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  1. iris817yuri

    Is a professional diagnosis any help?

    Hello everyone. Recently my family finally started discussing getting a diagnosis in regards to work. Other than autism (which I've operated under the assumption of since graduating) I am visually impaired, and it seems like workplaces already ignore an application when that comes up unless...
  2. A

    Embrace Autism - resources for newly diagnosed 2024-04-22

    Embrace Autism is a programme of support aimed towards autistic adults who are looking to explore their autistic identity and learn how to navigate life post diagnosis (formal or self-diagnosis). Participants can attend an online series of six group sessions, where up to 10 autistic adults...
  3. autism-and-autotune

    This weekend is my last at my retail job...

    ...because I applied and got accepted for a new job all by myself! It's been a tumultuous month; sorry I've been gone for so long. In my retail job, I couldn't stand only relying on one or two days per week of working due to my 'limited hours.' It seriously wasn't an issue over the spring and...
  4. AngelaS267

    It never seems like enough

    Hey all, I've had a difficult year and I feel like the weight of the world has been on my shoulders (I'm sure for many of us.) One thing that has just been grinding me down over the years is my performance at work never seeming to measure up to anyone's expectations. I have an education, got...
  5. autism-and-autotune

    Should employers pay disabled employees more?

    Yes, I can predict possible issues with this. But, if you're someone like me who isn't 'disabled enough' to obtain benefits, but too disabled to work full-time, then what can you do? And of course, isn't there a threshold for severity of disability to be determined to warrant such pay? The big...
  6. SavingCheeto

    I'm. Know what? I don't even know what to say

    backstory: I got an amazing job. And then, I didn't have it. Lots of shock, anger, a crapton of hurt--you're now up to date. Leaving a lot of things out, because I have trust issues. LoL which only makes today that more ironic. Applied for a position. Went throught the whole rigamorale...
  7. Mr Alligator

    Anxiety at the start of annual leave

    It sucks. Break up from work for two weeks. Already anxious about all the work I’ll come back to (Helpdesk tickets assigned to me whilst on leave, various emails from various people, tasks that are outstanding on my projects, etc). Urgh. Considered cancelling some of the leave, but I...
  8. Magnus

    The Ultimate Guide to Freelancing

    Introduction I've been freelancing for over 30 years. I am mainly a writer but have several other strings to my bow, “a portfolio career”. I have also been a digital nomad, and have spoken to numerous other freelancers over time. I can say that there is little I don't know about the sector...
  9. autism-and-autotune

    Wish me luck!!!

    Later on today I will be disclosing my autism to my employer and requesting accommodations. I'll update once I process everything; currently I am preparing myself and going over what I have to say. Fingers crossed!!
  10. autism-and-autotune

    Can I have some advice, please, on protocol regarding disclosing my autism to my employer?

    Good day, and thanks in advance! I'm returning to the same company which I worked at over the course of four years. I'm grateful to be working again but I can already think of some things which may give me sensory issues on the job, which I know will impact the interpersonal aspect of the...
  11. autism-and-autotune

    Why is finding work so difficult?

    This is going to be a vent, of course. Even for me lately to find part-time work is extremely difficult. I used to work in the retail, and jobs of all sorts were abundant; for almost five years I worked at the same company. Three years ago I left said position due to pandemic stress...
  12. As sweet as-pie

    Does full-time work seem impossible to anyone else?

    Hi All. Been a while since I posted here. I've had trouble with education since I was a teenager, dropping out a total of 5 times since then. I'm now at University via a distance learning course and loving it. The freedom it gives me is something I value a lot and something I need in any...
  13. Astrid-X

    Employment challenges and Burnout

    Hi everyone, hope you all are staying safe during this pandemic :) I am a female with a masters degree in psychology (not licenced but educated on how to conduct research). I am approaching the end of my 20's. And I am kind of a newbie to my diagnosis (Awaiting the official one). Been having a...
  14. Marianna Jimenez

    What's YOUR definition of disability?

    Hello Everyone! I hope you are all having a good day. I would like to ask your opinions or experience with the term disability. I've seen many documents for employment and media that have a vague definition of what is considered disabled. There are visible and non-visible disabilities. Those...
  15. Andrew206

    Hope For My Job Search!

    Today while meeting with my job developer by phone, I heard that a local restaurant is considering carving a job for me. In other words, creating a job for me that meets their needs and mine. My job developer is still in touch with that restaurant. I'm very optimistic and hope this works out.
  16. Andrew206

    Struggles In My Job Search

    I’m currently working in a food service job, but would like a new job. I’ve filled out many applications, mostly with the service industry (retail and restaurants). Most of them send me an automated rejection notice. But some of them invite me in for an interview, and after my interview, I...
  17. V

    Autism and Neurodiversity in the Workplace 2021-04-01

    This free program developed by Dr. Karen Bopp at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) includes a series of five self-paced, interactive modules filled with useful activities and videos. The program is designed...
  18. Jena

    Something has been bothering me since I job shadowed at a Doggie Day Care

    So I decided to find a job at a Doggie Day Care near me. So I job shadowed yesterday. And while I was job shadowing. The person I was supposedly job shadowing for, took one of the dog's fur scruff (that loose fur on the top of the dog's neck) and he picked the dog up by it lifting the dog...
  19. sharlinski

    I got employee of the month, unfortunately.

    I'm the office manager of a small team of people. Four of them are in the field all the time, and our boss is not a good communicator, so I'm the one keeping them in the loop, printing whatever they need, solving problems, etc. They love me, I love them, and they banded together and nominated me...
  20. Jena

    My job rehired me again and need some advise

    Hi guys so I need some tips or advice. So some backstory I reapplied for a seasonal position at a job (this would be my second summer working there). And originally my supervisor told me that they don't have any spots avaliable to meet my needs (which like come on i was literally the first one...
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