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Does anyone here believe we are in the biblical end times?

'Science will increase in the end times' says the bible, when science increased so much like now?
in the 20 century it skyrocketed. I actually think this is scary stuff. I want to be prepared.
However the most probable thing to happen to all of us is we will pass away, thats a shortcut to the 'end times' too. So we must have the record clean with God. End of times or not.
The question I have is this. Is it something to be afaird of or celebrate? After all it means an end at long last to evil. After the seven years and one thousand year reign of Jesus. The Devil will be locked away forever. With him goes murder, hate, death, disease, famine, hunger, madness, insanity, fornication, pain, fear, worry regret, all the bad things gone forever. Right now it's a world that's hard too see. But, in time it will happen.
The world ends constantly, in every moment. Then, the very next moment, it begins again.

That's why what one does in each and every moment matters - what one does is constantly setting the pattern for the next moment, and affects all future moments.

In Buddhism, this is called "karma" and "rebirth."

Endings are beginnings.
Does anyone here believe we are in the biblical end times?
No. Despite all alleged "prophesies" to the contrary, I do not believe as the alleged "prophets" do. Secular history has shown again and again that the more detailed the prophesy, the less likely it is to occur -- specific events on specific dates, for example.

In addition, the more vaguely-worded "prophesies" (I'm looking at you, Nostradamus) are all-too-often misinterpreted to fit someone else's philosophic, political, and/or religious beliefs.
It is a late night and I have been racking my brain to think of a topic to start a thread on. I consider myself a Christian, but struggle with how literally I should interpret the Bible. I do not attend church on a regular basis, but did so as I was growing up. I know the book of Revelation speaks to the end times and what events will take place.

Sometimes, I think we may be in those end times because the world is such a mess, but then I think back to history class and recall that the world has always been a mess. There have been terrible things all throughout human history. But what is intriguing is that certain prophesies in the Bible have been fulfilled even in modern history. The most influential to me is the fact that the Jews re-established their homeland in Israel. This is prophesied and needed to occur before the end times from my understanding.

It is amazing to me that Jews that were scattered across the globe at one point were able to regather in their homeland. Of course, there are Jews living everywhere in the world. More and more stories in the Bible continue to be supported by archaeological evidence. Ancient cities have been discovered that are mentioned in the Bible. But you can never prove the supernatural.

I'm rambling, but wanted to get people's thoughts.
I don't believe that we are in the actual 7 year time yet, but I do think that things are escalating towards it.
I don't have time to read this, nor actually the energy to read this, but I've been Defenestrated (key) by The Devil, and as Asperger's I believe The World owes me a Judgment to my favour, a Judgment Day whom Allah inherits from my.

As I'm Allah's ownership, and I am being threateded verbally and non-verbally. Especially non-verbally as Asperger's suffers from.

However I'm me, you are you, Jesus (pbuh) is Jesus, Mohammed is Mohammed (pbuh) - And Allah is Allah. Asperger's is not an excuze to fall behind me, i'm not Allah but fall behind God behind Allah.

Objectively i Believe in "Biblical" end times as one Muslim. I don't know how Jesus (pbuh) is born without male intervention, but i submit to The One God. as Kor'an says: I'm commanded to be the first of The submitters.

Edit: I yield to my Lord Imam Mehdi and Prophet Mohammed.
My emotions run wild, I'm affected by all of this, I sit here thinking of what happened.
I stumbled on YouTube video about God's favour to Israel, and felt hurt. Then afterwards I learnt that in the end times there will be a unity but it will be broken and then Holy city in ruins, preparation for coming ....

Is it that prophecy must be fulfilled, it is not that Allah is unhappy with people, is there a fault in us that has brought us down, that evil has plagued neighbour against neighbour, brother against brother?

I hope my words are well received, that as we all go to prayer and bow before Allah, he will be happy and ease the suffering of my friends. Restore peace between neighbours and once enemies, bless those children who homeless and without food. Bless Naledi who was fired, that she receive new important work that Allah promises he will never give more than we can handle.
I do listen to some music, most of it bothers me. This one is what I share today:

'Science will increase in the end times' says the bible, when science increased so much like now?
Version, book, chapter, and verse, please?

Many people cite alleged "quotes" that are simply NOT in the Bible, or they twist and misinterpret what is there to support their erroneous claims.
Version, book, chapter, and verse, please?

Many people cite alleged "quotes" that are simply NOT in the Bible, or they twist and misinterpret what is there to support their erroneous claims.
Yes cryptid, specific, specific

My reference to end times was Quran not Torah, if I'm not mistaken this verse is Quran too!!
Apologies for wording myself, just lookup that seemed tedious
Have heard version of gog and Magog as acknowledged by USA as some sort of holy war in end times, (or reference to wall, alexander (I think) and but the reference to gog seemed to be indicating someone, more than gog as deity to be defeated. And related end times or history story of got/Magog by romans

Christian revelations (unlike Torah has being changed in wording (deemed illegal) does state adding to this book, god add to one's life, removing from the book would remove from one's life too. But for non-believers who tamper this would seem like a joke. Some viewed desert Rose or Diana as joke (no shame for men to watch a women die (unmanly))
So any repercussions as usual are blamed in acts of terrorism as opposed to self evaluation.

The signs have been divided into minor and major by commentators. They are reported in various ḥadīth collections,<a href="Signs of the coming of Judgement Day - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>4<span>]</span></a><a href="Signs of the coming of Judgement Day - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>5<span>]</span></a> and described in commentaries of various medieval Muslim scholars, including al-Ghazali, Ibn Kathir, and Muhammad al-Bukhari, among others.<a href="Signs of the coming of Judgement Day - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>6<span>]</span></a><a href="Signs of the coming of Judgement Day - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></a>Islamic apocalyptic literature describing Armageddon (or fitna) is often known as Al-Malhama Al-Kubra (The Great Epic), or (in Shia Islam) Ghaybah (Occultation).<a href="Signs of the coming of Judgement Day - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>7<span>]</span></a><a href="Signs of the coming of Judgement Day - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>8<span>]</span></a>

While interpretations of what the Quran and hadith say about the end times are "diverse and complex",<a href="Signs of the coming of Judgement Day - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></a> the signs of Judgment Day's arrival include disruptions in the order of both human morality and the natural world; but also the appearance of the saviors, Mahdi and Jesus, which "is seen to represent the ultimate victory of the ummah of Islam ... in some senses".<a href="Signs of the coming of Judgement Day - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>2<span>]</span></a> Piety will be lost as music, wine drinking, usury, homosexuality, disobedience by wives and fornication abound, and the earth will be destroyed.
Despite these enormous differences, in the seventh century, the Prophet (saas) revealed a number of truths about the future. In the following pages, we will examine the hadiths describing the degree of scientific and technological knowledge of the End Times. We will see that what the Prophet (saas) predicted fourteen centuries ago is coming true in our time.

Qur'an also points to the advent of false prophets. One verse pertaining to this topic is the following:
Who could do greater wrong than someone who invents lies against Allah or denies His Signs, or who says, "It has been revealed to me," when nothing has been revealed to him, or someone who says, "I will send down the same as Allah has sent down"? If you could only see the wrongdoers in the throes of death when the angels are stretching out their hands, saying, "Disgorge your own selves! Today you will be repaid with the punishment of humiliation for saying something other than the truth about Allah, and being arrogant about His Signs." (Surat al-Anam

There is no doubt that there will be a time when all the lies of all these false prophets will be eradicated. The Prophet (saas) announced that, after the liars have gone, 'Isa (as) would return.As it is stated in that which follows this verse, these people will surely receive their recompense for the lies they have fabricated.
We have mentioned earlier that the Qur'an tells of 'Isa (as)'s return to earth, and that Muslims and Christians alike eagerly await this event. There are a few hadiths from the Prophet (saas) that refer to the second coming of 'Isa (as). The Islamic scholar Shawkani stated that there are 29 hadiths about 'Isa (as)'s return, and that the information contained in these hadiths could not have been falsified. (Ibn Majah)

Lucky day, found it!

Specific enough
Version, book, chapter, and verse, please?

Many people cite alleged "quotes" that are simply NOT in the Bible, or they twist and misinterpret what is there to support their erroneous claims.
When you enter date 11 sept 2021 change windings font for current win at time.... Some said showed bombs, towers, and 2 saints.
Having read about sting composing with Islamic musician about year before this, I was unimpressed.
Sting also drove what kind of car? Maybe Audi TT was befitting for such prince charming.
Isn't it ironic every step song and royalties paid back to him, but Metallica was predecessor of Jimmie Hendricks, hah
And most influence from 80's was influenced by slave music. Deny it or not...(walk like Egyptian /rivers of Babylon)

I like Karen souzza version to one song I do like....deals cards as meditation cause I refuse to listen to sting, after Diane!!
Whether Camilla like it or not, Kate is there.

Oh, regarding specifics. History books were Written by those who won war, and often didn't reflect on true author. (But that's just my opinion)

To be tad specific, electric eel only found in Brazilian jungle, all others are not electric, just eels.
Nicola Tesla had many so called designs for free AC or DC current, these hidden from public who paid tariffs. Ironic cause now we all switching to solar power.
God gives the gift of knowledge out of His infinite store of knowledge. Psalm 19:2 tells us that God’s creation reveals the Creator’s knowledge. He gave us senses and intellect to explore the physical world and make discoveries, not to hide ourselves away and pretend the world does not exist. Neither does Science exist to deny or disprove God, but only to study His creation and learn how it works.
When you enter date 11 sept 2021 change windings font for current win at time.... Some said showed bombs, towers, and 2 saints.
Having read about sting composing with Islamic musician about year before this, I was unimpressed.
Sting also drove what kind of car? Maybe Audi TT was befitting for such prince charming.
Isn't it ironic every step song and royalties paid back to him, but Metallica was predecessor of Jimmie Hendricks, hah
And most influence from 80's was influenced by slave music. Deny it or not...(walk like Egyptian /rivers of Babylon)

I like Karen souzza version to one song I do like....deals cards as meditation cause I refuse to listen to sting, after Diane!!
Whether Camilla like it or not, Kate is there.

Oh, regarding specifics. History books were Written by those who won war, and often didn't reflect on true author. (But that's just my opinion)

To be tad specific, electric eel only found in Brazilian jungle, all others are not electric, just eels.
Nicola Tesla had many so called designs for free AC or DC current, these hidden from public who paid tariffs. Ironic cause now we all switching to solar power.
Why the fuss over electric eel and interest in Italian inventions on batteries or magnetism to accelerate space research, well interest is because for once it's not stolen from Asia,
Nicola, I viewed a generator design by Mr. Tesla....it's small, niche'
It's not for sale at local Chinese store!!

But best part is Eminem show, yes. Will the real slim shady please stand up. No, the world isn't empty without you, why? What's problem?
Well preserving new netherlands was your history, Africa was someone else, sticking your head into a snapshot of you un-history doesn't clarify.....

Reviewed article discussions between van riebeck and dynasty and it's not sure why local cape slaves yielded less profit than Atlantic slaves. Seems like cape colony didn't produce profit. So Netherlands living off Dutch East Indies and slave driving, whipping. Brutal
Many factors indicate that the dutchie's in cape were more than knowledgeable of pirate tunnel since it's how imported Huguenot wives (lot to be admired)
The fort wall also skew, you can literally climb over beautiful slate with little effort, being to quarry as well, where slaves mined.
Kayla explains Roman warfare technique...hide behind gaulish wars, always act when others do or don't. This way arrogant hero can arrive, leave war....mock others. Troy attitude
I'm sure peaceful solution can be reached with Finland, but hey fighting whole world isn't easy, sending few troops isn't valid contribution Mr. Troy but we can spare lives and have duel.

Not only was south African apartheid history school curriculum a falsification of events but lot more to say, another day, perhaps. But Muizenberg was won by British under 10 mins as sea ship attack, only. Look Americans let Boers out afterwards, no I'm, Mr. Maritz never won Boer war. Sorry. But hey, let's leave it way they said. The afrikaanse never made it as far as Johannesburger mines, Johannes was a kaap Se burger (ja/nee)and even slaves lies of golden rhino seem to landed out museum. Well lions don't occur in Egypt, perhaps where smoke their is fire.
It isn't the end times. It's just media focusing on the negative and people eating it up. Statistically speaking we've never as a species been more prosperous in general. We are healthier, bigger, live longer, smarter, etc etc. And while climate disasters are ramping up, they still aren't effecting large enough groups to effect or even account for anything approaching a majority.

Now that could seem skewed if you're an American with the ridiculous amount of mass shootings. I think the last several years in a row they've had more mass shootings than days in the year. Yet the nutters don't think guns are an issue but now we are onto another topic entirely.
God gives the gift of knowledge out of His infinite store of knowledge. Psalm 19:2 tells us that God’s creation reveals the Creator’s knowledge. He gave us senses and intellect to explore the physical world and make discoveries, not to hide ourselves away and pretend the world does not exist. Neither does Science exist to deny or disprove God, but only to study His creation and learn how it works.
Constantinople would be so proud, what's name of movie where it is declared that Christianity brought the downfall to the empire by lessening acquisition of knowledge?
Troy was amazing, if we ever saw him fight like this in real life, modern times....he really curried that Gaul wariiors brains. I'm a titan not a Sparta, tough life living open German border

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