Numerous times I've gone to have my massage and felt like a big bag of knots. Often times there are painful moments. But this whole session was very painful. I've been so stressed out lately that my muscles feel extremely tender. It was like someone pushing down hard on bruises.
It was definitely needed, and I never understood the people I overheard there saying to avoid certain parts of the body because they were sore. Maybe they fear it'll make things worse. Truth is, I'm glad I gritted my teeth and let her go all out. I was confused at the time when I got out, then realised she'd done an extra 20 minutes in the massage. A very kind gesture.
Today the masseuse spent at least 30 mins putting her whole body weight into me, using her forearms, and sometimes all her weight went through an elbow and focused on a point for 5-10 seconds. She also walked on my back for the first time in months. I remember her doing that in the early days when things needed quite big adjustments.
I also noticed her and using new stretches and techniques. She dislodged 4 colossol knots in my back and shoulders. Once again making my hands and forearms tingle. I hurt my back earlier in the week and thankfully this has gone a long way to fixing it.
My whole body felt utterly exhausted. So I figured lets double the amount of massages each month and go back to a massage every 2 weeks. I'm also back to doing 1-to-1 yoga lessons once a week too. Still can't afford therapy for the forseeable. Plus, all this self-care slows down van progress. But we can't have it all.
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It was definitely needed, and I never understood the people I overheard there saying to avoid certain parts of the body because they were sore. Maybe they fear it'll make things worse. Truth is, I'm glad I gritted my teeth and let her go all out. I was confused at the time when I got out, then realised she'd done an extra 20 minutes in the massage. A very kind gesture.
Today the masseuse spent at least 30 mins putting her whole body weight into me, using her forearms, and sometimes all her weight went through an elbow and focused on a point for 5-10 seconds. She also walked on my back for the first time in months. I remember her doing that in the early days when things needed quite big adjustments.
I also noticed her and using new stretches and techniques. She dislodged 4 colossol knots in my back and shoulders. Once again making my hands and forearms tingle. I hurt my back earlier in the week and thankfully this has gone a long way to fixing it.
My whole body felt utterly exhausted. So I figured lets double the amount of massages each month and go back to a massage every 2 weeks. I'm also back to doing 1-to-1 yoga lessons once a week too. Still can't afford therapy for the forseeable. Plus, all this self-care slows down van progress. But we can't have it all.
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