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The potato bazooka

I have two friends who used to be a couple, who were friends of my ex and I when we were a couple too. We don’t live in the same country anymore, but when I learned that they separated more or less at the time than we did, I contacted them (separately).

What she said about their separation was very similar to what I have said about my ex husband. She felt she was not having emotional support and she needed it.

What he said, on the other hand, was interesting: “She has a boyfriend now, but in spite of her being a published author, this new guy only reads comics”. He was puzzled.

I think my ex would say something similar about me and my boyfriend (if he new about him): “Despite of her being a minimalist, she’s dating a guy whose house is a huge mess of things piled on top of the other. I am puzzled”.

To tell you the truth, I’m kind of puzzled too about my relationship with him. One thing is clear to me now: it would be a nightmare for us to live together. Does he do that on purpose to scare women away? Nope. His parents are the same (we went to their house) with the exception that they have very few possessions for the space they live in and he has lots.

Going to his house, for me, it’s like going to a museum. I have to control myself in order to not stare at things too much, to not ask too many questions about his stuff (I limit myself to one per day, although when he learned about my rule, he laughed and said I could ask three) or say out loud how I would organize everything (that’s tough).

Yesterday I asked him: “What’s that thing hanging over there?” “A camera for when I’m climbing”. All right. “And what’s that?” “Oh, that’s a potato bazooka”, he answered, as if he was talking about a regular blender.

“A what?!”, I said while laughing. “A potato bazooka. You can throw away potatoes, or anything else with that”, he says.

“Hahahaha!!!” I laughed hard, but I regained composure fast. “So, what, you were walking in Walmart, and thought, “I want to buy a potato bazooka?”

“Oh no”, he replied, “you have to build it”.

I look at him in silence, and suddenly burst in laughter again. “What?!”

“Yes, look”. He obviously was impressed that I was laughing so much. He searched on Google and showed me this video. I share it here because I feel compelled to pass on the knowledge. Enjoy!


The kid in me says a potato bazooka is really cool.

The conservative adult says it's a really dangerous probably illegal weapon where I live.

I'd love to build one of those if I wasn't living in a small villa complex.

I could hardly imagine trying that out at home without someone calling the cops!

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