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Hello from a boring clod

I'm a 64yo male clod.
I'm not officially diagnosed, but I self-check almost all the boxes in the list.
Never wept over any one close to me dying. Even attended deaths of friends and been rather unaffected.
Never understood how people could so easily 'know what to do and say' in this or that situation.
It's sooo hard rememebring the 'right thing' to do.
Tired of people telling me I'm the smartest person they know when I forget stuff all the time, have to study hard to 'get it'.
I'm also tired of seeing myself make outbursts that shock and surprise people (myself included!)
I joke that I have 'Serial Obsessive Disorder' - one interest leads to another to another to another . . .
'Celebrating' birthdays, anniversaries, etc. is not on my radar (except when other point them out - oops!)
I am a great teacher because I naturally structure information so one part builds on another and the outcome is clearly understood.
I love theology and philosophy though I quibble with most of it all.
I am an artist, an engineer, designer, and struggling entrepreneur b/c I am soooo distractible.
I fianlly came up with an analogy of what it's like to live in my brain: It's like being inside a big shop-vac with the hose flipping here and there . . . my brainjust sucks stuff and then I say "Wow! look at that! How cool! I wonder . . ."
I call myself 'A Collectivist, a collector of inconsequential trivia'
I'm happy being y myself, but like the kudos on the end results I create.
I like running groups but being milling around in a crowd is agony.
Genetics? Check!
My dad and oldest brother were certainly aspie. We alled my dad 'lecturous' - if you bumped the wrong button, out came a looooooong lecture. He was a research chemist with a near-photographic memory. I grew up reading Science, Nature, Scientific American, etc.
I blow through prob. 100 books/year, mostly non-fiction.
End of monologue.
Hello and welcome @boringclod.

I hope you enjoy it here. Just ask if you need any help figuring things out.

What’s a clod?
A dullard, a gauche person, one who is socially inept and boorish, unsophisticated.
That's my definition, I'm sure Websters, et al, will have different.
: - )
A dullard, a gauche person, one who is socially inept and boorish, unsophisticated.
That's my definition, I'm sure Websters, et al, will have different.
: - )
Yes, I suppose I could’ve looked it up, but I really like to hear what the person who wrote something means by it.

Thanks and welcome to the forum.
Welcome! Very interesting introduction. I am also reading a lot right now; I'm trying to read more and would like to also collect inconsequential trivia. Do you have any favorites or recommendations?
Webster's Collegiate defines a clod as an oaf or a dolt (essentially a stupid person), which clearly you are not given your introduction. I share many of the traits you listed and I am definitely socially inept, but clod is not a word that leaps to mind when describing myself. Perhaps challenged would be more descriptive.

Welcome to the forums.
I'm a 64yo male clod.
I'm not officially diagnosed, but I self-check almost all the boxes in the list.
Never wept over any one close to me dying. Even attended deaths of friends and been rather unaffected.
Never understood how people could so easily 'know what to do and say' in this or that situation.
It's sooo hard rememebring the 'right thing' to do.
Tired of people telling me I'm the smartest person they know when I forget stuff all the time, have to study hard to 'get it'.
I'm also tired of seeing myself make outbursts that shock and surprise people (myself included!)
I joke that I have 'Serial Obsessive Disorder' - one interest leads to another to another to another . . .
'Celebrating' birthdays, anniversaries, etc. is not on my radar (except when other point them out - oops!)
I am a great teacher because I naturally structure information so one part builds on another and the outcome is clearly understood.
I love theology and philosophy though I quibble with most of it all.
I am an artist, an engineer, designer, and struggling entrepreneur b/c I am soooo distractible.
I fianlly came up with an analogy of what it's like to live in my brain: It's like being inside a big shop-vac with the hose flipping here and there . . . my brainjust sucks stuff and then I say "Wow! look at that! How cool! I wonder . . ."
I call myself 'A Collectivist, a collector of inconsequential trivia'
I'm happy being y myself, but like the kudos on the end results I create.
I like running groups but being milling around in a crowd is agony.
Genetics? Check!
My dad and oldest brother were certainly aspie. We alled my dad 'lecturous' - if you bumped the wrong button, out came a looooooong lecture. He was a research chemist with a near-photographic memory. I grew up reading Science, Nature, Scientific American, etc.
I blow through prob. 100 books/year, mostly non-fiction.
End of monologue.

I feel like we are the same in many ways. Welcome to Aspie Central :)
Welcome! I am also full of many random and usually not useful facts. Once in a blue moon they do come in handy.
You sound at least a little like me... I also think my life is rather boring sometimes, other people disagree...
I've always heard clod meant a clump of dirt.
Per Dictionary.com it does mean that and also the derogatory term.
I agree you are certainly not #2.

Being a walking dictionary of useless knowledge is pretty common with Aspies.
I have been called that. I like it.
Sometimes it does come in handy!

Welcome to the forum. :sunflower:

  1. a lump or mass, especially of earth or clay.
  2. a stupid person; blockhead; dolt.

OK, fine!
I FEEL like a clod - a dolt who says and does things that leave others backing slowly away without looking away from this odd thing that just shocked them.

Maybe bore or boor is better?
: - )

I understood what you mean by “clod”. And a bit of self-deprecation can be healthy. That said, you don’t seem boring, a clod or a bore to me.
Even with as little time as I have spent here, I must say the feeling I have is one of being enjoyed for one's quirks and oddities rather than always leaving bunch of confused, hurt, off-put, or irtitated people in my wake.
: - )

(BTW: despising emojis and typing : - ) for a smiley face is but one of my curious customs)
HI and welcome
you describe yourself as a clod - to which I reply - "I resemble that remark"
There are a number of clods in here also - so I expect you feel at home.
A clod can mean different things. It can mean a clump of dirt, soil, or earth, or it can mean a foolish person.
I once read an insult in a Archie comic book when I was younger that went, "You remind us of our precious Earth... you great big clod!"

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