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  • I’m not ignoring anyone, I’m super busy because I have one day left to prepare to move, and then I have 48 hours to move everything into the new house. Send help lol
    My friends hate playing card games with me because I figure out a strategy and then it's really hard to beat me. Kind of funny because most of them don't think I'm that smart. Most people think I'm pretty dumb but at least I can beat them at a silly game and watch them get annoyed over it lol
    I’m an hour away from home and I had to pull over due to a sudden downpour. I didn’t think it was going to rain today.
    Oh well, at least now I can grab something to eat.
    Burger King is called Hungry Jack's here. :) The rego sticker on your windscreen caught my eye, I haven't seen one of those in years. We don't use them any more, onboard computers and cameras in cop cars automatically alert cops to unregistered vehicles. Number plate OCR.
    I remember seeing a box of Hungry Jack’s pancake and waffle mix around the house.
    Shipley’s is the big doughnut chain in Texas.
    It really baffles me that there are still so many people who are so very against positive reinforcement/cognitive based dog training. Society has really convinced people that hitting, screaming and using force are effective ways to train dogs (and kids.) It doesn’t “train” them or get them to “respect” you. It makes them terrified of crossing you. Speaking as a dog trainer AND an abuse survivor.
    Why is there construction going on at 2am? It’s loud enough that I can’t sleep.
    They do this on highways that are just too busy and necessary to be closed, it's a lot safer to work when there's no traffic. I'm pretty sure that's the only sort of construction ever allowed at night due to noise concerns and people sleeping.
    I have gained and lost a lot of weight in the past decade, but I gained something very important: faith in my value, which I no longer make dependent on the size of my body. It's been through too much already. I don’t have an “ideal” body. And I've finally learned that I don’t have to apologize for it.
    Body image acceptance is important. I never ever told my daughter anything about her weight. I want her to feel comfortable with who she is. She decided what she wanted to wear. I never pushed dresses on her. I never told her that she had to wear makeup. So she went transgender, and now she is comfortable how she is.
    Nah, I think we all should shoot steroids and become muscle machines that weigh half a ton of pure unadulterated strength. Then we can start a metal band and all die at age 27.
    I’ve packed up everything in my bedroom that produces light so I can move it to the new house, and I’m now realizing how profoundly afraid of the dark I actually am. I’m scared.
    What if I supplied you with a mirror ball and a strobe light?
    That might temporarily solve the problem by making me unable to sleep lol
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    You do have seven large dogs, I don't think you need to be scared of anything. :)
    For obvious privacy reasons, I can’t post an actual picture of the exterior of my new house, but it somewhat resembles this
    That's not the actual house, not even from the same site, but it generally looks a lot like that and is also gray and white. I can post pics of the interior but I don't really feel comfortable showing a picture of where I actually live. Especially considering that I have been harassed on other sites and there's no way to prevent people from lurking on here without an account.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    You already shared enougth so we can get an idea. Security first.
    Congrats on finally getting to the house. Moves are such a pain.
    Sorry. I think the stress of moving is getting to me. As I was told, moving is the third most stressful life event, only behind losing a loved one, and getting a divorce. I have already moved several times and lived in four different states. This is a true test for my mental wellbeing.
    I’m considering taking a long break from here. It seems like everything I’ve posted lately has been a land mine and lots of people have gotten upset. I feel both overwhelming guilt and anxiety about posting anymore. I’m also probably not very well-liked at the moment. It would suck if I had to leave but I want to be in a place where I’m comfortable and I don’t make others uncomfortable.
    Thanks everyone. Sometimes I worry that I have crossed too much of a boundary by bringing up difficult topics. But I recognize that my experience is different from some others here, as is everyone else’s. We are all individuals and sometimes we have differences. I just need to work on not thinking everything is my fault.
    Hey Luca--You can be as nice as pie to people & they might still get bent out of joint. Please stick around.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    I also appreciate you. I like your posts and threads.
    I've learned that being true to myself and improving my life means I have to keep my circles smaller and say goodbye to a lot of friends. But there's no point in continuing friendships with toxic people who liked it better when I wasn't doing well. They liked it that way because insulting me all the time and me not standing up for myself made them feel powerful. Those aren't friends. I'm not wasting my time anymore.
    My stomach has been so upset all day. I do have gastrointestinal issues and they do flare up a lot but today has been extra bad. My stomach feels huge and I can't stop going to the bathroom. Probably because I ate a hotdog and had coffee from a convenience store at 4am yesterday because Dunkin Donuts wasn't open yet. I'm doing a lot better lately overall but sometimes I'm still reminded of Murphy's Law.
    I also have GI issues, i am trying to go Gluten free to try if it will make a difference. I noticed that eating pastries and bread trigger my issues.
    There are actually some really good gluten-free pastries! People always expect them to taste awful but a lot of them don't. Gluten doesn't seem to be the culprit for my GI issues, but I do get some really good gluten-free cookies at the local supermarket just because they're good.
    Yep, they are delicious!
    Enzo is going to be fine!!! Thank God…

    Animals, people too, for that matter consume non-edibile items because of a behavioural compulsion known as pica.

    Certain dog breeds can be more prone to behaviour, labs are notorious for it. But sometimes, dogs just get too busy chewing on a toy and it breaks. It is already in their mouth, so they do what comes naturally and swallow.
    Yaya. So happy.
    Just read this, I'm so happy it's going to be alright.
    Just letting everyone know that I just had an emergency with Enzo and the odds might not be very good. So if I permanently disappear from here, that’s why. Losing him would be the worst thing that’s ever happened to me and I will be totally unable to cope and I would just end it all. I can’t lose him, he is the best thing that’s ever happened in my life. I will update later if the news is good but I don’t know yet.
    I still feel awful and I want to cry because I keep getting sent home from the hospital and being treated like I’m crying wolf. I really don’t think my chronic illness is the culprit behind every single symptom :( A few people have suggested going for an MRI and doing a cancer screening so I think I will ask about that. Something definitely isn’t right. A person this active and healthy shouldn’t be so tired.
    Sometimes it's healthy to let out the emotions rather than letting them be bottled up. So go ahead and cry. Tomorrow the sun rises and brings us a new day.
    When she was still a teenager my sister complained and complained until in the end they cut her open just to shut her up. 9 cysts on her ovaries, then they told her that she'd never be able to have children which also turned out to not be true. Don't give in, keep pushing.
    Sorry for not replying to any messages or anything today. I’m suddenly not feeling well at all and I think I’m going to go to the ER. I’m experiencing extreme fatigue that’s bad enough that I couldn’t work today, and a complete loss of appetite. I will update later.
    Oh dear! That doesn't sound good at all! I really hope everything will be ok! All the best and keep us posted!
    I’m really tired of them never finding anything :( I obviously do have a chronic illness but I don’t think that’s the reason for literally everything :/
    I've been there too and know how frustrating it can be. Occasionally they find something and it's like pulling teeth to get to that point. It's hard felling sick and rubbish but the tests don't seem to reveal anything. It's upsetting because (for me at least) when they don't find anything it feels like they think I'm making it up :-( Then it gets blamed on depression :-(
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