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  1. Levitator

    Jesus was the original Rogue One...

    ... who died retrieving intelligence proving that the world belongs to the original Death Star, who is Satan.
  2. Georgia's Aspie Blog

    Fictional Affection

    Serious Side Kirby looks adorable but he's actually a murderous rampager. That's characters for you. Most characters look adorable or visually appealing, but they still exhibit bad traists like violence, rudeness and so on so forth, even if the art style looks friendly. Truth Characters have the...
  3. The Autistic Warrior

    The Good Doctor is ANTI-autism!

    Hello, I am a young man of 21 years old from the Netherlands and I would like to review the television series The Good Doctor, because as an autistic person I think that series is a serious middle finger to autistic people. I know that this series has been a huge hit since 2017 and it has been...
  4. OnyxM

    Is the 'bubble' finally bursting?

    I'm not diagnosed yet but I suspect I have either ASD or ADD or both. I relate to both in many ways. Anyway. Nobody knows or suspects anything although many people around me think I'm weird/naive/cloudheaded, etc..but nobody knows why. I grew up as a good and 'smart' child. Everyone around...
  5. Ylva

    Bad truthing

    Like some walking stereotype, I have always been committed to telling the truth, to keep things simple. Looking back over the first twenty-five years of my life, which is when I thought I was neurotypical, it looks like I might as well have lied, because many couldn't be bothered to believe me...
  6. Ginseng

    Obtaining greater intimacy in our relationships

    I think this article has some good points. I disagree with them regarding their fidelity beliefs, but other than that I found it helpful. Does anyone else have anything to add about intimacy? I want to focus on being closer to others. I am not in a relationship and probably won’t be this late in...
  7. Cogs Of My Cranium

    Should I be angry?

    I found out about my aspergers at 27 and I mentioned this word aspergers to my dad who has a severely autistic brother. My words were, 'There's this thing called aspergers' to which he replied he knew this word and I said 'Well I think I have it' Then my dad said 'You do yes'. He then went on to...
  8. M

    The criteria for lying

    Much of my life has early on, been a naive and honest approach to life, people and events. I've recently looked up and taken tests about honesty and lying. And how to tell the difference between someone who lies and someone who's honest. Although I've consistently told the truth in my life, not...
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