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  1. F

    false diagnosis? backstory. how to proceed? and psychosis

    i had a relatively recent experience that i've been denied having asperger syndrome, they said that it is very unlikely that i have this disorder (it was a doctor for this disorder, meaning the highest professional), but now my psychologist looks at the data (which is a diagnosis for aspergers)...
  2. Bolletje

    Depression and acceptance

    Hello blog, it's been a while. Last time I posted an update I had just gone through a mini-psychotic break and I had just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Today I will be ranting a little, rather than posting clever and/or insightful and/or funny things. No grand things have happened to me...
  3. Clueless in Canada

    Autism and a Sense of Time

    I have read that 'aspies' are more focused on the present moment and much less focused on the past or present. I don't think I am that way at all and am more likely to be dwelling on past mistakes or planning for the future so as to prevent mistakes or feel safe. I am not at all good at...
  4. JB2018

    The other way around

    So I had an idea today, generated by that "night owl study" thread (feel like a lab rat sometimes with all the studies being done re: autism spectrum) -- but before the idea dies of loneliness ;), thought I'd put it here. What if we look at an autism-spectrum life from the other way around? A...
  5. Bolletje

    I am exhausted.

    As promised, another update, just a little later than I had planned. I've been working as a doctor for nearly two months now, and I love my job. I honestly couldn't imagine anything more fulfilling, at the end of the day. But it is draining as hell. Ask any honest doctor about their first few...
  6. Ameriblush

    No more wasting time.

    Can I make my obsession with comic strip a profession? I made a post not too long ago about wanting to take my interests in drawing and cartooning seriously. I've decided I'm not going to wait anymore. I feel like I'm wasting my life worrying daily. I have a on of ideas for stories, worlds...
  7. Bolletje

    Job Interview part 2: Multipotentialites

    In the wake of my job interview last week, I've made some discoveries and had some revelations. At the time of my last blog post I was feeling self-conscious. Skipping to the end: I got over that, due to some accidental vigorous soul-searching. I spent some time thinking about how, to other...
  8. Bolletje

    Trust me, I'm a doctor (Blog name change imminent)

    Not the Doctor, but a doctor for sure. Which is to say, I've succesfully made it to the finish line, I am no longer a student, I will be receiving my medical license soon and I've been hired by a local hospital, where I'll be starting my first real job as a doctor pretty soon. My last entries...
  9. I

    Jobs and Careers for People with Asperger's Syndrome

    Hi! I'm pretty new here, but would like advice for something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I've been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was very young, but still struggle to understand myself and the world around me sometimes. I want to eventually get a job that I can excel in...
  10. Bella Pines

    When are you right now?

    There's a song I remember that goes something like "where's your head at...". I suspect that people on the spectrum are rarely present in the now and don't always fully engage. My head is always in the future, I'm so involved in what will happen that I barely notice what is happening...
  11. Bolletje

    Unexpected little nuggets of wisdom

    People have a habit of giving advice when you really didn't ask them for it. Most of the times it's pretty redundant or even patronizing advice, but this was different. I worked a late shift together with someone I hadn't spoken to before. It was just the two of us in the office. Because it was...
  12. AustinTheAspie

    Past, Present, and Future

    Hey guys, Austin again. I have an issue that's been bugging me for quite some time; I seem to constantly get haunted by these horrible thoughts from my past playing over and over and over in my head like mistakes, missed opportunities, and bad things I've said to people. Because of this, I have...
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