world will go back to writing stories...
  19. Jenisautistic

    Hi Update

    How is everyone doing? this coronavirus sure is crazy I haven’t been on here in sound long I wish I Would have been able to this whole thing is making me think of my friend in high school Who I thought was a very very good friend and my other friends in our clubs at and things like that in...
  20. Andie Kinney

    Mental Health

    A place to talk about my mental health struggles, triumphs and vent about frustrations. Living with mental health issues and developmental disability, healing from trauma.
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