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Aspie Tests (RAADS, AQ etc)

Also this

I don't even have aspie people skills. That's kinda sad, lol.
How accurate is this thing? I didn't do this in my diagnosis nor do a lot of these questions come up. I had to answer "I don't know" to quite a lot, not sure if that changes the results.

But anyway here's the results:


Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 156 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 41 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

I found it avoided a lot of crucial questions that the AQ covers, I prefer the AQ.
I have to share what i'm thinking right now with seeing you guys doing this test.

I honestly find it awesome for the patterns we all share, although very different in each of us also.

The actual diagrams that it gives us on this test is really quite intriguing and inspiring for me as ilearn about who I am.

I cannot imagine how 'the same' everyone would be, if we were all 50/50 and the shape of our own unique self within the diagram which we have 'made' ourself by our own uniqueness were simply a line down the middle.

I think this in itself it pretty damn awesome.

How accurate is this thing?

Not accurate as a diagnostic tool. For that, you'll need the RAADS tests or the Baron-Cohen AQ test.

This is a data-collection exercise by an author who's neither neurologist nor psychologist, put together to support his theory that the neuro-diverse traits present in homo sapiens come from Neanderthals (I'm paraphrasing ...). To my knowledge, his theory is not supported by any other research.
Not accurate as a diagnostic tool. For that, you'll need the RAADS tests or the Baron-Cohen AQ test.

This is a data-collection exercise by an author who's neither neurologist nor psychologist, put together to support his theory that the neuro-diverse traits present in homo sapiens come from Neanderthals (I'm paraphrasing ...). To my knowledge, his theory is not supported by any other research.
So... a useless quiz put together by some wannabe theorist? Explains the strange questions about following people and picking flakes off their skin I suppose. Why is it so popular on this site?
Well, I didn't actually say it was useless ...

Agree with you re the oddness of some of the questions. I was thrown by it a little, and almost put off pursuing my diagnosis. As such, I sometimes wonder whether it's done more harm than good.
What is its use? Genuinely wondering. Like the others ones assist in screening/diagnosing but this isn't for that, so what is it for?

I can't answer that question with authority so I'll stay away from that, but this may be of interest to anyone wanting to find out more about the Neanderthal theory of neurodiversity and the Aspie quiz. The questions in the quiz that we find weird are kind of explained in light of the theory... About half way down the page, for those who want to scroll down without reading everything. It's kind of amusing reading, actually... Finding alleged links between Aspies and Neanderthals.

In the above paper I read that the Aspie quiz has found a higher incidence of red hair among Aspies, and a higher incidence of brown/hazel eyes among Aspies. If nothing else, the Aspie quiz provides pretty interesting data. (Incidentally, I have neither red hair nor brown eyes. I have some red hairs on my head but I also have black and brown and blond in there. :) )

Data from the quiz also appears to show that Aspies prefer colder weather. :)

Unfortunately data somehow seems to show that "Peeling skin flakes from self or others is also common in autistics. 96This seems to be a grooming behavior commonly seen in other primates which indicates an evolutionary past with a fur-coat." Now, what does "peeling skin flakes" actually mean? Does it mean picking scabs? Does it mean being fastidious about personal grooming? Does it mean squeezing pimples? Does it mean pulling at the quick of one's fingernails? If it only means peeling off flakes of skin it sounds weird, but if by extension it can include other types of "grooming" I think it makes sense. :D I have always had a habit of picking at myself when I'm stressed or distracted. I suppose I consider it a bit like stimming.
did the
test in swe:
nt 109 of 200, aspi 88 of 200

"The feeling sometimes, wishing you were someone else
Feeling as though you never belong
This feeling is not sadness, this feeling is not joy" vnv
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That video and those words just made me cry my eye balls out.

So apt for me right now

My results. Idk why, but this test really started irritating me bc I was having difficulty understanding exactly what they wanted to know, and for some questions I couldn't understand why they were asking. Maybe that's part of the test.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 169 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 76 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)​
aspie quiz results.png
I always get different results on this thing. Generally it says im in the middle but more to the autistic side, but tonight i'm tired so i guess i picked some things different

This was taken in 2015, 6:32 AM.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 176 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 21 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 149 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 42 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

My AQ is 33.
I'm glad this thread exists because I don't think my radar graph is very helpful imo, and it's great to have some other results of proven autistics to compare to.

My result from Aspie Test:

Neurodiverse (Aspie) Score:
118 of 200.
Neurotypical Score: 91 of 200
"You seem to have both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits."

My result for AQ Test was 39. "32-50 indicates a strong likelihood of Asperger syndrome or autism."
I am not comfortable with my new found results on this test. I am going to take it a second time. Has anyone else taken it twice with different results? For example, I am highly communicative. I have taught classes and am even able to do public speaking. I have been repeatedly told that I have good people skills,. I have had several relationships. So not quite sure how all this plays out. Anyone else disagree with their test results? I feel as if this is a different person than me. Or....is THIS the real me, and the one I project to the world the artificial one? Hmmmm...food for thought!

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 120 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 110 of 200
You seem to have both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits

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The result I posted for the Aspie Test was my second try because I struggled with some of the questions when I first did it in August 2017, and so I did it this month a second time with extra feedback from my husband about my behaviours since he lives with me. With doing so, I learnt a few new things about myself that I was not aware of, and so it's probably best to keep a rough large error margin in mind when seeing your result. Mind you, there was not a huge difference between my scores and my radar graphs. I'm happier going with my second attempt considering I managed to remove most of my unsure answers.

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