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Video games that scare you?


Video game and movie addict.
V.I.P Member
Resident Evil 2 for the PlayStation had a lot of great jump scare moments.

Both Limbo and Inside disturbed me a bit due to the violence against children angle.

Both Outlast games fill my appetite for sleazy exploitative horror, and they also kept me on edge because I was always surrounded by people trying to murder me and I could not fight back.

Spec Ops The Line - that game had one messed up campaign narrative.

Sonic 2006. That game was scary because Sonic never wanted to do what I wanted him to here.

Silent Hill 1-3.

What games have scared you?
Minecraft Beta, back when darkness was still a thing and you didn't know what was lurking in the dark, health regeneration wasn't a thing, and creepers didn't stop walking when they were about to explode.

I've once put all my valuable items in a chest and set out to explore a dark cave with nothing to lose safe for some worthless wooden tools I have made specifically for that purpose and ended up chickening out of it regardless. :P
Sonic 2 when underwater and running out of air. That music that climaxed with him drowning.

Some of the bosses that stumped me on FF8 ended up scaring me because I got it in my head I'd never beat them.

Alone in the Dark a New Nightmare freaked me out as a kid. Resident Evil 2 would have, but I had a weird version where in the first storage box in the police station were 2 end game guns with infinite ammo, so it was never a survival horror.

I enjoyed outlast initially, but it got tedious rather quickly, and the ending annoyed me. Reminded me of the original Night of the Living Dead ending.

For me, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter had some stuff that scared me. In Chapter 4, Level 1, you had to traverse a jungle on Malastare that had a lot of bad guys in it. However, there were also plenty of Nexu I had to fight - which would often jump at you like a cat and with little warning.
If you didn't see it first, it would be a heck of a shock. I still remember trying to shoot a villain with a sniper rifle, only to have a Nexu in front of me (which I hadn't seen) leap up while I was aiming and attack me; knocking me over and scratching at me while I was on the floor.
It was a good thing I'd gone to the toilet beforehand. :D

As for later in the game, all three levels of Chapter 6 (the final chapter) were nightmarish as you had to fight against Bando Gora - which were pretty resilient to most attacks and attacked in groups. Since they were entirely black apart from their red eyes, were quiet when they moved (usually only hissing) and you were exploring the location at night, they had a habit of appearing when you didn't expect it.
The only exceptions were the captains, which had blue eyes and skull masks.

Chapter 6, Level 3 was the worst, as you not only had the Bando Gora to deal with but you had Komari Vosa - a Dark Jedi and leader of the Bando Gora - talking to you in creepy whispers throughout your hunt for her.
Tetris. It taught me a disturbing but much needed lesson. If you try to fit in, you'll disappear.
Reminds me of one of the public relations directors I once worked with in the marketing department of a Silicon Valley software entertainment corporation. This guy could have been a bouncer or a linebacker...yet always telling us about how truly "scary" he though Resident Evil was. -Circa 1999.
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Waaay back Myst was my first video game. I almost couldn't finish it because there are scenes that show a room where one of the brothers had been living and the bed was filthy. I was so creeped out by that room!
I knew that only someone evil could live in that room.....
Minecraft was also scary for me, sometimes still is. I don't like being startled by the mobs when they randomly spawn in the darkness. I'm not a fan of scary stuff in general, so I don't try to play anything scary on purpose.

In the game Superliminal, there is a "horror" level which doesn't have any real jumpscares, but I had to play that level on the lowest volume just in case. There are a few visual tricks that startled me, plus a door slams at a certain part. Superliminal is still my favorite game though.
SCP Labrat is the big one for me. It's based on SCP Containment Breach, but... in VR. The game is unnerving enough in it's original incarnation. In VR it is... wow. I had a feeling of dread the entire time. The worst part was at one point where I was going through, with an idea as to what to do next, and I'd successfully escaped from 173 (the statue, the main threat of the game), and I was moving down a hallway, looking for the place I needed to go. I stopped for a quick moment to think, realized I needed to go the OTHER way. Turned around. 106 was RIGHT IN MY FREAKING FACE. Oh yeah, that one got a yelp out of me and I just about fell over. He's entirely silent, and has all of the powers that he has in his official entry. And then he grabs you, but because it's him, it's not over yet.

The part after that was one of the most surreal moments I've experienced in VR. If you can get far enough in his horrible pocket dimension, you can maybe find his "throne room"... horrible messed up place, with him seated on this very high stone thing.

When you look up at him, he's just staring at you. And then you get the message: KNEEL. As in, get down on your freaking knees in submission. And you cant go forward until you *actually* do that IRL. You have to physically kneel or he wont let you progress. Doing it, in this horror game with all sorts of threats, gives this nasty helpless feeling; you cant get around while you're on the bloody floor!

And then after that, the "trench" scene. That... that was unpleasant. And then you "escape", but because he's a sneaky little turd there's always a chance that it's a fake escape and the facility around you is still just another part of his little world. In this instance though, I did manage to get out. I had to save and exit after that, it definitely rattled me. Sooooo freaking good, that one.

Also, FNAF in VR. Just... again, wow. The original game is decently creepy when playing it, but of course the horror is mostly just being kinda unsettling and some jumpscares. In VR it's freaking horrifying. What the original game doesnt tell you is that all of the animatronics are 7 feet tall. The game puts you through all of the scary moments of the entire series up to that point and then adds some freaky stuff of its own.

Outside of VR, hmmm... not much gets me. A couple of notable ones though were Scavenger SV-4, Duskers, and Umfend (which is still my favorite horror game).
Resident Evil 2 for the PlayStation had a lot of great jump scare moments.

Both Limbo and Inside disturbed me a bit due to the violence against children angle.

Both Outlast games fill my appetite for sleazy exploitative horror, and they also kept me on edge because I was always surrounded by people trying to murder me and I could not fight back.

Spec Ops The Line - that game had one messed up campaign narrative.

Sonic 2006. That game was scary because Sonic never wanted to do what I wanted him to here.

Silent Hill 1-3.

What games have scared you?

I can't remember which one, but there was a first-person shooter Jurassic Park game that scared me a LOT. My guess is that it was somewhere around the PS2 days.
To be honest, it’s the 1995 point and click game I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Did a great job of recreating such a bleak situation.
I wouldn't really call this a scary game, but I think of this as an interesting observation - Prince of Persia: Sands of Time has this almost survival horror vibe permeating over the whole thing. There are only three real living characters (you, your companion Farah, and your enemy the Vizier) in this whole palace, and everything else is this undead sand monster that you have to kill. When you aren't fighting enemies, you're exploring these very empty palace halls and gardens with minimal to no background music, and your only real goal throughout the game is to try to stay alive.
I don’t do well with jump scares. I’m scared because I constantly expect to be scared, and then when something jumps out and startles me, I get mad because I got startled. It’s idiotic.

What I personally love is psychological horror games. Just an eerie, sometimes bleak atmosphere. They scare me on a different level. No jump scares, just a mounting feeling of unease at the little flashes of horror the game is hinting at.
Silent Hill 3 (mirror scene).
Silent Hill 4: The Room (ghost entering wall).
Resident Evil (first zombie encounter).
Clock Tower (Scissorman's warning music).
The Last of Us (Clickers).
The Evil Within 2 (female ghost).
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Nemesis first appears).

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