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Well-Known Member
I wanted to start this thread to check in with everyone. I love y’all and I wanted to see what’s going on in peoples life’s.

This is my second week volunteering, and I am having a wonderful time. I forgot how much I love thrift stores since working there. I am able to get free things from working there and they always have amazing bread for people to take home. I am getting acquainted with everyone and learning more about the people I work with.

I recently told one of the works that I have autism. She actually suspected that I had autism because she has a 16 year old granddaughter who also has autism. It made me feel better because she understands and knows the whole process. It made me feel better and not so worried. Hope everyone is doing great!
I just finished a 15 hour measurement session for my Master in Science studies, so I'm pretty tired, but on the other hand, I got some very promising results which make me feel quite elated. The 15 hours were well worth it for this.
I’m doing well compared to one year ago, but so easily worn out and still quite confused by the world. Taking things one day and one breath at a time.
I'm blessed to have what I have. I have a place to live, I have a job, I have food and a place to take a shower and keep my belongings. Everyday has it's difficulties, but I always seem to get through it. I'm still having trouble at work but things are getting better. When I have a problem I address the source and if that doesn't work I go to my manager, and if it gets to be too much I walk away until I can get my bearings. I don't really have time or the brain power right now to get into details because I should have gone to bed a long time ago but instead I'm on here. No offense I just really have to go to sleep but I don't want to.
My daughter has her ceremony for surviving and graduating from the uni. Tomorrow l think l am going with cat lady to look at company that may help with her badly needed carport repair by giving her estimate.
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I'm throwing up in a hotel toilet right now, without having touched booze. It's the anxiety and the loneliness.

I'm not sure about going into detail but I'm in a town where actually speaking my mind is going to get me ostracized from my family. My brother graduates from a very conservative college soon and I spent the whole evening trying to talk my girlfriend out of being sad about her upbringing which has left her pretty badly scarred by the same ideologies that my parents were seeing on the speaker's rostrum at graduation gala stuff.

They come home excited. I'm silent and trying to be polite, affable. Everyone goes to bed and the urge to go take a little walkabout turns into the unmistakable need to go be sick. So I do. I make it to the toilet in time. Ghastly prie-dieu of anguish. St Thomas Crapper ora pro nobis.

How to address unspeakable loneliness like this where I can't even speak to my parents about anything?
I don't even want to be here and tomorrow my brother and his fiancee graduate. Have to go sit in a fancy gymnasium listening to speech after speech detailing how anyone "not like us" is what is wrong with absolutely everything there is.
Things not so good here.
The man I live with was undergoing chemo and radiation for stage 4 lung cancer,
then Monday night he had a cascade of multiple strokes.
He's been in the hospital all week and being put into a specialized rehab hospital in the morning.

Living here alone with everything in a tumble because we were in the process of moving, is not fun.
I have mobility issues and shouldn't be staying alone, but don't know what to do.
He has so much against him. He tells me he's going to make it.
I'm not so confident. Too much against him.
I'll see if I can get into a safe place under respite care this week.
I’m a bit emotional, my ex’ therapist in rehab has asked me to write a letter detailing the ways in which he’s caused me pain and damage. The call opened the floodgates to a lot of unpleasant memories. Can’t wait to get the writing over with.

Other than that, I’m going to visit my grandma today. She’s awesome.
I wanted to start this thread to check in with everyone. I love y’all and I wanted to see what’s going on in peoples life’s.

This is my second week volunteering, and I am having a wonderful time. I forgot how much I love thrift stores since working there. I am able to get free things from working there and they always have amazing bread for people to take home. I am getting acquainted with everyone and learning more about the people I work with.

I recently told one of the works that I have autism. She actually suspected that I had autism because she has a 16 year old granddaughter who also has autism. It made me feel better because she understands and knows the whole process. It made me feel better and not so worried. Hope everyone is doing great!
So glad to hear you're having a great time, and how wonderful that there's someone there who understands!

As for myself, I'm happy! While many things that are negative are going on, I'm finally able to get proper guidance for my Asperger's. Got a letter in the mail yesterday and it's an invitation to a number of (online but with in-person alternatives) lectures on how to enter adulthood and navigate adulthood as an autistic young adult :D
I'm fairly certain it's directed towards the newly diagnosed people but it doesn't outright say it on the paper.

It includes things like an introduction to the ASD diagnosis and what it means, as well as advice on how to have a good day-to-day life and what places can help with the specific problems you have. I can read lots and lots online, but to able to get information specific to my country and area is a huge relief.

Hope all keeps going well for you and your volunteering!
my ex’ therapist in rehab has asked me to write a letter detailing the ways in which he’s caused me pain and damage.
This feels like a big ask from the therapist. How intrusive for you to be asked to relive that for an ex partner in rehab. It seems much more appropriate for your therapist to ask such a thing and then be there to help you process everything.

Things have been tough and not quite as easy or according to plan as I would like but i am trying to enjoy my vacation. I have 10 days left.
I was extremely depressed last night and felt very empty. But, I stopped to think about what I was feeling, and feel much better this morning. Almost like a different person.
I am on my way to scan a lot of personal stuff so I can get more digital and towards minimalism. I did with my photo albums and now I am doing it with a very personal Notebook where I wrote when I was a teenager.

I am avoiding to read it, but its there calling for me. I think I owe my younger self to read that Notebook and accept the way I was, the limitations I had, the pain I felt, the project of human being I was...

That pool of solid writen loneliness is there looking at me.

I have planned to start doing that, and also painting my dragon. Lets see what I end doing...
I am on my way to scan a lot of personal stuff so I can get more digital and towards minimalism. I did with my photo albums and now I am doing it with a very personal Notebook where I wrote when I was a teenager.

I am avoiding to read it, but its there calling for me. I think I owe my younger self to read that Notebook and accept the way I was, the limitations I had, the pain I felt, the project of human being I was...

That pool of solid writen loneliness is there looking at me.

I have planned to start doing that, and also painting my dragon. Lets see what I end doing...

A few years ago my brother digitized some old home movies from VHS tapes. That definitely opened some old wounds. I can't say if watching them (just some) was good or bad, but it was a very unique experience. It's very strange to visit the past in such a way.
I'm doing fine but also a bit annoyed because it turns out I left multiple things I bought at the store and so tomorrow I'll need to go back to the store to tell them I left this stuff so I can either get replacements or my money back. And also a thing I bought on clearance was scanned for the full price so I need to go the store and have them give me the difference in the scanned price and the clearance price.
This feels like a big ask from the therapist. How intrusive for you to be asked to relive that for an ex partner in rehab. It seems much more appropriate for your therapist to ask such a thing and then be there to help you process everything.

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Yeah, you are absolutely correct. I did finish the letter yesterday, now I just hope the nightmares will stop.

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