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Interview my characters


Claritas Prayer Group#9435
Hi, I want to post a thread where I discuss something big, it's related to my plans of becoming a homesteader, unfortunately, I can't find the time to do that. However I have found the time look up information on writing a novel, today I came across a video that among other things recommended in regards to character development, "ask your characters certain questions..." so I thought maybe I'll post this thread here where I ask you all to interview the four most important characters in my novel and I'll try to think what answers they would give. The characters in question are:





Just ask post question for all four of them to answer and I'll type up each of their answers.
Do you know the purpose of your creation?
Monica: You mean what do I think God's plans are for me? Well I know right now I believe that God intends for me to care for my daughter, help save my husband's soul and help him to save mine; as well as continue to lead the Claritan women at our local lodge. You know it's funny, I actually used to really wonder and stress about what God wanted with my life, this was back when I thought I was being a "good Catholic." Yet now, after I changed became a genuine, honest Catholic, who really practices my Faith and works hard at becoming a Saint, I don't really stress about what God wants me to do anymore.

Paula: Oh? I guess God's purpose for making me is because He loves me, I would guessed that even back when I was an Agnostic. I know there's a lot I need to do now that I'm Catholic, but right now, I think God wants me to just get used to being Catholic and being a member of Claritas.

Joseph: I just take things one day at a time, and focus on what God wants me to do here and now, easier said than done but that's what I need to do. Yes I do think about the future and plan ahead, kind of hard not to do as an Autistic man, and of course sometimes I get caught-up in those thoughts and the like, but for the most part I just try to focus on doing what needs to be done; and be mindful that, as an Autistic guy I can do good things for society that few others can.

Christy: If there's one thing I've learned from this ordeal we've went through, it's that there is much more to loving God, and loving neighbour for God's sake, than meets the eye. I never realized how little we talk to people and get to know and accept them until all this happened, I thought I was good at going the extra mile in trying to connect with others, now I realize that I was just as insensitive as others. I've learned now, and I'm going to keep learning and keep growing, I am certainly am grateful that the I have unknowingly hurt have forgiven me and gave me a second chance to know and befriend them.

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