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Chained to Life.

The one thing i have never liked about myself is my anger, it's insane. I get frustrated really fast, it takes me every fiber of my being to slow it down. Sometimes it comes over from not understanding what's happening, it can come off from social groups. It can come off from myself, as i am extremely hard on myself with everything and every little thing.

Other times, it's because people just flat out ignore me. And it sucks when it's right dead smack in your face and your just expected to ignore it? Like, mate. Seriously? And what annoys me more. Is the fact i have to fight just to have a social life. Pretending to be like this completely sane and normal person all the time is just draining.

I can't handle it, i hate not being able to let loose with myself.
It's like i am chained to something i don't want to be chained to.

Yet, i get labelled "Psycho" or "Freak" when i don't want to do what everyone else is doing.
Like, i am at a point now where it's just i don't want to be near anyone.
Standing up to people, they hate it. Hate it when someone has the audacity to do it.

So, i say. Be yourself. Be you. Be the very best you can be.
Because, life is a journey. Enjoy it.


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