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Post something Weird or Random

28,5°C in the shade on the porch today. That's 83°F

I have been looking like this all day: :D
I'm lovin' it.

🥳 🌞
I’m glad to hear you finally have the weather you like.

Daytime in the 90s here. Opening the door to the heat is like opening an oven door. Staying in the sun results in hot burn. All the plants in the sun are dehydrated and wilting. you can’t leave your hand on a patch of bare soil for the heat. No rain. Still the dry season. My little creek has gone dry.

What is Weird is that these temps are normal in late July or August. That’s in the rainy season, so the high temps are not as damaging. But not in May.
All the plants in the sun are dehydrated and wilting. you can’t leave your hand on a patch of bare soil for the heat. No rain. Still the dry season. My little creek has gone dry.

That's one thing about the heat I don't like, I hope you get some rain soon. Some things are wilting a little here too because of heat, but it's supposed to rain a little later this evening.
I sanded the cooking surface of my cast iron pan and seasoned it 6 times and I am still in disbelief at how nice it came. Even more so at how non stick and slippery it is.


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This is an old story now but should give some of you a smile. Tasmania has just been accepted in to the AFL premier league here and their team is going to be called the Tassie Devils.

When the name was registered Warner Brothers tried to take them to court over the name usage, but it got thrown out of court. Warner Brothers stated afterwards that they never knew there was a real animal called a Tasmanian Devil.

Koala Tree Thief:

People from Sydney will tell you that Koalas are an endangered species. That's not even remotely true, they're endangered in and around Sydney because of pollution but in much of the rest of the country they can be a bit of a pest. In South Australia we have to carry out regular culls to keep populations down.

Koala Tree Thief:

People from Sydney will tell you that Koalas are an endangered species. That's not even remotely true, they're endangered in and around Sydney because of pollution but in much of the rest of the country they can be a bit of a pest. In South Australia we have to carry out regular culls to keep populations down.

Better a Koala than a Panda. A Panda eats, shoots, and leaves, or so I've read. World's worst tippers.
Koala Tree Thief:

People from Sydney will tell you that Koalas are an endangered species. That's not even remotely true, they're endangered in and around Sydney because of pollution but in much of the rest of the country they can be a bit of a pest. In South Australia we have to carry out regular culls to keep populations down.

Well. They are pretty cute.

Weren’t they in danger due to the rampant wildfires a few years back. I even donated to the fire crews. I’m pretty sure they were trying to evacuate wildlife in particular the koalas.
Weren’t they in danger due to the rampant wildfires a few years back. I even donated to the fire crews. I’m pretty sure they were trying to evacuate wildlife in particular the koalas.
We've had a few really bad fire seasons in the last decade or so that have caused massive destruction over very wide areas. Kangaroo Island in South Australia used to have a real problem with koalas, they weren't native there and were introduced, where they quickly bred to plague proportions and regular culls were necessary.

Kangaroo Island doesn't have that problem any more, not since the fires. It will regenerate over a decade or so but right now there's a lot of wildlife carers and agricultural workers being kept very busy.

Koalas are very difficult to look after and almost impossible to relocate because their diet is restricted to only a few very specific species of tree. Finding food for them isn't easy.

Australian bush recovers from fire incredibly quickly compared to the forests in other countries. Unless the fire is particularly intense almost all trees will live through it. Our ecosystems have evolved with fire being a regular part of the seasons and many species of tree won't even flower until after they have been burnt.

In regular bushfires everything looks like charred remains just after a fire but 6 weeks later it's all green again and bursting in to flower. That's normal bushfires though, what we've been getting lately are anything but normal and they are directly caused by human intervention.

In South Australia alone we have lost more than 2000 species of plant and 30 species of animals caused directly by the prevention of bushfires. Preventing fires means many species of plant can't flower, so they become extinct. And the animals that relied on those plants are also doomed to a horrible dwindling existence.

And because we keep preventing bushfires detritus keeps building up under the trees, and when we do get a fire come through it burns much hotter than it normally would and leaves nothing but complete destruction in it's wake.

Attitudes are slowly changing these days and we are now deliberately burning off areas every couple of years as it should be, but we also have uni students that call themselves "Greenies" fighting to prevent the controlled burns. Some of the more recent and most destructive large fires in Victoria can be directly attributed to the actions of these Greenies.

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