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  • Watching the Paris Olympics opening ceremony i was underwhelmed. Feel like watching the 2008 Beijing one. It was majestic!
    Yeah, apparently they are trying to keep the ceremonies low budget in the recent years which i guess is fair.
    Looks like saboteurs rained on their parade. Then Mother Nature. C'est la vie.
    Saboteurs, you mean something like Just Stop Oil? @Judge
    There is a seminar regarding my career in a few days. I want to attend but at the same time my anxiety kicks in. The attendees will be limited to 40 people so it will be interactive. I am so nervous.
    I am not sure, either way it is already full so i found out i can't participate.
    Go. I have lost many career opportunities because I'm not good socially and I always feel that if I say something I shouldn't, it will hurt my future. I think that if I had participated more, my social skills would be better. Surely if you go, in the future you won't feel as nervous. You'll get used to it.
    I think the same, i will have to put myself more out there. I hope i wont come across cruel and rude people.
    How do you know if you are depressed or just physically tired?
    You can get watches that can track your sleep quality
    Could be depression, could be chronic fatigue
    If you have been feeling like that for a long time, two weeks or more, depression is a serious possibility. You could just read the depression criteria diagnosis in the DSM-V and see if it fits.
    Invited to a wedding but i have no idea whether they actually want me to go? My coworkers and i were not really close. I feel like i will bother my old colleagues if i were to go.
    It is kind of sad that the only people i have in my life see me, as a dumb child they have to take care of. What a wonderful (!) life
    And then they wonder why i don't enjoy life, uhm maybe bc you don't see me as equal to you? What a joke.
    Sad, my parents thought of me the same, l took off and never looked back. But my stepfather thought woman were worthless. My partner let me find him a very high paying job, buy and sell houses, handle stock market well, and that really helped me regain confidence. Sorry you are feeling down.
    Thanks. I just got back from a vacation with family. I don't remember much of what made me feel this way. Thank God i can live on my own. Being alone recharges me
    I don't know why but sometimes i feel like such a burden i dont want to exist.
    I'm new to this forum. And I saw your post, and I sometimes feel that I don't want to exist. If I could, I would give you hug and try to give you some comfort. Even though I don't know you personally, I still want you to live and find good purpose. And realize you're not a burden, and you're not alone.
    I have felt that way thru the years. Like, what if l hadn't met my very close friend. My family was the start of it all.
    Best bit about life is escaping for 8 hours of sleep everyday!!
    My friend is coming for dinner today. I am so anxious. I am not a good cook and i don't like cooking while other people are in the room
    I took the mbti test again and got infj. At Last something that makes sense!
    I am INFP. We are very similar. I don't know the difference between the f and the j though. How is feeling different than judging?
    Yes infp and infj are similar but different as well. I think with infp, they are more in tune with who they are, they have a set of values that they prioritize at all costs. A close friend of me was infp.
    How she was different than me, i am more often than not not sure in myself and my own values. My personality when i am with different people, merges into theirs.
    Feeling peaceful while alone is my priority. I always felt like i make people uncomfortable with my neediness and clinginess. It needs to stop
    Listening to fighting all day long. I hate holidays with my parents.
    Holiday mentally destroyed me. I need another holiday to get over the horrors lol
    Witnessing my parents' fights all day. I started thinking that they should not have married at all.
    Maybe but relationships with no fighting can be even worse, just festering resentment until someone cheats
    That must be hard. I am in nasty mode in the morning until l get my fix of java.
    I just got called "cold" by my "friend" whom i have nothing in common with and whom confessed to me and later said that he was "drunk" I don't even know what to think it is just too weird
    That's not very nice
    Yeah, i was trying to find a common ground with him since i dont have many friends. But he acts really weird and constantly makes fun of me and my interests too. Oh and he is homophobic to boot. He honestly does not have anything that makes him likable.. At all
    i would be trying to not find common ground :D
    My mom is always ill. I think it is bc of the fights we have. I hope she does not have cancer.
    Misty Avich
    Yes, we're always here if you want to talk about anything you feel comfortable with. Realistically it's not your fault if your mother was ill but it's still understandable to feel that way or beat yourself up because of the common ''stress causes cancer'' belief.
    Thank you so much. I am probably over thinking, i cried a lot today and i dont even know why.
    Misty Avich
    I hope you are just overthinking and that your mum will be okay.
    Trying not to feel envious of other people. Most things in life are due to good or bad luck. If i am not lucky i just have to endure
    My coworkers prepared a cake for me as a goodbye gift, since today was my Last day at work. I was touched, despite everything i will remember them fondly i think.
    I still have some work due tomorrow but i can't start it. Even when i make the decision to quit i am still too responsible for my own good
    Okay,but they don't mind overworking you. I only offered that suggestion because you mentioned they may not want you to quit.
    No, you are right they def. Don't deserve more than that. I am just wary of getting of my employer's bad side, since getting reference might be hard in the future.
    Good luck, l hope you do what you want to! Employment "stuffs" is complicated. Have you thought about working for non-profit agency, l can't remember if you are out of the US.
    My parents make me feel alone and jealous of other people's parents. I wish no other child to experience this
    Me too, l always thought l was with the wrong parents. I made sure to let my daughter know that she is loved and valued as a human being.
    Your daughter is very lucky to have you, you are very kind and supportive.
    Thank you April, that was very nice of you. She really surprised me this mother's day.
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