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The Post a Photo of Yourself Thread


'Bout Ye?
I've seen this on many forums that I visit and they tend to be quite popular (even on AS forums).

Basically, you attach a photo of yourself for other members to see what you look like in real life. Then you can comment on other members photos.

I will get the ball rolling...


To add a photo, when making a reply to this thread, look for "Attachments". Under this you can choose a photo.
Then click the green button "Attach this file" to upload it. Once you do that, there will be an option to add
the photo into your actual reply. < make sure you do that step.

You can also add photos too via your avatar and profile photo (these are both separate areas and don't upload as big).
nice photo :)
i tried to put one of myself on my profile but i couldnt due to the fact i suck when it comes to computers lol.

hi calvert. i like your photo. you look very cool
i just recently added a photo of myself. it took me ages to figure it out tho...but in the end i finally did!!!(i suck when it comes to computer stuff :unsure: )
Hopefully Willow won't mind me putting this one up. :P

I think it was taken on Christmas Day. :)

This seems pointless now that Chris already put a photo of us both up. But I'll post one where I don't look so stupid..

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Great photos - keep them coming!

Here's another:

View attachment 4

I look a bit tired in that one.

I'm going to Belfast on Saturday with my brother and a friend so will try to get a new photo.


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Yeah... I don't like smiling... I think I've got to used to having a forced sort of sarcastic apathetic smile. LOL.
It looks a bit weird. I think I have a masculine facial features(relative to those sported on most female faces) to an extent. That's probably why it looks weird.
There's another one:

I don't know. Maybe it's the angle.
I got a new hair cut ;D. You can't really tell. But it's all like. LAYERS ;D.
Me on the computer. My breasts are huge. This was taken last summer.


Me in Spokane on the honeymoon. This was taken at the Benny & Joon diner.

I don't want to attach an actual photo of myself, still "in the closet" regarding my suspected AS. Although I get told I either look like John Cleese or Herman Munster a lot.

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Oh deary me. Right.


Uhm. God. Me. In my school uniform. This was about 2 weeks before I attempted going into school again. I failed. The most recent.


This was taken either at the very beginning of last year or the middle of the year before. I get told I look grumpy in that but I think I look fine :)


And then there's the nursery picture. I'm the one in the blue shirt if you haven't already guessed.


Then there's this one. The christmas before the one that's just been. If I'd have known the year I was going to have...

I don't have many pictures I don't really like having them taken. If you wonder why I'm staring at the christmas pudding it's because we had lit it on fire with whisky (or brandy) but you can't see the flames in this picture.

Uhm. That is all! :)

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