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asperger's syndrome

  1. F

    false diagnosis? backstory. how to proceed? and psychosis

    i had a relatively recent experience that i've been denied having asperger syndrome, they said that it is very unlikely that i have this disorder (it was a doctor for this disorder, meaning the highest professional), but now my psychologist looks at the data (which is a diagnosis for aspergers)...
  2. Jena

    Does anyone else do this with their special interest too?

    Hey y'all so was curious if anyone else does this, where they literally have a difficult time buying stuff UNLESS it's related to special interest. Like with me, it is animals. Every single thing I buy has always and I mean always been around animals. I can't buy something if it's not animal...
  3. Jena

    Any others on the spectrum have low muscle tone?

    So I was told I had low muscle tone by social workers at age 3, however never got any help on it cause they say it was minor and there was nothing they could do. So I was on the borderline of it. I done research on my own and found lots of people on the spectrum have low muscle tone too. If so...
  4. Jena

    Okay I need serious help

    So this been going on for few weeks now, but it seems as if every noise is suddenly louder, and suddenly if people open doors it startles me every single time, and I been getting headaches alot lately mostly at night, and my ears hurt too. My body is also extremely tense, even with some sensory...
  5. Jena

    How can I successfully learn to drive a car before my permit expires in January?

    Okay before you say "just keep practicing" that is not the issue here, I do practice, the problem I am having is I can't focus. Even with my focus meds. I have like no awareness of others around me and I am very worried this would impact my driving. Yesterday I drove to Petsmart to get more cat...
  6. Jena

    Anyone on the spectrum suffer through this too?

    Hey so serious question but is there any other messy eater aspie/autistic person out there that isn't child age? Cause I am 20 years old with asperger's and still a very messy eater. I ate a ice cream bar and got chocolate all over my shirt, I drip crumbs and every thing on the floor, I have...
  7. Jena

    For those that been diagnosed by a doctor what are some of the things you remember during the tests?

    Hey so I been diagnosed by a doctor in 4th grade but for some real bizarre reason I am having a hard time remembering those tests. There is only one test I remember and it was these blocks that I had to organize in the pattern shown but everything else I forgot what went on in the test. So...
  8. Jena

    Does anyone on the spectrum do this too? Or is it just my habit?

    Okay so I have a extremely bad habit at picking fur off of stuffed animals and my dog (it doesn't hurt him dw he still got plenty of fur on him no bald spots at all double coat). Anyways I am despreatly trying to stop this habit. My fingers start really hurting and the skin around the nail peals...
  9. Jena

    When you were little what were some obvious signs that you had asperger's/autism?

    So I noticed when I was watching my old family videos there were signs I had Asperger's even though I wasn't diagnosed till 4th grade. Such as how I covered my ears and felt uneasy on stage in front of many people, with the loud music with bunch of children my age when my preschool was doing a...
  10. Jena

    Does anyone just have those days where they feel as if everything is overwhelming and irritating?

    So I don't know why but some days I just get extremely overwhelm by sights, sounds, even people just standing in the same room as me is enough to irritate me. I only had a cookie today this morning at Starbucks, and am really hungry... but I don't want to snack on anything cause I am trying...
  11. Jena

    Does anyone get super awkward when you hang out with friend for first time?

    I know it's probably not just me and I know there are probally other discussions out there, but today I was hanging out with my new friend I made. And I couldn't stop being so awkward. From accidentally showing my undergarments accidentally in my closet because my mind was in lala land to...
  12. seanaaronfay

    Asperger's and disconnection

    Hi all, As an individual who's dealt with Asperger's for the past 12 years, I've struggled so much with making and finding friends my own age. I don't talk to much to anyone my age outside of work or school. My biggest struggle of all, which has essentially fueled the fire, is the loss of...
  13. Gritches

    Wage Slavery *gasp*

    Wage Slavery Wage slavery. Watch out, that's a Marxist term. I'm taking a huge risk by even breathing such a term; I bet my FBI profile will reflect that I'm a "communist sympathizer" after I post this. After all, we have a non-oppressive government that allows for the freedom of different...
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