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Yarn and yarn-craft obsessed

So, I know I'm definitely obsessed with yarn and yarn-based crafts. I've always loved *all the crafts,* but I particularly love yarn. :relaxed:

I knit and crochet, currently learning to knit my first pair of socks using two circular needles (the craft store didn't have Size 1 needles with a long enough cable for learning Magic Loop, and it was definitely an "immediate satisfaction" situation, ha ha). I do ridiculous amounts of research whenever I consider a new brand/type of yarn, I'm engrossed in the idea of dying my own yarn now, and my mother-in-law just made my year telling me one of her coworkers has *bags* of fleece she's *giving away.* Like, I'll get to card, spin, and dye my own yarn! That's way too cool!

Anyone else have similar interests? Do you have a group you meet with in meat-space to do crafts?

(Bonus points if you've managed to monetize your love of yarn - I had a bit of a marathon crocheting dice bags recently and I plan on posting the extras to Etsy, but it would be lovely seeing where others are finding some level of success. I'm also curious about meeting up with folks in-person to craft, though having an online group would be really cool, too!)
So, I know I'm definitely obsessed with yarn and yarn-based crafts. I've always loved *all the crafts,* but I particularly love yarn. :relaxed:

I knit and crochet, currently learning to knit my first pair of socks using two circular needles (the craft store didn't have Size 1 needles with a long enough cable for learning Magic Loop, and it was definitely an "immediate satisfaction" situation, ha ha). I do ridiculous amounts of research whenever I consider a new brand/type of yarn, I'm engrossed in the idea of dying my own yarn now, and my mother-in-law just made my year telling me one of her coworkers has *bags* of fleece she's *giving away.* Like, I'll get to card, spin, and dye my own yarn! That's way too cool!

Anyone else have similar interests? Do you have a group you meet with in meat-space to do crafts?

(Bonus points if you've managed to monetize your love of yarn - I had a bit of a marathon crocheting dice bags recently and I plan on posting the extras to Etsy, but it would be lovely seeing where others are finding some level of success. I'm also curious about meeting up with folks in-person to craft, though having an online group would be really cool, too!)

I love crafts! I can't knit, but I do love to crochet. I don't go to any craft type groups, because I don't want to go to a group filled with strangers, and partly I'd probably feel my stuff wasn't good enough. My main craft is sewing, but I like to dabble :)

I've never sold anything that I've crocheted, but I do sell hats that I sew at comic cons.
Awesome! I do a wee bit of sewing - I find it really easy for the machine to get away from me, but my in-laws found me an inexpensive dress form so I can try my hand at clothes (or at least tailoring store-bought). Still need to pad the poor dear out, she's adjustable but she gets a bit too gapped and barrel-chested to be useful if I try to get too close to my measurements. :p

Unfortunately, my only knitting friend in person is my sister-in-law, and she lives pretty far away. I just found a Monday night knitting group that's about 45 minutes' drive, but my car is kind of spooty and I'm barely comfortable taking it farther than the 10 minute drive to the grocery store, ha ha. Otherwise, I'd just drag her with me to a session or two so I have one person I know on-hand.
I am into cross stitching, which is rather funny, because allthough I can sew, I find it really tedious; too eager to get to the finish, to find pleasure in getting there, but with cross stitching, it is pleasure all the way and in truth, I look at my work and wonder how on earth I managed to do it?!

I have seen walls absolutely covered in cross stitch and think it diminishs the effect of each piece of work, but I have found a solution. I make pictures for others and currently doing a really challenging one of a jcb digger for a chap that could do with cheering up! I take photos of my work when I give them as presents.

I could never join a group, because many judge and although I do say that my work is good; for some reason people are obsessed with the back and well, unless they are going to get a picture frame that shows the back as well as the front, what on earth is the point and they must have a heck of a lot of time on their hands, because it does take time to make sure the back is as good as the front.

I know of another cross stitcher, but sadly she is very competitative and so, there is no pleasure in that!

I do enjoy also alterations and have successfully turned a pair of trousers into a skirt.
Awesome! I do a wee bit of sewing - I find it really easy for the machine to get away from me, but my in-laws found me an inexpensive dress form so I can try my hand at clothes (or at least tailoring store-bought). Still need to pad the poor dear out, she's adjustable but she gets a bit too gapped and barrel-chested to be useful if I try to get too close to my measurements. :p

Unfortunately, my only knitting friend in person is my sister-in-law, and she lives pretty far away. I just found a Monday night knitting group that's about 45 minutes' drive, but my car is kind of spooty and I'm barely comfortable taking it farther than the 10 minute drive to the grocery store, ha ha. Otherwise, I'd just drag her with me to a session or two so I have one person I know on-hand.

I do have a sewing machine, and I really should use it more but the vast majority of the stuff I make is hand sewn.
So, I know I'm definitely obsessed with yarn and yarn-based crafts. I've always loved *all the crafts,* but I particularly love yarn. :relaxed:

I knit and crochet, currently learning to knit my first pair of socks using two circular needles (the craft store didn't have Size 1 needles with a long enough cable for learning Magic Loop, and it was definitely an "immediate satisfaction" situation, ha ha). I do ridiculous amounts of research whenever I consider a new brand/type of yarn, I'm engrossed in the idea of dying my own yarn now, and my mother-in-law just made my year telling me one of her coworkers has *bags* of fleece she's *giving away.* Like, I'll get to card, spin, and dye my own yarn! That's way too cool!

Anyone else have similar interests? Do you have a group you meet with in meat-space to do crafts?

(Bonus points if you've managed to monetize your love of yarn - I had a bit of a marathon crocheting dice bags recently and I plan on posting the extras to Etsy, but it would be lovely seeing where others are finding some level of success. I'm also curious about meeting up with folks in-person to craft, though having an online group would be really cool, too!)
Shayla The Roo you are so beautiful :)
My aunt does crotchet and is very crafty she loves doing it and had a accident awhile ago where she broke her arm and wasn't able to crotchet in a year and she became depressed about it but now she can crotchet again and is happier she sends me photos of the nice things she makes.

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