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  1. Passepartout

    Daredevil's Melvin Potter

    Anyone here familiar with Daredevil's Melvin Potter? (The guy who makes Daredevil's suit) and whether the character appears to be autistic? I noticed a few characteristics of him in myself. (Reference from Google search below) Mental Illness: Melvin Potter's intellect is focused primarily...
  2. Passepartout

    Different skills/abilities at different times, or none at all.

    It seems I have this pattern where I have access to different skills and abilities at different times, or none at all (as in regression). it's like their there and then they are gone. Wondering if this is related to Autistic Inertia, Burnout or ADHD. Where Inertia being a difficulty to get...
  3. I

    Autism in women and a vent about diagnosis process ?

    Hey i dont know how to start, i never wrote on this. im 18 years old and i was in a mental hospital.. I needed to do an autism testing there, i was in therapy before were there was an Suspicion that I might be autistic. I did the test and it had many points. My therapist there in the mental...
  4. N

    Highly functioning autism or just a strange behavior in my 10 year old?...

    I know I need to go to the doctor and ask, but since many wonderful people here might just give me some life feedback on this forum, I would highly appreciate it! My dahugher, who is now 10 has some slightly unusual behavior, and I wonder if it's simply her personality, or I should get her...
  5. JoSchi

    Working on an app to support ASD

    Hello there, my name's Joel and I got diagnosed with Asperger, 3y ago. Here in Luxembourg, support is free and super nice, but they're missing people to fulfill all the needs to help and support people with ASD. I then checked if there are good, supporting apps on the market and found none. For...
  6. Kavigant

    Question about getting diagnosed later in life

    I’m an older adult who recently learned what High Functioning Autism (or ASD1) is, and I’ve been completely blown away at suddenly having a “unified field theory” for just about all the weird things I’ve been at a loss to explain for more than fifty years. So I quickly made an appointment for...
  7. The Eden Journal

    Late Diagnosis

    Often, the big thing I’ve seen with a diagnosis is time. The lives of people that are on the spectrum can vary significantly from when they were diagnosed. My parents decided to go through with a diagnosis this year, and I have been thinking a lot about how my life could have been different if I...
  8. h.hartzzx177


    Hello people of Autism Forums. I'd like to reintroduce myself quickly as I have been inactive since my first introduction. I do not announce my legal name online, but you may call me Blaise. I have both ADHD & ASD. My "special interest" is in most organisms of the Animalia kingdom. I'm an...
  9. S

    Does anyone want to be my friend?

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone on AF would like to be my friend! We can start conversations and chat together. Kindly please 'follow' my profile and I will do the same! Regards, SRSAutistic
  10. S

    Making NT Friends

    Kindly please reply to this thread. I know that this post is long, but it is important. I have a hard time making NT friends. This is my story of trying to make friends in middle school (intermediate school) and high school (secondary school). In middle school, when I tried to make friends, I...
  11. S

    Direct eye contact when interacting with NTs

    Please reply to this thread. When I try to make direct eye contact when interacting with NTs, I feel uncomfortable, and I become overstimulated and stressed in social situations. I have some questions. 1. Why do we autistics become overstimulated and stressed with making direct eye contact when...
  12. S

    Does anyone have a special interest with time zones and electrical plugs/voltages?

    I have a special interest in time zones and electrical plugs. Does anyone else also have a special interest in time zones and electrical plugs/voltages?
  13. S

    Did you have an IEP/ILP in school?

    Please reply to this thread. I am from the US. In the US, the special education services are known as an IEP. In the UK, the special education services are known as an ILP. As I am a high-functioning autistic, I had an IEP from preschool to high school. An IEP is given for students who have a...
  14. O

    Question about Intellectual Developmental Disorder

    What is the difference between Intellectual Developmental Disorder and Specific Learning Disorder? Both of those neurodevelopmental disorders include difficulties with learning.
  15. S

    Bullying at School/Work

    In high school (secondary school), I was bullied. Please reply to this thread. 1. Have you ever been bullied at school or work? 2. Why did you get bullied? 3. How did you get bullied?
  16. S

    Masking/Passing as NT

    When I try to pass as NT in public or in social situations, it is very exhausting and tiring. Please reply to this thread. 1. Have you ever tried to mask your autism or pass as NT in public or in social situations? 2. Why did you try to pass as NT? 3. What was your experience like, and was it...
  17. S

    Infodump about your Special Interests!

    Please reply to this thread. 1. What are your current special interests? 2. If you have a special interest, infodump about it! I love reading about your special interests!
  18. S

    Special Interests that find us

    Please reply to this thread. I want to know why our special interests find us. 1. What are your current special interests? 2. Do you like having special interests? 3. Why do our special interests 'find us'? 4. Why can’t we autistics choose our special interests? 5. Why do we autistics...
  19. S

    Peer Pressure at School/Work

    In 7th grade (Year 8), I was peer pressured by 2 students to run away from class. In high school (secondary school), I did not experience peer pressure. Have you ever experienced peer pressure at school or work?
  20. S

    Special Interests and Infodumping

    Please reply to this thread. 1. What are your current special interests? 2. Do you infodump about your special interests to NTs or other autistics? 3. Why do we autistics want to know everything about our special interests and become experts on it? 4. Do you like infodumping about your...
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