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  • I have to admit today was completely overstimulating.
    Isn't that weird that we both have short attention spans but do artwork stuff for hours?
    I had an awful time hand writing until I started the 1894 "Palmer Method" again--which is why I cannot reliably use a ball point pen. I have been using typewriters for a number of years now and "collect" them so there is a spare machine in case one breaks.
    The novel itself is more of just a book about people doing normal human things--I like writing about peoples' characters & letting that carry the action.
    Yes! I have no attention span for “regular” tasks but doing artwork or anything with dogs has my complete focus for a virtually unlimited amount of time.
    What is the Palmer Method?
    Are typewriters expensive to collect? How many do you have?
    I used to write a lot and I love writing characters too :)
    I just decided to wash 2 and a half greasy old manual typewriters in the showerbath & pour myself a glass of Irn Bru. Cracking evening!
    Grocery run tomorrow. I'll see about getting the Corolla fired up and go early. I also am going to go to the typewriter cave if I can.
    I went to a coffee shop today & wrote until I ran out of paper, and one of my fountain-pens had run entirely out of ink. A good day.
    The landlady must never know I am autistic. I wish I knew how to make an effective boundary.
    But the whole dynamic upstairs bothers me; I feel like they want me as a temporary family member or a sort of exotic pet? Or at least the landlady. Worst of all she's faculty at the college so -- I have to avoid any ruffling of the feathers on Minerva's owl here. So you can guess this is weird
    Anyhow @crewlucca_ good luck concealing all the sensitive stuff from neighbors. It can be tricky. Let's keep on keeping on & I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. (Solstice is the 21st; I shall keep it by standing in the moonlight and frightening unsuspecting motorists with an unhinged stare.)
    It is hard to hide… So far most of them have assumed I’m male, so I don’t bring up that I was ever otherwise. But some of them seem suspicious :/ Or they just don’t use pronouns at all.
    Your landlady doesn’t seem very nice :( Her unsolicited gifts sound kind of creepy.
    I wish you good luck too. And Merry Christmas to you too!! :) I enjoy talking to you on here. - Luca
    I want to go outside and stand on my head for awhile.
    That made a picture in my head of a person whose head is on the ground and he's managed to place both feet on his head. I believe you were talking about doing a headstand, though....
    Oh! That's what it's called.
    If I managed to roll up into a hoop like that though---I'm not that flexible.
    Signed up to enter counseling/therapy. If I don't maintain the brain then who am I to blame when it quits? Time for fixing it.
    Yes, I get that… I don’t like feeling like a burden either :(
    And the paperwork is a huge pain in the rear. Do you have anyone who can help you with it?
    I will see. I think the paperwork won't be too bad once I get the knack of it.
    I think so! Glad you were able to give yourself that confidence boost :)
    It's almost 2 AM and I'm up listening to Franz von Suppe and writing about Indians in the Rockies. I should sleep more!
    Working like mad to wrap up finals & listening to old marches & band records on the Edison cylinder phonograph -- chaotic productivity lol
    That does sound chaotic lol, but if it helps you focus, that’s a good thing :)
    It was very chaotic but I was writing fast. I then ran out of cylinders & fired up the big Edison Diamond Disc phonograph on the other side of the room--which was full of jazz records from the '20s. Kept on going.
    After months' worrying--I found out I can get a buttonholer for my sewing machine for less than $20. Looks like I finally get good shirts.
    Do you sew your own clothes?? That’s amazing!
    I can’t sew without stabbing myself lol. :p
    I'm working on teaching myself to do a better job. I like old styles you can't get any more, have little money, hate fast-fashion and sweatshop labor, and can fix machinery. Hence the antique sewing machine.

    It isn't too hard to sew really. It's fun.
    Within the last week I've ended up with a girlfriend and an offer of a $20/hour job. This will take time to process.
    I’m sorry :( What do you think is not right with the situation?
    Mostly my mindset @crewlucca_ -- Nothing to do with job or girl but everything to do with my complete, debilitating fear of asking for help.
    :( I know asking for help is hard. I’m here if you need support
    Trying something different today & going to mass at a different parish. It'll be nice to maybe make friends
    Update. It was nice. Didn't make any new friends but it was in a great town that's definitely bicycling distance and I am going to heaad down there & try socializing more as soon as college & bicycle repairs permit.
    I moved! Going back soon to rescue the old pump organ and the victrola but other than that GOODBYE FOREVER cityscape from Hades.
    I must stay productive today. It's getting harder. My attention span is down to about 3 to 5 seconds.
    Know how you feel. Hope you are able to move through it okay.
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