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  • Already posted a thread but, i am hoping to find a video subtitles translation extension for Chrome. I would be extremely grateful if you have any recs
    I am so tired after the weekend i spent with my friend. I really want to take some days off from work but another coworker will also be on paid leave this week
    Misty Avich
    I understand that. I wish we got more holiday pay, or legally couldn't work more than 4 days a week but got paid for the standard 5-6 day week lol
    I keep crying when people show that they like me. I really don't feel like i deserve it.
    From what I've seen of you, here, on the forum, I think you absolutely do deserve it! You are such a kind, warm person.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    We all as human beings deserve acceptance and kindness. When somebody appreciates you for who you are and likes you, accept it and enjoy the connection. I feel that in our lives we are atomized . . . little motes rarely interacting with each other that we should appreciate what connections we can have. After all, in this vast cosmos, all we have is each other.
    The quality of mercy is not strained,
    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
    Upon the one that gives and one that taketh...
    I am ashamed of myself being a burden to my parents. I am ashamed that i am pretending to be normal when people can clearly sense i am not
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I feel so much the same but with my grandparents instead of parents.
    I wish i did not have to be reliant on my Mother and there were autism support groups where i live. I don't feel good about her atm and i feel really unsafe and vulnerable without anyone to talk to
    I may need to see a doctor after i return from vacation and i am very scared of doctors.
    I will aim to create a meaningful life even if nobody notices
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I've been there. As a lonely young adult I had to look to myself for meaning. I found that I actually liked myself. That acceptance led to positive change.
    I think i like myself when i am alone but with others i am constantly masking and getting away from who i really am.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I know that I must have masked around others, but in social settings I was always quiet and withdrawn, unsure of myself (until much later in life). Yet, my impulse was to bend towards being kind and I would help out. where I could. The hardest lesson for me was learning that being a good person does not allow others to take advantage of you.
    People keep asking me "aren't you lonely being an only child?" I don't understand the question. It makes me uncomfortable since talking about loneliness is depressing and a social taboo so why do people talk about it easily?
    When i was a child a classmate once asked " you really don't have any friends?" to me repeatedly. I was very uncomfortable and did not understand whether she did not understand if it made me uncomfortable. Years later i understood that she prob. KNEW AND DID NOT CARE THAT IT MADE ME UNCOMFORTABLE. It blew my mind lmao, i was too naive as a child
    Why do you have to share every single thing you do on instagram to be considered normal?
    Sounds boring to watch that. Maybe abnormal is preferable in this situation.
    Unfortunately seeking external validation is now considered normal. Unless you are getting attention via social media, you are not getting any forms of attention and acceptance. The family/community structure which provided support and or validation is practically obsolete.
    At this point i am sharing photos i don't feel like sharing just to seem "valid" its honestly such a toxic culture
    One of those days. I don't have a place i belong anywhere. Life is really unfair, someone else should have been born in my place
    Whatever your circumstances, please look towards a positive journey, do you need an ear to listen?
    Thanks. I just have difficulties at work bc of my autism and i can't see my future. I am scared of the future
    I hate my coworkers. They are bigoted, lazy and cruel. I can't forgive them.
    People who excuse the crimes of others are unforgivable
    I wanted to be friends with them. I cant believe my own naivete
    I don't like pretending to be like my bigoted, thoughtless and cruel coworkers. I feel ashamed of myself when i am with them sometimes
    What form does pretending to be like them take?
    What do you do in order to seem to be like them?

    Do you try to be bigoted, thoughtless & cruel?
    Or is it that you do not object when they are?
    Or what?
    I don't object and speak up when they say bigoted things and act cruel. It makes me feel dirty and disgusting when i "laugh off" things that are unacceptable.

    I don't want to be an outcast but i don't like them.
    Yes, that would be such a bad feeling, being around people
    saying mean things, but not wanting to draw attention to
    oneself for not agreeing.
    I can't afford to be myself bc i can't afford to be hated. To survive in this world i had to act all the time and it is how i will survive in thr future also.
    So tired and overworked. I don't have any time to rest
    I wish i had someone who cared about me irl. I am trying not to expect much from life
    I am so tired i could sleep for several days
    My therapist said i don't have to go to the summer house if i don't want to this weekend
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