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what is your stim?

Sounds like a stim to me, Nattzz. A good way to test it is next time you find yourself sitting sock-less, see what happens if you try to NOT do it.
I think I did once, I got a really irritable feeling and it felt wrong and horrible not to do it xD
Very strange. Over the years I have rotated through various items usually adopting new ones when I lose an item. Small rocks and shells are my favorites. I remember where I got each one and holding or rubbing it, especially during times of stress or unwanted social interacting, has a calming effect.
I do that too. My pocket items are cat toys, like those little furry mice. One of my cats dropped one into my open bag one day and I found it at work. Guess he thought I needed it and I agreed!!
I gently gnash my teeth. I do not grind them but ever-so-softly put them together, over and over again. I find that I do this at night mostly in bed trying to fall asleep. I try to stop from doing it but it seems subconscious and I cannot really stop (until asleep).
I gently gnash my teeth. I do not grind them but ever-so-softly put them together, over and over again. I find that I do this at night mostly in bed trying to fall asleep. I try to stop from doing it but it seems subconscious and I cannot really stop (until asleep).

I gnash mine kind of hard and hold the gnash for a few seconds, then do it again. The pressure in my mouth when I do that eases the tension in my brain ( if that makes any sense!! ). I also, sometimes, place a hand on the top of my head and press down pretty hard and hold that for a while, helps a bit when I get a stress-headache.
When I'm on my iPad I sometimes stay on the home screen and swipe from side to side repeatedly. When I'm on my Macbook I tend to start repeatedly scrolling up and down a Web page (as I have been doing here for the last several minutes).
When I'm on my iPad I sometimes stay on the home screen and swipe from side to side repeatedly. When I'm on my Macbook I tend to start repeatedly scrolling up and down a Web page (as I have been doing here for the last several minutes).

I do both of those things sometimes (on my Android tablet and PC, of course. :p ) But my biggest one (that I'm aware of) is walking back and forth and back and forth with music in my ears.
I bite my lips too, pick at dry spots on my legs, and pick at the rash spots on my head (lithium put them there, I've been off of it for a couple years now, but they won't go away.....but they bug me, I figure if I pick at them long enough and hard enough they will go away......just making them worse, but I can't stop myself).
Walking around with my jacket open, moving the zipper up and down.
Quite often I find myself fiddling with right hand as if I were gripping guitar chords when out and in a crowd while listening music to deal with the crowd to start with.

So far I've found I don't stim that much when in the comfort of my own home. It's when I have to leave, where I/it seems unbearable.

Funilly enough, the earlier it is (is relation to sunrise; mornings) the harder I stim. At night I'm usually not stimming at all, even when I'm out and in crowds even.
Funilly enough, the earlier it is (is relation to sunrise; mornings) the harder I stim. At night I'm usually not stimming at all, even when I'm out and in crowds even.

You know what? I'm exactly the same way! That's why I stopped coming out of my room right after waking up. I usually have to spend 1-3 hours in my room doing stuff that makes me feel centered, or I'm not much fun to be around. At all.

Maybe the darkness makes us feel safer or something. "Out of sight, out of mind", maybe?
You know what? I'm exactly the same way! That's why I stopped coming out of my room right after waking up. I usually have to spend 1-3 hours in my room doing stuff that makes me feel centered, or I'm not much fun to be around. At all.

Maybe the darkness makes us feel safer or something. "Out of sight, out of mind", maybe?

Heh... yeah, I have some light sensitivity issues as well. So I tend to sleep during the day even. But there's these rare days I have to get up early. Those really derail me.
Soup's stim of the day: Heel Wobbling! Here's how: stand facing a counter top you can lean on or support yourself on. Lean on it, slightly bend the leg you're standing on, then place the toe of your other foot on the floor slightly behind your supporting foot. Now, loosely wobble the heel of your non-supporting foot back & forth fairly rapidly. I find it takes tension out of the lower calves nicely!
I just thought of this...When I'm bored (or sometimes even when I have something I need to do) I pull out some fingernail clippers and snip off split ends from my hair. I'm really obsessive about it. I know it makes my hair uneven but at least the split ends are gone, lol.

I also pick at my cuticles a lot. I want everything to be nice and smooth, but I always end up making it worse. One time my preteen niece asked why my fingers are so red around my nails. It was kind of embarassing to be called out by a kid.
The little one and I have both had a vocal stim for the past week, for some bizarre reason it's my husband that sets me off and me that sets Kyoko off. I say in my cartoonish stim/echolalia voice "what up G? " no idea where it came from lol. Kyoko keeps repeating over and over "kill me" she doesn't know where hers came from. I also keep flapping my arms in public and Kyoko has started clicking again when we are out. She also keeps asking me to ask her what Pi is and then she does this weird thing with her arms and says 3.14.... can't remember it all but she says about 9 numbers starting off slow and then speeds up after she says point, so kind of like "it's three... pointonefour.....so fast I can't even remember lol.
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@Kelly: Kyoko always has all the best stims!

@WYV: Since I'm a stim snoop, I tried yours out...How does one wiggle one's ears without using their hands?!? My ears just sat there like ashtrays.
@Kelly: Kyoko always has all the best stims!

@WYV: Since I'm a stim snoop, I tried yours out...How does one wiggle one's ears without using their hands?!? My ears just sat there like ashtrays.

I have no idea! All I know is that I started in fourth grade, when I first got glasses. It's probably my most embarrassing stim, as it's something that EVERYBODY notices.
I have no idea! All I know is that I started in fourth grade, when I first got glasses. It's probably my most embarrassing stim, as it's something that EVERYBODY notices.

It's one of those things that either you can do it or you can't, and the distribution is arbitrary. (I can't.)

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