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True or False

False, unless rafts count as boats. I have sailed on boats and ships. But I was not at the helm.

You like it when freight trains pass by in the night while you are sleeping.
I'm going to guess false. I've never lived or stayed anywhere that's close to train tracks but something tells me I'd hate being woken up by trains in the middle of the night, haha

You have had dial up internet in the past.
True lol, I remember it very clearly, and what the computer looked like!

I actually live near a train station and can hear trains at night

You have more than 30 people in your extended family (that you know.)
Kind of true? I’m very emotional but it’s not usually negative emotions, other than sadness.

You enjoy horseback riding.
False. It’s very hard for me to cry. But I sure would like to. I’ve got a lot inside me that needs to come out.

Words can make you laugh.
I take this to mean like just a word by itself with no context? In that case false

You text instead of calling whenever possible.
True. I don't eat meats and I don't eat cheese other than rare occasions due to mild lactose intolerance.

You prefer to eat your fries without ketchup.

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