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My introduction to my autobiographies

Misty Avich

I have ADHD
V.I.P Member

So far I have written about my life when I was 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23 and 27. I guess you could say my autobiographies are similar to the movie Boyhood, except it's something like girlhood - although I'm neither here nor there regarding gender conformity but me (the protagonist, written in first person) is a female obviously, as I mention how I cope through female puberty, and I express my heterosexuality with males (though that doesn't start until I was 13).
My autobiographies are aimed at teenagers and young adults, although adults of all ages would probably enjoy them. It would probably require some parental guidance for readers under 12, as I do include some mild swear words (though not many), and love, sex and puberty.

I included NO burp or fart jokes whatsoever but I have mentioned some toilet activities because, well, it's real life after all and I do express my phobia of vomiting and diarrhoea.

But it's still enjoyable. So anyway, what do you think of the blurb?

Here are some of my completed (handwritten) books:-
(The blurb applies to all)
Thanks for posting the introduction to your writings. You express well. I feel everybody here has an interesting story to tell so I am glad some here are keeping track of their thoughts, feelings and experiences in written and chronological format, to either share one day to others in book format(s) or other form(s), or at least as a way to express who they were, are, want to be and/or to promote their and/or other's healing, persuade, entertain, educate or motivate, to name a few.

I found through my earlier writings, where I documented my early life from childhood through my early adult years, I remembered many things, both good, neutral and bad. Unfortunately, I never compiled those thoughts, feelings and experiences along the way like the op, but I did have a strong memory of which events, thoughts and feelings overwhelmed me and shaped me, so I focused on those.

In my case, I had separate book sections about my traumatic home life as a youth, the painful school experiences, life alone away from my parents, happy life as a young adult with my twin brother, and later self-help and dating life. The theme of that first book was not just surviving a very dysfunctional home, my conditions, and outside environments, but finding ways to learn, heal, move forward, and to find some peace, strength and happiness through that loneliness, feeling of uniqueness, inner turmoil and pain.
I liked it! Although disappointed with the lack of toilet humour... 😔
I'm sorry. 😂 lol

Thanks guys and girls, I do have a little collection coming along. It's easier doing the years I had written diaries of but not all of them do so I had to really dig deep into my memory and come up with as many as I can.

I do have a higher-than-average good autobiographical memory, especially with my teenage years, which is where I had written several books (I was an adolescent/teenager during years 2001-2009).

It's why I prefer handwriting to typing. I love writing my stories in those sort of books. They remind me of Charles Dickens type of books, and they have no lines. I can't bear writing stories on lined paper. I don't know why.
I'm sorry. 😂 lol

Thanks guys and girls, I do have a little collection coming along. It's easier doing the years I had written diaries of but not all of them do so I had to really dig deep into my memory and come up with as many as I can.

I do have a higher-than-average good autobiographical memory, especially with my teenage years, which is where I had written several books (I was an adolescent/teenager during years 2001-2009).

It's why I prefer handwriting to typing. I love writing my stories in those sort of books. They remind me of Charles Dickens type of books, and they have no lines. I can't bear writing stories on lined paper. I don't know why.

Same here regarding above average memory. In my case, my keen senses, attention to detail and ability to hyperfocus or concentrate on most things makes this partly possible. So when I mix that ability to remember and analyze well with my unique thoughts, feelings, insights and experiences, I find I usually am too detailed in my writings if anything. So then I have to cut things down. Writing eight hundred pages in a month is the easy part once I start a book project. The harder part is reducing that by half and knowing which things to leave out as I rarely write about not important things.
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Same here regarding above average memory. In my case, my keen senses, attention to detail and ability to hyperfocus or concentrate on on most things makes this partly possible. So when I mix that ability to remember and analyze well with my unique thoughts, feelings, insights and experiences, I find I usually am too detailed in my writings if anything. So then I have to cut things down. Writing eight hundred pages in a month is the easy part once I start a book project. The harder part is reducing that by half and knowing which things to leave out as I rarely write about not important things.
Hmm, I'm the opposite there. I don't spend long enough on the details.
My books are written in a style similar to Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, where it doesn't get too bogged down on details. I don't use metaphors much either. It just gets to the point and is mostly told in a simple, diary-like style, but is interesting to those who enjoy drama (because most of my life has been full of drama lol). I do have a lot of dry humour thrown in too.
Wow. I think that's a pretty amazing talent. I doubt I could write more than 5 pages about myself. lol. You ought to look up grant writing. That might be something you could get into, these require biographical details.
Nah, I find burp and fart jokes too embarrassing and daft.

I remember once I watched Drop Dead Fred with a friend (I had seen it many times before but he hadn't) and through the whole movie he was waiting for a fart joke, being so it is the type of movie where you expect a fart joke. But there's no burping or farting in it and I could tell he was disappointed lol.

I don't think any movies should have burps or farts in unless it's done in a serious context.
Is your autobiography available online here or somewhere? I didn't see any links.

An older friend that I respect a lot kept harping at me to write an autobiography. I kept replying that it would be way too boring for anyone to read, and some of it wouldn't even be believable to most people. This back and forth exchange went on for years. Then he started having health issues, and I realized he may not be around much longer. So I compromised, and went ahead and wrote my autobiography just for him.
I pretty much went chronologically from my earliest memories on, relying on both memory and comments from my parents to fill in very early childhood details. Once I had things up to the current time, I added chapters on topics that I felt needed more detail in order to avoid bogging down the main narrative.
I had already the early life through middle age details down when I found I was autistic. Since I doubted the autism diagnosis, I diverted into deep research on autism and asperger's. The more I researched, the more of my own life I saw.
Going back to the biography, I considered going back and mentioning the autism early on (like maybe in an introduction), but I opted instead to continue the story to the present, including finding out about the autism when I actually learned about it.
The autobiography still only exists as a printed manuscript in my friend's hands, and on my computer and an SD card in case the computer blows up.
My autobiographies aren't online or on any computers, they are all handwritten. I hate typing on a computer keyboard and I don't seem to get the same satisfaction as I do from handwriting. Also I love those books I write in, they're so sophisticated.

I just thought I'd share my interest/hobby here, that's all. I like talking about it with people.

My autobiographies ain't about AS though. I don't mention it anywhere, because it doesn't define me. That's up to the reader to decide if/whether I have AS, ADHD, bipolar, anything, I leave it up to the reader's imagination.

Not all novels have to be all fantasy and excitement. Some novels are just mundane and real-life, and readers who are into that type of genre would enjoy my autobiographies (not saying I'm definitely going to get them published but you never know). There's plenty of dry humour among the drama. It's mostly about me and my family, as I have a large family that I've always been close to and often stuff happened. Nothing far-fetched like being abducted by aliens or anything like that. More like, my mum and dad's divorce, my grandmother's dementia, me being unemployed, all that sort of thing.

Maybe here I could post what I'd written on the first page of some of my books, to give you an idea of how my books are written.

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