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Old-fashioned Advertisements

Well, yeah, but when gas was 50 cents a gallon, and cigarettes were 50 cents a pack, I was making 95 cents an hour in a big factory.
Two more from the ad break on that Mary Poppins recording I mentioned earlier, with both adverts from 1994:

Volkswagen Polo - "We thought we'd really drop it"

Tesco - "Babyface"
I remember when I was a kid "Supersoaker" commercials would come on.
then when picking a name for my SUPER CRINGE youtube channel...I looked for inspiration. people loved Ducktales, Transformers...uhhhh....how about "Supersoaker41"?

And I've been locked out of my account ever since.
I remember when I was a kid "Supersoaker" commercials would come on.
then when picking a name for my SUPER CRINGE youtube channel...I looked for inspiration. people loved Ducktales, Transformers...uhhhh....how about "Supersoaker41"?

And I've been locked out of my account ever since.

Reminds me of this advert; I used to have the Super Soaker XP 70 when I was a kid.

I also remember this one from the song:

I collect cigarettes ads from the back of old magazines. I have about 20


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One of my favorites, the colors on this one is very nice.


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I collect cigarettes ads from the back of old magazines. I have about 20
I wonder who was beating up on all those Tareyton smokers. The Marlboro Man?
BTW, I don't have a copy now, but the Marlboro man lives on a planet with two suns. In one of his ads, there's a full moon showing in a sunset. The other one I really wish I'd kept was a smiling male model in a lumberjack shirt, He is all poised to destroy the threads on a plastered-in electrical box, hoping to sell subscriptions to a do-it-yourself magazine, Popular Mechanics.
I remember L.S.M.F.T.! Stuck in my brain for 60 years.
David Ogilvie, one of the tip-top advertising writers once got a taxi in NYC. The cabbie asked him what he did, so David just said he was in advertising. The cabbie was not impressed, saying that ads were never convincing. "You're probably right" David replied. "By the way, what toothpaste do you use?"
"I use Gleem" the driver said "but it's not because of the advertising. It's because I drive cab, and I 'don't have time to brush after every meal.'" - quoting the ads perfectly.

Back in late January, I posted some old cigarette advertisement on my Tumblr (I sometimes post vintage ads I find online and think are neat on there) and then like a few weeks ago, it suddenly blew up and kept getting likes and people sharing it onto their own Tumblrs because some accounts specifically dedicated to smoking cigarettes in general or smoking the brand of cigarettes in the advertisement found it and shared it and it was like.


IDK what the point in me telling y'all this was but it was a thing that happened and was kinda weird.
View attachment 128366

Back in late January, I posted some old cigarette advertisement on my Tumblr (I sometimes post vintage ads I find online and think are neat on there) and then like a few weeks ago, it suddenly blew up and kept getting likes and people sharing it onto their own Tumblrs because some accounts specifically dedicated to smoking cigarettes in general or smoking the brand of cigarettes in the advertisement found it and shared it and it was like.


IDK what the point in me telling y'all this was but it was a thing that happened and was kinda weird.
I don't think I've ever seen the amount of "tar" advertised before. That is unique

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