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  • Sorry I don't get to catch up with everyone on here much anymore! You all still are cool. I'm just swamped.? Love y'all
    Mr. Stevens
    Mr. Stevens
    I hope you're doing well, Gerontius. I sometimes think of your bike riding and typewriters.
    Living life to your best. What's not to like. My guy is moving in one month, just daily things will cut my time here too.
    My cat is meowing at outdoor cats she can see through the windows. Last time she escaped and joined them she came back home disgusting and covered in fleas. Not this time.
    I feel like I have to say this, she's not supposed to have a long tail because she's a Manx cat and happens to have the characteristic bunny tail that is common for the breed. Some are longies but she's more of a rumpie/stubbie Manx
    If she can't have beans & rice, I hope
    she gets a little sweet potato or squash.
    I'm a total pushover when it comes to my cat! If I'm eating something that I know is safe for him to eat, he always gets a little bite :)
    Listening to my "new" CD of the remake soundtrack for The Producers (2005). Very funny, and a genuinely delightful performance by people having fun.
    @Forest Cat it's pretty funny! I like how Leo and Max end up winning in spite of themselves; it's just Dumb in a smart way. And I enjoy the love-letter to classic musicals that it is. Mel Brooks had a whimsical sense of humor.
    The 2005 recording is pretty good, but I'd be ok with a copy of the original one too. I'm not picky about music like people think I might be. It's actually pretty great having a CD player now too, don't have to crank it up or change needles, no 78 to flip over or wax cylinders to drop on the floor, no spring to break or horn to bump into. And used CDs are cheaper than old records.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    i first saw it when I was channel surfing and clicked on it when Springtime for Hitler was on. I could not believe it and happily found it was a parody.
    Mozart on radio, 1934 Parker Vacumatic in hand, tabby cat dozing on writing surface, ink on paper, lamp turned down low - if I don't start doing this more instead of being miserable and slacking, I will miss out on true pleasure in life.
    Sitting up tonight listening to the WSM broadcasts on 650 kilocycles--quiet and relaxed, as I like it.
    One of these days I want to have a house of my own where I can listen to music late at night without risk of upsetting people with the noise.
    The people on this web site are some of the nicer folks I've met on line. Congratulations all of you. Thanks for everything.
    Misty Avich
    I think he/she just wondered what it had to do with the message. I thought at first he/she was being sarcastic or something and I took it literally or something, which would have been embarrassing. But on text I'll take most things literally if it's not accompanied with an emoticon or something.
    Misty Avich
    Not saying he/she was sarcastic by the way, I'm just saying I thought they were when I saw Tree's reply.
    Spring cleaning is actually getting somewhere around here! Yes I'm a very messy person. But this feels great; I can be messy while actually making things cleaner.
    On Reddit there's a sub all about cleaning and organizing. I like reading it. Maybe y'all might find it a bit of help too.
    Can't put the name here even if I censor it as it's rude. Reddit seems to be weird about naming things like that on purpose. However I have to say today went well, for once, fixing my living conditions. I'm doing it a day at a time instead of the usual method of overwhelming myself doing all at once.
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