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Love and Acceptance is something i cherish. Always. Now it's a different story. I've had two relationships in my life, one of them being rather intense while the other was more different. My first relationship, i met her online.. Things were going well, and we were both hooked on each other, the second was a different story, i knew her from highschool and my childhood. But, each time i felt like something was wrong. I told them about my "Asperger's" most response's were fine, but slowly behind my back. Something was brewing. My partner's at the time. In my eyes. Felt like they were dating a retard, and the problem was they couldn't understand me. I had flaws, flaws which now i have been working on, and fixing. I tired so hard... We'd sit outside and talk. And i would apologize over and over. "I'll work on it, i am trying it's gonna take time." "Sure..." It hurt me, even now. I can only dream about having that acceptance. And the kindness that i will never get back, the kindness that i adore. That i cherish and hold onto. Ever though, i wasn't the best person. Even though, i would be cold and hide. Acceptance was what made me love a person more, that they could put up with me. The respect i have for someone like that. Is too high to even describe.

And that.. That. Is all i ever need.
If my heart was frozen, this is what would make it burn with love.

And finding someone like that, could be hard...


I feel for you. I've finally found people who accept me for who I am, even though I've got mental disorders and illnesses. People like that are certainly to be cherished. One of those people is like me: bipolar, autistic, ADHD.
I feel for you. I've finally found people who accept me for who I am, even though I've got mental disorders and illnesses. People like that are certainly to be cherished. One of those people is like me: bipolar, autistic, ADHD.
Hold them close to your heart. And it really is a beautiful thing to have in life.
I feel the same. I am deeply afraid of being unwanted and being misunderstood. Those are actually bigger fears of mine than my insectophobia and arachnophobia.

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