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The stupid... It BURNS....


This is not the end, this is not the beginning...
So I just had the most exasperating conversation with (I feel) likely one of the most ignorant people on the planet in regard to ASD. Short version (if I can)...

Movie clip showing Denzel Washington's character having one of those occasionally necessary talks most parents shouldn't usually have to have, with his character's son. The YouTuber discussing the clip said that more fathers needed to have these talks with their kids, and mentioned having them look their parent in the eye. Of course, to raise awareness and help prevent any undue stress on an autistic child, I mentioned that this could be an issue with autism, which can go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

Almost immediately, some know-it-all has to jump in and label autism as a demon, that autistic 'white' children (yes, they actually went there) ran all over their parents if they didn't get their way, and that they "just needed a good --- whippin'" (their words, not mine).

Of course, I immediately called them out for their ignorance, explaining how that approach based on similar "expertise" from know-it-alls like themselves that actually had no clue had left me bitter and resentful towards my folks, who continue to shame me for what I can't control to this day. They just had to have the last word.

How dare I call them out for promoting child abuse out of ignorance and intolerance for a disability? They actually had the nerve to say that my comment had nothing to do with the clip shown, when I never said it did, I made my insights to clarify the flaw in a statement made by the YouTuber showing it.

I really try to be less trigger-happy with the S-word, as it is a common slur and insult used towards those with these conditions, but like I said, the stupid... it burns...

Does It Hurt To Be That Stupid.jpg
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There are almost 8 billion people in the world, so at least a couple billion of those have got to be stupid, and I don't have the energy to be upset over every single one of them. :eek:
There are almost 8 billion people in the world, so at least a couple billion of those have got to be stupid, and I don't have the energy to be upset over every single one of them. :eek:
Unfortunately, they really hit a nerve with me about saying autistic white children ran all over their parents when they didn't get their way, and that they just needed an --- whoopin'. That approach was used with me when two dimwits at Kluge told my parents in the '80s that I was simply defiant. From then on, it was beating and shaming.

I won't stand for someone encouraging child abuse, especially when they make racial inferences in that regard. Idiots like that spreading their ignorance are a lot of the reason that autistic children get abused, hurt and killed, just because they want to run their mouth about what they don't understand.

That approach, BTW, has left me very bitter and resentful towards my folks, who continue to shame me for what I cannot control even today, now that I have discovered evidence that it was not my fault, and that there is little, if anything I can do about it.
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Sorry to hear you went through that. It certainly is an approach based on ignorance. So much more is understood now about autism. But that could never have been a useful approach. It's right to be angry, but also it will be good to feel able to move on at some point, keeping the knowledge of how wrong this was and is, but not letting it burden you. Your new knowledge about yourself is power, and sets you free.
Sorry to hear you went through that. It certainly is an approach based on ignorance. So much more is understood now about autism. But that could never have been a useful approach. It's right to be angry, but also it will be good to feel able to move on at some point, keeping the knowledge of how wrong this was and is, but not letting it burden you. Your new knowledge about yourself is power, and sets you free.
I know, but when ignorant people like that perpetuate myths and ignorant approaches, it does no one any good, and will even get children hurt or killed that didn't have to be.
Unfortunately, they really hit a nerve with me about saying autistic white children ran all over their parents when they didn't get their way, and that they just needed an --- whoopin'. That approach was used with me when two dimwits at Kluge told my parents in the '80s that I was simply defiant. From then on, it was beating and shaming.

I won't stand for someone encouraging child abuse, especially when they make racial inferences in that regard. Idiots like that spreading their ignorance are a lot of the reason that autistic children get abused, hurt and killed, just because they want to run their mouth about what they don't understand.

That approach, BTW, has left me very bitter and resentful towards my folks, who continue to shame me for what I cannot control even today, now that I have discovered evidence that it was not my fault, and that there is little, if anything I can do about it.
I don't know why it has become a trend again to stress people's skin colour in order to belittle them. There are autistic people of every shape, size, colour and background. Maybe this person needs to get some education.
'White old man' has become a slur. Why?
Does age make you evil? Does the colour of your skin make you evil?
My advice here is simple:

Dont engage with Youtube comments sections.

It's not just a matter of stupid people. It's a VERY toxic setting... it's a breeding ground for full-time trolls. The person you were talking to may very well have said all that not because they believed it, but because they knew it'd get incensed responses.

And even outside of that... it typically just doesnt accomplish much. Well, no, it accomplishes something if the person is indeed a troll: Specifically, it accomplishes giving them a good laugh at your expense.

Seriously: just avoid comments sections on Youtube. It never ends well. I say this as someone who has spent... far too much time there. Over far too many years.
My advice here is simple:

Dont engage with Youtube comments sections.

It's not just a matter of stupid people. It's a VERY toxic setting... it's a breeding ground for full-time trolls. The person you were talking to may very well have said all that not because they believed it, but because they knew it'd get incensed responses.
Oh, I know. I generally avoid responding to others' comments, but this person came in guns a' blazin' on an initial comment I made with a completely ignorant and inflammatory response. I have half a mind to report them for harrassment, bullying and hate speech, as I feel their comments qualify on all three planes.
As an autistic person who has been abused and beaten for being autistic, and harassed and threatened on social media, I agree with everyone that it was a really offensive, inflammatory, and ignorant comment.
Misery is right. YouTube comments are horrible. I try to ignore them too because reading them just makes me mad and there are a lot of trolls on YouTube and people who come across as sociopaths.
I had the same experience with all social media, which is why I deleted my accounts on all platforms. My life is much more peaceful now.
Corporal punishment is never an answer. I stopped the generational abuse of corporal punishment l saw administered to myself and my brother.

I saw a family punish a toddler for behaviour she had no idea of the concept of wrong. Toddlers don't have right or wrong clearly established at a young age.

People- wake up. Raising kids does require some intelligence. Many of us here have parents that didn't think about how they raised us. By comparing notes, we change the parameters.
Corporal punishment is never an answer. I stopped the generational abuse of corporal punishment l saw administered to myself and my brother.

I saw a family punish a toddler for behaviour she had no idea of the concept of wrong. Toddlers don't have right or wrong clearly established at a young age.

People- wake up. Raising kids does require some intelligence. Many of us here have parents that didn't think about how they raised us. By comparing notes, we change the parameters.
The problem is that even today, the world is full of idiots that refuse to comprehend or admit that their child may be special needs.
Unfortunately, they really hit a nerve with me about saying autistic white children ran all over their parents when they didn't get their way, and that they just needed an --- whoopin'. That approach was used with me when two dimwits at Kluge told my parents in the '80s that I was simply defiant. From then on, it was beating and shaming.

Those sorts of statements (well ANY pro-hitting-children statements) make me rage. Yep, I was hit as a child (among other things) and I get the urge to teach these people some "respect" in the only language that they apparently understand.

People like that will be crying and playing victim when their adult children cut contact with them.
Those sorts of statements (well ANY pro-hitting-children statements) make me rage. Yep, I was hit as a child (among other things) and I get the urge to teach these people some "respect" in the only language that they apparently understand.

People like that will be crying and playing victim when their adult children cut contact with them.
Mine already are, because they can't understand why (even after telling them I may have Asperger's, since they refuse to listen to what I tell them or actually do any of their own research about it) I still struggle with self-care and other things considered basic life skills in my 40s.
This person reminds me of a teacher i used to have. She belived my ASD was fault of my parents not parenting me " right ".
This person reminds me of a teacher i used to have. She belived my ASD was fault of my parents not parenting me " right ".
Yup... The problem is there are too many people in society that are what I call 'sexual intellectuals' (i.e., they think they know it all and don't really know a thing)
Oh, I know. I generally avoid responding to others' comments, but this person came in guns a' blazin' on an initial comment I made with a completely ignorant and inflammatory response. I have half a mind to report them for harrassment, bullying and hate speech, as I feel their comments qualify on all three planes.

Even if you do report them it's likely to not do much.

Most of Youtube's moderation stuff is handled by bots these days. Really, really, REALLY stupid bots. It's one of the site's biggest problems. It's also part of why trolls are so rampant on there, because what's a bot, badly made to begin with by a company that doesnt actually care, going to do to stop a dedicated troll? Absolutely freaking nothing, that's what. But then, that's not what they are there for...
Even if you do report them it's likely to not do much. Most of Youtube's moderation stuff is handled by bots these days. Really, really, REALLY stupid bots.

I like the way you think... :D

It's one of the site's biggest problems. It's also part of why trolls are so rampant on there, because what's a bot, badly made to begin with by a company that doesnt actually care, going to do to stop a dedicated troll? Absolutely freaking nothing, that's what. But then, that's not what they are there for...
True. I figure it's better to argue them to a standstill, then let their ignorance speak for itself against being called out. It's easy enough for anyone to see them showing their true colors, and hopefully make an educated decision about whether to associate with them. Ironically, they had to point out in their screen name that they have an MBA... Let it never be said that education = intelligence.

I learned this quickly driving a taxi in a college town. Some of these college people are nothing more than drones that can't tie their shoelaces and chew bubblegum without falling down. And maybe some of us can't can't tie shoelaces and chew bubblegum without falling down either, but to try to act like a piece of paper makes them so much better than everyone else, just because it shows that they can be programmed via book and droning lectures... Asininity at its finest, especially when they're labeling a neurological defect and disability a form of demonic possession.

I actually unsubscribed and selected "Do Not Recommend" on a channel I previously subscribed to this evening, but not before bringing their faux pas to their attention. Usually quite funny, a joke was made in reference to asthma, a soft spot for me because people generally don't seem to care that it can kill me, but so much more now that I know it is likely due to SDP and linked to ASD / Asperger's. I will never understand why people think it is okay to make fun of those with disabilities.

As I've said elsewhere...

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