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  • I'm Not An Artist.
    Do not feed into the lies of the mind. No one and nothing can stop you from trying, other than yourself. I draw on occasion. You'll see my profile...
    • Xinyta
  • Lost
    It's difficult when you're caught between wanting to improve - which means self analysis, and wanting to let go - which means no analysing of...
    • blue_bird
  • a question
    The media definitely affects the way we think. I think you are not over thinking. For me, the internet is a blessing since i can communicate...
    • AprilR
  • a question
    I guess it does make one think right now: "Are my values/inclinations my very own, or has social media/other media prompted me to think that way?"...
    • blue_bird
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    I am quite old, so when i was a child we did not have smartphone, or even analog computers. I spent days reading books and creating stories inside...
    • AprilR

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Blog entries
1 min read
Once upon a time a giant potato went on the rampage eating up any person who got in it's way. The potato brought terror to London. This mad vegetable once burst into a school playground gobbling up 20 children. Terrified out of their lives the remaining children rushed into the...
Spinning Compass
2 min read
There is a scene in the first "Smokey and the Bandit" movie where Burt Reynolds (Bandit) and Sally Fields (Frog) are strolling in a woods having a conversation while taking a break from evading Sheriff Justice. She is from New York City and is a wanna-be chorus line dancer. He, of course, is a...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
Ok, I have to admit it, I was seduced by a radio ad. I should have known better. The ad was for the movie "Seven Days in Utopia" and it made it sound so interesting that I went out and bought the movie. Somebody is laughing all the way to the bank and it isn't me. It isn't all bad. It...
I was at Wal-Mart the other day looking through the discount DVD bin when I came across an old favorite of mine, "Smokey and the Bandit." Actually, it was all seven "Smokey and the Bandit" movies. So of course I had to get it because I had only heard of the first two. I have to admit, they...
The other day I had to do quite a bit of rework on a project because I "forgot" a step. Actually, what happened, is that they changed the procedure and this particular step somehow wasn't communicated to me at the time. It's not the first time with this particular person. I was beginning to...
Spinning Compass
2 min read
Gomendosi's blog, "Working Twice As Hard to Be Seen as Half Normal" really hit home with me. I feel like that a lot, especially because "officially" I am "normal". That I do manage to pull it off as well as I do is due to the constant self-monitoring and self-discipline that I must do. Along...
3 min read
Well, hello again, your back I see, that last things I wrote were a little bit much huh... well get used to it cause I get confused a lot! ; ] The thing I find intolerable is that I have to actually work harder than most people and you guys will get this I?m sure; I have to censure myself as...
2 min read
MAY CONTAIN NUTS... AND SWEARING! ARRRRRGH, this ****ing computer, I usualy take ages to think out what I am writing because as I am so easily misunderstood I have to choose my words carefully and this computer has a problem where it locks up all the time and then I have to reset and I...
3 min read
I thought I would have a crack at making a blog as I figure that I have been trying to do everything else lately. Well since I got my latest job as a salesman I feel I have been less myself and more of this guy who isn't really anything I ever want to be, he's like some computers idea of what...
4 min read
Other Disorders
In my last blog I wrote a bit about a letter I got from the employment agency and how their specialist deemed me "fit for any job". I also wrote I filed a complaint because I, as well as my own therapist (as opposed to their therapist) thinks I rather have to sort my stuff out before I end up in...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
There's a passage from Matthew's Gospel which we read last Sunday that's been bugging me. Right after Jesus sent out his disciples with instructions to preach the Good News to his fellow Jews and ignore the Gentiles and Samaritans for now, he tells them that anyone who rejects them rejects him...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
I hear now that Lowe's (a home improvement store) is taking quite a bit of heat because they bowed to a Florida-based "Christian family values" group and cancelled their ads on the show "American Muslim." So naturally, others are calling for a boycott of the chain. Now, I don't own a TV so I...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
It is rather eerie at times how Pastor's mind runs along similar thoughts as mine, but where we diverge is that he stops short and I keep on going. Sunday's sermon was no exception. In my last blog I wrote about the frustration of having only words to offer, when Christianity promises so...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
Today at work we had our annual end of the year meeting in which we hear about how well (or how poorly) the company is doing. The last few years haven't been so good but things are improving. One of the features I like best about this meeting is when we hear about drugs we have worked on...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
Sunday Pastor was talking about the difference between pity, condescension, and compassion, taking as his text the part in Matthew where it said Jesus had compassion on the crowd because they were like sheep without a shepherd. According to the Greek, he said, what it really said was that he...
Spinning Compass
2 min read
The other day I was having a conversation with one of the members of my church on how people see their lives when things are not going well. The example he gave was how a person might feel cursed by God if they had a disease. But of course we know that isn't true, he said. I said, "I have...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
Well, it finally happened. I have been removed from the position I was cross-training in, as apparently there have been more mistakes found. The hell of it is they don't know for sure who made those mistakes or when but apparently there have been a lot cropping up since I started training in...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
So today Pastor read a little bit from the Gospel of Matthew, about two blind men being healed and then a man who was both mute and demon-possessed (or oppressed, don't ask me the difference). And this is the part I really, really cannot accept. He, of course, accepts that the spiritual...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
Last Sunday Pastor announced that we would be taking a break from Acts and delving into the Book of Matthew instead. Now, maybe it's because I grew up in a liturgical church, but I have always liked how the Gospels fit into the liturgical year (although it seems to me that Ascension and...
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