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Someone called animal protection services on me about my dog


Well-Known Member
I have a lovely one year old dog who has had recently an ear infection and staph from an allergy and he's lost about 4 pounds.

I confided in someone who I thought was a friendly neighbor about the dog's issues (she has a dog and her and my dog like to play together). She petted him and said" oh what a poor dog , I feel so bad for him."

She messaged me yesterday and said could she have my home address so she could ship me some specialty foods as a gift , I gave her my address.

later asked me for medical information so she could order it from petsmart (which I didn't give her as I was busy with work at the time).$/.

Less than 4 hours later I had 2 Animal protection service officers at my door stating they had gotten an animal abuse report about my dog and that he was skin and bones/emaciated... which he was not, after seeing his water bowl/dog food full and the expensive brand I used of food .

She mentioned he was a bit skinny, but not dangerously and that I looked to be a good owner.

After I was literally in my head, even today. I am just so upset, because 1) I thought I was finally making a friend and 2) My day was going swimmingly before this.

I am 99% sure the person I thought was a friend did this, maybe she had good intentions, but that's not the way to go about doing this.

how do I broach her on the topic?

below is a pic of my dog , Mr. Buddy, taking a siesta today.


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Some acquaintances have/had a Shetland pony (of the woolly ordinary kind) that kept getting reported to the animal cops.

Apparently the grass was too tall in its pen, and it was too hairy.

Once the officers took a look they left--it's impossible for Shetland ponies to not look scruffy, and it's tough for an old dog to stay fat. Definitely drop your friend if she was actually doing this--it sure sounds weird!
I've had that happen, where someone would be friendly and solicitous and get into my good graces only to turn around and try to use stuff we talked about in good faith to undercut me in some way. But that was entirely tactical, they took advantage of my trust to try to use it to gain advantage for themselves. I fail to see how reporting you for dog abuse would gain your neighbor anything.

Pops into my head... Why would they want or - or even need - medical information to order something from PetSmart for you? That's really intrusive. Not their job.

Proper way for this to happen is: They'd make a suggestion, you'd evaluate it and if you decided you wanted it, you would order it yourself. Obviously they don't trust you to do what they think is best for your dog. Or maybe they are fishing for useful data for some other nefarious scheme.

The theory I have is that the person was angry at you for some reason. Maybe they thought you were discourteous in how you didn't jump to fulfill their request and decided to take it out on you. Maybe they are a rabid animal activist seeing animal cruelty everywhere they look. Maybe they just think you are an incompetent pet owner who can't handle the job. Maybe they are angry for another completely unrelated reason and this was just a hook to hang their hat from.

Assuming I have the full story would be a mistake. I haven't heard their side of the story. Though, if this is the entire story, I think they may be a bit mentally unstable and you should keep them at a distance.
If you never receive the gifts she was offering then I guess you could be 99.99% sure it was her.

I'm sorry that happened to you. I would feel violated not only for having the authorities called on me, but also for trusting another person (the "friend") who thought it was ok to straight up lie to you.
Dont trust her at all, with anything, ever. She is only being nice to learn enough to hurt you. Malice and melodrama. Friends offer support and acceptance, adversaries and enemies work against you, and find fault.
Maybe they are a rabid animal activist seeing animal cruelty everywhere they look.
Yes. This. That was my first thought when reading this, because I’ve been in an almost identical situation, more than once. So that person probably reported you because they think along these lines… people like that never seem to believe that certain dogs are meant to be really lean, or in your case, that there is a legitimate underlying medical issue. You did nothing wrong. Your dog is beautiful and looks happy and healthy. I think the concept of animal activism started out with good intentions, but now it seems to have taken a more malicious stance with some type of ulterior motive. This person definitely has an ulterior motive. I’d advise you to steer clear of them.
I know animal rights are a politically divisive issue, and my views are controversial, but I’m not here to preach about my opinions… I think we can all agree that this person is NOT a friend to you at all, and did something very wrong and hurtful that could have serious consequences, and that they reported you on a basis of bias and dishonesty.
I’ve had people stab me in the back and drop friendships with me simply for the fact that I purchased some of my dogs… while they conveniently forgot that a big part of my life is rescuing animals too. I have a specific neighbor who REFUSES to interact with me because I am affiliated with the American Kennel Club. So I’m very careful who I talk to about my dogs in real life, because some people are just waiting for an opportunity to harm people who don’t think like them.
Anyway. Didn’t mean to get on my soapbox there. This situation just really resonates with me.
Please keep your distance from this ill-meaning neighbor. And continue to give your beautiful dog the love and care you’ve been giving him. People can talk all they want, but you’re doing the right thing, and your dog loves you.
This is why I like dogs infinitely more than I like people ;)
That is a terrible thing. Your dog has a good owner and don't let it get to you. It may have been this neighbor but can you really be sure? It is possible that someone else did it. I would keep this neighbor at a distance and not confront her.
As a dog owner myself your dog looks happy, relaxed, content and well looked after in the photo. They all pick up infections and medical issues from time to time, as do humans.

I would drop and avoid the friend even if they did this with good intentions, if this is how they start at the beginning it will get worse the more opportunity they get to interfere in you and your dog’s lives.
Stay away from her. Aren't you frighten she will find simething else and report you again?

Stay far away. She isn't a friend. She is creepy lady who is in the habit of picking up the phone and lies. She lied to you to get your information. Then she lied to the animal control people. Block her phone number. Ignore her when outside.
I can tell from looking at the picture that your dog does not look to be in poor shape at all. That shouldn't even be up for debate, but if animal protection decides otherwise fight it and get any proof you need to defend you and your dog.

That wasn't a friend either, based on the outcome here it looks like she was gathering information to be used against you. Offering help or being useful would have been nice if she was going to poke her nose where it didn't belong, but that wasn't the case. No need to broach anyone, but I would suggest limiting how much of your business you share with her or anyone else.
Besides, you can sign up for gifts for yourself. You’re a mature person. She sounds like someone who’s found a “way in” to your personal life.
Keep people like that on their side of the fence.
Everyone has already said what I am thinking. She is a nosy lowlife. Avoid her if you can. And never, ever, let her near your dog or on your property. Who know what she would do!
You did nothing wrong. I can never trust anybody who would not have a direct dialogue and instead elevate an issue. Stay away from such a toxic person they are unnecessarily meddlesome. Your dog looks fine.

When people show you what they are, believe them.
Often times , people who offer help or support is just a ruse to get something from you. I am very suspicious of neighbors who are over friendly. I am suspicious of anybody who is too friendly. The other ploy used, is to ask you for help, even if insignificant, can mean the person is targeting you.

If anybody else shows up at your door, then she is suspect.
@SimplyWandering , I assume this neighbor isn't a next door neighbor otherwise she'd know your address. You say your dogs have been playing together. I'm assuming then the likelihood that you will see this woman again is high/probable? Have you thought about what you might say or do should you see her again?

Even if the woman thought she was acting in the best interest of your dog, given the fact that animal protection (the experts) saw no evidence of maltreatment/malnourishment and let you keep your dog means this woman owes you an apology if she's the one who called the authorities. It doesn't matter if her intentions were honorable. She got it wrong, she caused you distress as a result. Apology owed. That's proper etiquette and the "neighborly" thing to do.
@SimplyWandering , I assume this neighbor isn't a next door neighbor otherwise she'd know your address. You say your dogs have been playing together. I'm assuming then the likelihood that you will see this woman again is high/probable? Have you thought about what you might say or do should you see her again?

Even if the woman thought she was acting in the best interest of your dog, given the fact that animal protection (the experts) saw no evidence of maltreatment/malnourishment and let you keep your dog means this woman owes you an apology if she's the one who called the authorities. It doesn't matter if her intentions were honorable. She got it wrong, she caused you distress as a result. Apology owed. That's proper etiquette and the "neighborly" thing to do.
Except that she was too cowardly to simply do the neighborly thing and ask. An appology probably is not forth coming.
@Aspychata A funny encounter for me was in London when I was walking to the Natural history museum and a tout came alongside trying to sell me on going to a casino. I have a good stride and I lengthened it, and enjoyed seeing his short legs pumping away trying to keep up. He gave up entirely when I pointed out that there is a reason it is called gambling, not winning.
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@SimplyWandering , I assume this neighbor isn't a next door neighbor otherwise she'd know your address. You say your dogs have been playing together. I'm assuming then the likelihood that you will see this woman again is high/probable? Have you thought about what you might say or do should you see her again?

Even if the woman thought she was acting in the best interest of your dog, given the fact that animal protection (the experts) saw no evidence of maltreatment/malnourishment and let you keep your dog means this woman owes you an apology if she's the one who called the authorities. It doesn't matter if her intentions were honorable. She got it wrong, she caused you distress as a result. Apology owed. That's proper etiquette and the "neighborly" thing to do.

That is a nice neighbor. This could be neighbor from the black lagoon. You don't call the authorities on your neighbor. If the dog was starving, it's not going to have energy for a frolic or playtime with crazy lady's dog. Don't talk to her. Snub her. No eye contact, nothing, ignore her. She is not a neighbor. She is the Gestapo nightmare and probably phones in other people for minor infractions like weeds growing.

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