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  1. H

    Stressed and Burnt Out

    I’m so tired, all the time. I genuinely feel like my obsessive tendencies have ruined my mental health, potentially beyond repair. I just keep repeating the same things over and over again in my mind and it’s happening almost daily, I just can’t take this anymore. At first I was mainly...
  2. F

    false diagnosis? backstory. how to proceed? and psychosis

    i had a relatively recent experience that i've been denied having asperger syndrome, they said that it is very unlikely that i have this disorder (it was a doctor for this disorder, meaning the highest professional), but now my psychologist looks at the data (which is a diagnosis for aspergers)...
  3. Arsinoe

    Driving lessons torture

    Hi to everyone :) So I've suspected for years that I'm on the spectrum, I have no official diagnosis yet, I just know that I ''click'' on all those autistic trait boxes and every year that passes, it becomes more and more noticable in my daily life..especially as I get more responsibilities and...
  4. autism-and-autotune

    This weekend is my last at my retail job...

    ...because I applied and got accepted for a new job all by myself! It's been a tumultuous month; sorry I've been gone for so long. In my retail job, I couldn't stand only relying on one or two days per week of working due to my 'limited hours.' It seriously wasn't an issue over the spring and...
  5. Mr Alligator

    Anxiety at the start of annual leave

    It sucks. Break up from work for two weeks. Already anxious about all the work I’ll come back to (Helpdesk tickets assigned to me whilst on leave, various emails from various people, tasks that are outstanding on my projects, etc). Urgh. Considered cancelling some of the leave, but I...
  6. Georgia Galaxy

    Frustration & Anger

    I felt a LOT of anger earlier today, especially when I was doing chores. I felt very 'teenage angsty' and disappointed my family. It's EXTREMELY unusual for me to be that angry. Suddenly though, I realise one thing I'm frustrated about - I still don't have a job yet. I also get annoyed at...
  7. F

    Feeling burnout, regret, and helplessness when dealing with my studies

    Hello, I'm somewhat new here. I have visited this forum before, but have only read other people's threads and have never made my own account, but decided to make one to create this thread, so here we go. This may be somewhat of a lengthier story, but I think it's necessary to know the context...
  8. Angie97797

    I’m lost.

    I’ve been diagnosed autistic since I was 9. So It’s sad that there is still so much I don’t know about it. So I joined this forum in the hopes that I might learn about it. My parents aren’t really accepting of it. They know I’m diagnosed, but they still won’t educate themselves on it, or...
  9. GrownupGirl

    Do any adults actually LIKE the holidays?

    It seems like all adults, both NT and ND, just absolutely loathe the holidays and see it as nothing but a bunch of torturous rituals that they, for some reason, put themselves through every year. My parents seem to like Christmas, though. Especially my mother. It was hard trying to get her to...
  10. Aspychata

    Winter Wonderland - NOT

    Snow bells are ringing As my brain is fleeing Eggnog is deleting My tension and seething What a beautiful nite for a good family fight In this winter wonderland Try not to mock my scrawny xmas tree The angel resting at top is gender-free While credit card bills leave me popping pills In my...
  11. Binary_Bark

    Work, moving around = Stress & anxiety

    This morning the owner of the company, C, came into the office. Seems to me some kind of issue, not much I can make out of what’s going on. First time that C has been to our offices since we moved to this new building S was showing him around this morning, nice and early. When it came to the...
  12. Anaaewp

    Medicine don't work on me the way they are supposed to

    Hi, I was diagnosed with high functioning autism recently at 28 years old, and throughout my life I've been to neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists that have tried to treat me for anxiety, social-phobia and depression, to no avail. Usually, when they try to medicate me, I end up with...
  13. M

    Possible Cause and Cure for Emotional Problems in Autism

    Many autistic people think no one likes them because they're different which can cause a bunch of emotional problems. Limited social interaction may cause you to misunderstand situations and misinterpret people's motives. Emotional reasoning and other cognitive distortions are common so it can...
  14. M

    Alexithymia (trouble identifying and describing emotions)

    WHAT IS ALEXITHYMIA? Alexithymia refers to trouble identifying and describing emotions. Most people learn about emotions from their parents. If your parents did not teach you about emotions or adequately respond to your emotional distress when you were a child, you may have trouble understanding...
  15. M

    Autism recovery story

    Bruno Bettelheim, a psychoanalyst who studied autistic children, wrote in his book "The Empty Fortress" in 1967 that children with classic autism displayed symptoms consistent with parental rejection and claimed he helped them recover from autism through purely psychological intervention. He...
  16. Jorg

    Worried about college test, professor makes it about memorization not learning

    I'm worried, I have a final test in 6h and I need a high score to pass the course. I study electronic engineering and this class is about electric communications: AM, FM modulation, digital modulation, etc. And even the whole class is like not sure abou it. In all my years studying here I have...
  17. Dorkasour

    My sister and her aspie love

    I've been going through immense amounts of stress and really wanted to reach out to you guys for support. My sister used to post on this website all the time for support as she was in love with someone who is has autism. He was her professor through college and she fell deeply in love with him...
  18. china autie

    Taking responsibility for work mistakes and responding to criticism-- help!

    TL/DR: What do you say when confronted at work when you've made the same mistake a few times in a row? ...without blaming stress or circumstances? ...without crying in front of the boss over life? ----- I made a mistake at work. I missed something thst I clearly should have seen but did not...
  19. Joshua the Writer

    Am I Going Through an Identity Crisis?

    I don't understand myself as well as I thought I did. I don't think I know myself as well as I thought I did. I thought I knew everything about myself and I thought I understood myself entirely, but, now I feel like that is not the case anymore. It might be related to being young, but, I am not...
  20. No Strings Attached

    Need to decompress

    So basically, a few days ago, a friend of mine did something which really messed me up, and he involved my other friends, and so on and so forth. The point being that after the entire thing passed, I still think about it, even though everyone else had moved on. All this thinking has led to an...
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