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*Little* Things That Annoy You (Pet Peeves)

My pet peeves include people humming or singing. Another pet peeve, if you can call it that, is flashing yellow lights at intersections. No one does what they're supposed to do or when they're supposed to do it!
Seeing that someone has improperly used "Their", "There", or "They're".

Seeing that someone has improperly used "Yore", "You're", or "Your".

Seeing that someone has improperly used "Cite", "Sight", or "Site".
Images in advertising that look overly fake to the point it’s disconnected from reality (usually floating hands/arms, scaling of item(s) being inaccurate, or using a weird gimmick for the advertisement (like a tiny shopping cart filled with cash or tying a string onto your finger so you’ll remember to do something)
Anyone have pet peeves they would like to share? We might all have something in common.
People who.are not polite and too impatient
People who act too negative
People who.never overcome problems
People who seek help and never put it into emotion so they waste all that time and do nothing or just give up and do not persist
Women who always do not love themselves and sit around waiting to lose weight
Women who constantly look at other woman and want what that have or their lives
Women who refuse to say other woman are beautiful no matter how much effort they put in and because they do not look conventionally pretty.like hot celebrity
People with jealous eyes
People who are obsessed with celebrities lives
News and the way they sensationalize certain works events and stories and forget others
People who are never satisfied with the good in their lives.
People who act like covid cannot touch them like somehow they have an immunity because they are arrogant
Social media
How people on social Media portray their lives to be perfect
Women who fake tan, do eyelash extensions, hair extensions, face full of heaps of makeup almost every single day
People who are addicted to selfies and that is all they do as well as Instagram
People who post their kids all over social media and why because they are not thinking how dangerous online is and risking their kids photos being stolen by predators
People who attack people who have one speck of dust in their house or if their houses are messy, theirs must always be super clean then hope they never let their guard down or get sick with no help
People who shame others over their armpit hair or because they do not shave their legs
People who food shame others like tell someone that they should not eat what they do because they are big or feel like they are better because they eat healthy and not much.
Girls that pretend they are fine with different body types and then they feel better because they are skinny and I do not want to shame others because lots of woman even skinny woman may be easily influenced by what they absorb in their lives so they are used to being that and getting certain privileges plus size woman do not especially generation Z
People who watch like animal videos of like cats talking off chairs and breaking their backs and think that is funny
People who feed wild animals and like poke sticks at them or try to torment them.
People who litter
People who do not take care of the planet and do not think it is a priority yet spend their lives enjoying it and what it offers, parks, gardens, beach, forest reserves.
People who wreck my life and then blame me when I wreck theirs because their are no better plans apparently
The end
These look like catapillers
I think those are a bit busy like it would not be easy letting those stay.
But I think some people naturally have bushy ones and you should work with what you have and think thick ones look good on some people but I think it is brave woman who work with their with thick ones because it just feel weird having thick ones and like putting makeup on them that is why I like mine on the smaller size.
But you know we people who have thick ones are actually really beautiful and it becomes like their thing and then they become.like famous models because of it because they are actually beautiful.
But over plucking them is a nightmare too and really thin ones can look worse than thick. Yes and sometimes it is easy enough to do when plucking too.
Some people might accidentally pluck or wax them all off.
When people's friends or family members post on someone else's Facebook timeline from their phone so it looked like it was that person who posted it. So pointless, misleading and childish.
People who label everyone with high self-esteem a narcissist

When people go "om nom nom" when expressing a food preference
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• The lack of an Oxford Comma where one is absolutely necessary

• Ellipses between more than two complete sentences

• Periods at the ends of incomplete sentences

• Run-on sentences because the writer must explain every detail of the previous clause making the sentence impossible to parse and causing me a great deal of discomfort when trying to deduce whatever it is the writer originally intended to say simply because I have not the patience to parse every word and separate each clause with the proper punctuation so as to make it more readable and thus render the meaning obvious to all.
I think pet peeves are a terrible waste of thought and put a lot of negative energy out into the world.

Every time I read this thread, I think to myself well there’s another person I will piss off by simply existing.

Maybe we could all relax a little and just let people be as they are. Most of the time It’s not really that big of a deal and won’t affect your day all that much.
It's OK to talk about things we don't like. It's just a way to get things off our chest. I probably do things that are other people's pet peeves but it doesn't matter.

Positivity all the time gets boring.
Run-on sentences because the writer must explain every detail of the previous clause
Mojo Jojo from the powerpuff girls (a Cartoon Network show) was known for doing this. A whole episode based on this eccentricity was written where everyone in Townsville slowly starts to speak like him, dubbed Molinguish
When people change plans at the last minute

When I am forced to do an "icebreaker" at a social gathering

When commercials are way louder than the video I am watching
When people go "om nom nom" when expressing a food preference
The word “yummy” bothers me. Idk why.


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