Many of us have "comorbidities". In my case, one of those in particular has caused me
far more trouble than being ASD has.
I don't know the exact name (or even if there is one) but I call it "Executive Dysfunction" here for convenience.
I might have gone with something like "toxic procrastination" otherwise.
Not that I'd expect this to be relevant for your situation: the point is that it might be useful to separate ASD (which isn't all that well-defined anyway) from anything else.
ASD as such isn't "treatable", but I'm personally confident I would have benefited from targeted education (for example on NT language, social norms, body language norms, etc, when I was younger.
Many of the other things that are not ASD but are probably linked to it would have been best handled with something like CBT - i.e. addressing the functional issues rather than being concerned with causes.
An aside - at this point, I can hide that I'm ASD easily and indefinitely, but I hardly ever do so.
It took a long time and quite a lot of solo analysis and effort to get to this point though. It would have been easier with some practical help, but I agree with
@Outdated above (as usual - we've been through similar processes): there doesn't seem to be any
useful help for adults like me yet.
FWIW what I did as an adult was figure out that I was "masking" (**), why and how I was doing it, and then "tuned it" for my adult self. It doesn't seem to be possible for
me to teach it, but it's certainly
learnable, at least in principle.
"Masking" as we use it isn't the same thing as having a social persona, but there are many similarities.
I realized I'd being doing it for many years without realizing it, and that I was still using a system that had come about at random while I was fairly young (mostly tweener/teenage years). The "upgrade" has been
very useful.
Adjusting it for my adult self fixed a lot of issues (but not the procrastination /lol.)