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  • Now I have a beautiful harp, but I'm stuck holiday traveling so all I've been able to do it tune and a little lite strumming. Sounds very good, though!
    I'm glad that you like your new harp. Hopefully you will get to practice some with it soon.
    My harp is on the delivery truck and on its way to my door!
    What size will it be?
    A lap harp with 29 strings, which means it is a LARGE lap harp. 28+ strings is generally a floor harp (sits on the floor when played, as opposed to being held on the lap).

    Harps are not standardized (like a violin or a guitar), so they are more identified by the number of strings than by other identifying features.
    Your ‘1 fun thing you did today’ thread made my day today. Thank you for that.
    How did I not know this existed???
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