It depends what it is. I do tend to leave things to the last minute, or underestimate how long it's going to take to do something and/or get distracted, which leads to a lot of culnery disasters or to my being late, but if it's something I enjoy doing, then it's no problem. If I have something important that is time critical, I put myself reminders, but often it makes me anxious and I can't relax until I've done it, so I do it in order to get it out of the way and be able to relax. One thing that I am good at is paying bills, because I hate being in debt, so I always pay them straight away.
I'm bad for not getting round to doing things or forgetting things like household chores, for example, piles of clothes that I have washed and not put away and can be there for weeks, washing that has been washed and forgotten in the washing machine so I end up having to wash it again because it begins to smell, or forgetting to take the trash out, or stuff to recycle.