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  • Finding pleasure in the simple, durable craftsmanship of old-fashioned single edge razors and the patient skill required to use one on one's head.
    I use electric clippers for the folically challenged noggin. Never tried a blade before without someone else doing the work.
    Went through some big-time family drama/trauma last week. Just starting to feel almost normal again.
    Finding resilience is a mighty powerful and important thing. Glad to hear normalcy is within reach for you.
    Our puppy is adorable, inquisitive, energetic, smart, and completely normal. I was just knocked off my feet by the normal demands of taking care of her. "Puppy Blues" + Anxiety = Crisis.
    My youngest really tested my stress limits when she was a puppy. She's still kind of wild, but thankfully the puppy phase doesn't last forever.
    Sometimes no different than a child, who becomes dependent upon you in some of the most profound ways.
    We've had two other dogs long-term, but they weren't this young when we got them.
    I thought that my G.A.D. was under control, but this situation really has it frequently triggered.
    Puppies are insane bite-monsters.
    My kittens are going through an adolescent stage of.....peeing on things.
    One has been to vet for his Attitude Adjustment.
    The other hasn't yet.
    Reminds me of how my Yorkies as pups like to teethe on any furniture that had protrusions of any kind! :oops:
    We got our new puppy. But I forgot how demanding a new puppy is and now I'm having anxiety attacks. I had been doing so well, but now I'm back to anxiety.
    You're absolutely right, @Rodafina. My anxiety took over and I fell deeply into catastrophizing. God, it's scary how easily that happens
    We've got a good family plan to take care of the puppy (who is incredibly adorable and smart, btw).
    Thanks for talking sense to me.
    I've been worried about you! Puppies are certainly very intense. So happy to hear that you have a plan and that you are feeling better. I only said what I did because I have been there, too. I understand how you were feeling. Just glad to know that things are improving.
    When they were getting a new puppy,
    I remember my sister-in-law telling her 8 yr old daughter that the word puppy was
    spelled with 3 of the letter 'P.' One for poop, one for pee, and one for puke.
    It feels as though the world has gone mad. My kids are away at school and I am so afraid for them. I can't keep them safe anymore.
    Exactly, why do they have to worry? It's not right.
    Every single time I walk my dog, I feel that there is a possibility that the entire neighborhood is watching to see whether I pick up after him.
    So tired of explaining, defending, and proving.
    It gets tiring, I know...makes ya wanna hire a skywriter, huh? You'll find the strength to keep at 'er. Do your best to stay chipper! :cool:
    Skywriter to say f-off idiots. Lol
    I don't think that I will be able to obtain an official diagnosis. Making peace with that.
    Every place except for one thinks I'm too old to even be considered for diagnosis. The remaining place says that I likely won't be able to get a diagnosis since there are no surviving witnesses to my early childhood development.
    I empathize. The powers-that-be think we're somehow 'cured' because we're adults and "functioning nominally". Heck, I don't want special help or more handouts...I wanna be counted. I have a right to know, we all do!
    More and more, I come to believe in the importance of humility. It is a lesson I continue to struggle with.
    I feel compelled to share my opinions, but then immediately fall into extreme fear of people hating me because of my opinions or because of how I expressed them.
    I don't mind them dude, you be you

    I mean

    Who else can you be?

    Also, remember you're not responsible for other people emotions
    Most of us are here to share our opinions and read those of others. We are mostly imperfect in how we do it and there is always room for repairs. Just a gathering of curious humans.
    From what l gather being here, communicating isn't exactly a strong point for a lot of us. I am better at writing, but l need to police myself if l am tired, or mask so that l don't blurt out something horribly insensitive just because l am struggling IRL.
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