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  1. mourningdove

    What does having a crush feel like to you?

    Just curious! I've heard that since my "definition" of having a crush doesn't necessarily include sexual attraction, it's a little unusual! In recent years after reading the book ACE, I realized I'm on the asexual spectrum (demi, for those who know about such things) so I sort of chalk it up to...
  2. Gerald Wilgus

    Need help approaching therapy

    I have said previously that my past has come back to haunt me in negative ways, and as I prepare myself to work on this with a therapist, I can use advice on how to approach this. The following is very hard for me to write. My social issues growing up in the '60s and 70s: Friends were...
  3. Sabrina

    Pride Month and autism

    It's ironic that I am posting about Pride Month, since only 5 people know that I am bisexual, but I'm curious about knowing who here identify themselves as LGBTQ+
  4. Joshua the Writer

    My Thoughts as An Autistic Queer Person

    I feel like my Neurodivergency and Queerness is linked. My Queerness is Autistic, and my Autisticness is Queer. Because of this, I am going to add Autigender as a label to describe my gender ID. Autism strongly effects my gender identity, so my gender identity is Autistic. I am Autigender. Don't...
  5. oike27


    My name is Ogechi and I was diagnosed with ASD pretty early after not being able to talk for five years. I love cooking, baking, writing fanfiction, reading, singing, coding, designing, fairy tales/folklore, and history. I've been questioning my sexuality for a few years now, and I would like...
  6. Joshua the Writer

    Why We Need to Respect Sexual Orientation, Gender Diversity in Autism

    [Not written by me] Source: Why We Need to Respect Sexual Orientation, Gender Diversity in Autism —————————— Our culture suffers from an ‘eternal child’ bias — the reluctance to acknowledge or see individuals with developmental differences as mature and capable of self-determination. This bias...
  7. Sabrina

    I think most people are secretly bisexual

    I’ve had that thought since forever and I have never shared it, this is the first time. I believe most people are secretly bisexual, and that there’s just a minority that is 100% heterosexual and 100% homosexual. I know it’s a polemic thought, that’s why I’ve never shared it before, but this...
  8. gouldgrl

    masturbation /self-regulation

    Gosh, this is a tough thing to bring up in a forum, and I hope no one takes offense. It's just that I have tried to find information on the Internet to determine if, in fact, there is any reason to suspect that my compulsive masturbation as a young child might have been attributable to being on...
  9. Gunslinger

    Need Advice - My brother's avatars are NSFW

    New here and I am really just looking for some advice. My brother has aspergers and he's a great guy, I love hanging out with him, we go shopping together, out to the movies, play video games, etc. But there is one thing that bugs me, our whole family is on Discord and he tends to put sexual...
  10. A

    Aspergers and issues with sex

    Hey I have this problem and I can't find info on it anywhere. I should start by saying I've never been molested in anyway. I'm struggling with this issue where I want to have fun and different sex with my NT/ boyfriend of 5 years but in regards to the way I see sex, I'm really into it when it's...
  11. S

    Intersectionality podcast on 'becoming comfortably autistic'

    Probably NSFW. Episode 051 - Becoming Comfortably Autistic - An Interview w/ Alex Haagaard
  12. sisselcakes

    Getting sexual needs met-sensitive

    I'm desperate for Aspies' input. Need help in how to communicate about sex and my needs. I am very attracted to my boyfriend. Once I told him that and he said "no one has ever told me that. I don't know how to respond." I said "you don't have to. I'm just telling you." He cracks me up...
  13. Laura Pecora

    Research: Relationships and Sexuality in ASD

    Dear all Aspies Central Members, I have only recently become a member of this forum, and would firstly like to thank all members for welcoming me to your online community. My name is Laura, and I am a PhD student at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. I am currently conducted a study...
  14. carbon12

    Ask a pansexual and gender fluid Aspie!

    Since I was a child, I've been kind of "bullied" because I seemed to be the lesbian girl who wouldn't understand what girls were talking about and wouldn't ever use makeup. I also tended to hang out more with the boys, as they were easier to understand and were sometimes funnier. But that didn't...
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