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  1. HDLSeanWiley

    New Spectrum opinion piece indicates that motor issues have been overlooked in autistic people

    For years, autistic people have been assumed to be intellectually impaired even though they actually have motor issues that make it seem like they're intellectually impaired. But this new Spectrum opinion piece wants to change all that.
  2. H

    Using pressure to alleviate sensory overload

    Hi, I am a fourth-year product design student on the autism spectrum who attends the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore. I would like to talk to people also on the autism spectrum who have utilized pressure to alleviate sensory overload. Specifically, I am interested in how...
  3. E

    I Wonder...

    Hey everyone! My name is Emily, and I’m 27 years old. I was diagnosed with severe ADHD at about age 21-22; Until then, I always wondered what was “wrong” with me. Since then, I’ve had quite a bit of success managing my varying symptoms with Adderall. I often wonder, however, if it’s possible...
  4. Searching for My Place on the Spectrum

    Searching for My Place on the Spectrum

    I think Patsy Clairmont was on to something when she said: Normal is Just a Setting on Your Dryer I find that book title encouraging because it suggests that each of us has something to contribute to a generally accepted view of normal. As we seek to find value by adopting change in some...
  5. M

    Hello. I'm new here.

    I'm an adult on the spectrum. I was diagnosed almost ten years ago. When the psychiatrist explained Apspergers, as it was called then, my life came into focus.
  6. Renzo

    Autism & The Ability to Feel

    (From my official blog, Autistic Spirits) A lot of neurotypicals("normal people") think having autism means you don't have feelings. This is one of the most common stereotypes about autistic people and it's far from the truth. Someone on the spectrum does feel, but he/she expresses it in a...
  7. M

    What Causes Autism? New 2016 Research Flags Genes That Could Contribute To Spectrum Disorder

    Now that we’ve finally established that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is not caused by vaccinations, it’s time to uncover its real origins inside our DNA. And thanks to a first-of-its-kind machine-learning program from Princeton University and the Simons Foundation in New York City, scientists...
  8. J.T.


    Hi, my name is Justin. I joined this forum because I think I'm on the spectrum. After taking the AQ test with a score of 31 and the RAADS-R test with a score of 174, along with finding about how I was when I was a child it seemed to me that how "I am" could finally be explained. After doing more...
  9. Mary Anne

    New ICD-11 manual mirrors U.S. autism criteria

    The ICD-11 (Published now available as of May, 2018) also removes Aspergers as does the DSM-5 in the United States. New global diagnostic manual mirrors U.S. autism criteria Summary: “The criteria are part of a highly anticipated update to the “International Classification of Diseases,” a...
  10. Diagnosed2015

    How to Propose to an Aspie -- at least, this one

    I have a PLATONIC friend in the building that I've known for almost 2 years. We have things in common, like music and computers and really strange senses of humor, he's a great cook, so we've been eating together for the whole time, etc. He's an old hippie and but there's an ounce or two of...
  11. K

    I am interested in learning about employment situation of individuals on the autism spectrum (UK)

    Hello everyone! My name is Kalle, and I am investigating the experiences of individuals on the autism spectrum who are employed, or are seeking employment now or in the future. This project is part of my Bachelor studies and we are interested in the views and experiences of individuals with...
  12. M

    Do those symptoms sound like ASD?

    I'm not asking for a diagnosis, it recently dawned on me that my father might be autistic, He's 67 so I'm not going to do anything about it, I just want some closure after growing up in my toxic family that wasn't perfect otherwise anyways. So here are some examples: - walks into the room and...
  13. M

    Yeehaw, it's an Aspie/Autie/everybody party,

    Somehow I'm celebrating whatever comes to mind. It's sunny and not too cold where I am, so that makes me happy. So, what would happen at an all along the spectrum party? Here at Aspie central? There are no rules, you don't have to socialize, write or talk. You don't have to be here if you...
  14. A

    Questioning my diagnosis

    hi everyone. I was diagnosed with borderline ASD/NVLD back in September of 2015. As a child I met full criteria for Asperger's syndrome. However I am beginning to question it. It seems that diagnosing ASD is very difficult to do since I am also GAD and ADHD. I function fine with medicine...
  15. J


    I hand-picked a can of Spaghettios at the store and planned a specific time and day to eat them. And my brother ate them without telling me. It's an autistic nightmare.:eek:
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