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Falun Gong Philosophy


Claritas Prayer Group#9435
This morning I was listening to a podcast. I’m interested in learning more about this religious group particularly its philosophy, does it have any concept of what the Chinese call Tao, and the Greeks call logos?

Maybe I should post another thread on this sometime, but I’m interested in hearing about other cultures that have discovered the concept of logos; the Mesoamericans have the Four Petaled Flower, (which appears on the Womb of the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe) and the Hindus have the concept of Rta. (Which the Hindus associate with their water deity Varuna and, I’m not sure if Catholics have noticed this, but when St. Thomas the Apostle, whom most people know as “Doubting Thomas,” went to India to preach the Gospel, he made water flow upwards to convince the people of what he was preaching; and I can’t help but suspect that there was no coincidence to the fact that water was used in the event.)

But getting back to the main topic of this thread, what is the philosophy of Falun Gong?
Tao and logos are not i think synonymous.

Tse or chi as it is more often spelled, is likened unto water. Thats a chinese concept, and a chinese word, i think. In modern chinese there is a whole new way to spell words, within the last few years. That can be confusing.

I will ask Rev. K , or one of her staff for a reference for you. I know falun gong can be spelled differently. Actually i wil ask the rev for an impartial comparitive theology rescource for seminary students, some thing thats online. You are obviously a very advanced scholar, and likely need something comprehensive.

I know i found a good one once, and i think she told me how. The rev maintains a complete reference for the eight larger religions, (eight wonders of the world) such as there is avail, in hardcopy at her office. Its about 425 volumes, it fluctuates, she lends them out.

As i recall the falun gong is a meditative practice, primarily. It may not have ostensible connections to a published philosophy. Yoga for instance does not. Many people associate yoga and various philosophy, but yoga itself is for training its just exercises, poses, breathing and focused attention.

It will likely take a few days, the Rev works on the weekends! She may well say to check out scienceofmind.com and see what you can find there first. There is a search pane. I cant get on from here now, plus my monitor is literally the size of a gameboy screen

If i tell her its for a serious student(you) and not a spiritual tourist(me) perhaps there will be something more advanced avail. I will send her secretary an email
Metaphysics has a wierd warp east to west. In the east there are at least five primary "elements" the the greeks said four, and older yet is only three, earth wind and fire. This affects language studies. Plus you know how in english we have middle eng and olde eng? In chinese there are like five or six levels like that

Sanskrit has a more stable lexicon , but divides ideas differently. That culture
[ india, and surrounds] is likely the oldest
I am not a practitioner of Falun Gong/Dafa, but I am very, very passionate about the persecuted Chinese men, women, and children who practice it and are locked up in concentration camps and are subject to organ harvesting, slavery, human trafficking, etc, just because they refuse to give up their religion. It's disgusting and I don't know why any civilized nation would do business with that regime other than greed.
I am not a practitioner of Falun Gong/Dafa, but I am very, very passionate about the persecuted Chinese men, women, and children who practice it and are locked up in concentration camps and are subject to organ harvesting, slavery, human trafficking, etc, just because they refuse to give up their religion. It's disgusting and I don't know why any civilized nation would do business with that regime other than greed.
I hope and pray that the CCP regime gets overthrown sometime soon, and the people of China can enjoy true freedom.

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