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Undiagnosed - Part Three

Job Interviews

Up until this point most of the job interviews that I’ve had have been very informal probably because they have been low skilled positions but job interviews are something I really struggle with. I’m just not comfortable talking about myself, I hate it. When asked to talk about my skills I’m always far too honest, I always tell the truth which is of course that my skills are limited, that I have zero real world experience and that I take a long time to feel comfortable in new surroundings and get stressed easily. I know this is the wrong way to do an interview but I can’t help but tell the truth, I wouldn’t want to sit there and lie just to get the job and be found to be a liar on my first day. Sometimes just getting an interview can be a hard thing not least because I refuse to apply for many positions because the job advertisement is worded in such a way that I feel it would be dishonest to apply. They often say things like “You must be able to work confidently as a member of a team” or “You will have a degree in computer science” or “You will have no less than two years experience”, if I don’t meet the requirements then I shouldn’t apply, right? I’ve been told that I am being naive and that I should apply for any job regardless but I just can’t do it.


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