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Aspergers makes us angry maybe?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
WARNING: I am not talking specifically about you, or you, or even you, I mention this simply because it perplexes me and not because I want to shame or alienate anybody ; ]

(Nor am I looking to develop a knew nemesis) :p

Well I don't know about you mob, but I have noticed a growing trend in a lot of posts to mention how angry a thing makes you and how violent you would be in reaction to it, I would be better able to understand if that was what the thread was about but it seems to be cropping up in threads where it doesn?t have relevance (to my perception I mean)

Thread: I like kitties because they?re so fluffy and warm and they smell like sunshine feels YAY

Post: kitties are pretty terrific, so cute and cuddly, but I once knew a guy that had a cat and he was a douche and I wanted to kick the **** out of him!

I find myself wondering if a lot of Aspies get to the point where they have a lot of recriminations about things they couldn?t have known where happening because of Aspergers, is it a subset of emotions running underneath our regular selves that we are constantly annoyed and one step from anger or violence, because, don?t get me wrong, I would love to flog the living piss out of a lot of different people too, you know the sort, the smarmy cashier or the condescending waiter or the ignorant/ bigoted casual acquaintance. Hell, I know I harbour some pretty gruesome and elaborate revenge scenarios that if I could write them out a little fancifully I might even rival the likes of Miss Marple, but I try not to go on about it in my posts because I don?t want to be a bring-down to anybody else.

So is that then wrong of me, I come to a place to talk with others about what makes me confused about being different and then I censure myself lightly so as not to make others uncomfortable, all the while I am confused that nobody else seems to be doing likewise, or is that part of the spectrum we?re on that some people might do that and others don?t see the sense in restraining themselves because we are on a site where we come to try to find help to understand why we are the way we are and so to censure yourself would be counterproductive?

You see now how I am in two minds here and obviously there is going to be no clear cut answer for me but it will just be interesting to get others input on this.

PS; for the record and for no other reason than I simply want to say it, I would have hesitation to physically hurt somebody because everything negative that has ever happened to me would lend weight and duration to my fury and I fear I would kill them, hence I am not violent and also I was raised to believe that you must never strike a women or a child for any reason regardless, therein I would theoretically be matched to a fully defensible and combat worthy male and there is a real possibility I could end up myself, disfigured or worse, and then where would I be?

I have more to say on this but I will leave that for later depending on the responses, thank you for your time in reading this ; ]
Hi Gomendosi!

What a thought-provoking interesting post. I noticed the same thing but it doesn't disturb me. In an NT env't I also sensor myself & avoid expressing thoughts that could be interpreted as angry & aggressive. We Aspies are forced to expose ourselves in a world made by & for NTs so we live a significant part of our lives in fight or flight mode. Most often we have the good sense to choose flight (& avoid prison, lunatic asylums, getting maimed or maiming someone else).

I think one of the major traits of Aspies is a very thin social filter. Here, amongst others of our kind, we don't have to be afraid to express this aspect of ourselves for fear of rejection, judgement or frightening others. The NT world is exceedingly hypocritical. NTs have this same undercurrent of anger but theirs is worse: it is almost a kind of blind rage. It emerges, like rats, in secret places. So many of them beat their partners or kids. Many molest their kids. They cheat blatantly on their taxes & so many are kleptomaniacs that it isn't even funny.

The difference with us is that we aren't good at managing false personae & fa?ades. We are as we are personality-wise. I've seen Aspies with far-out appearances (green hair, half shaved head, unique fashion sense) but I've never met one who was a hypocrite. The NT world simply buries, hides & sensors anything it deems unpleasant. The way I see it, this serves 3 main aims: to facilitate their constant craving for social interaction, to avoid having to deal with so-called unpleasantness, they're overly emotional so they're truly scared of 'snapping' & doing or saying something awful.

We don't suffer from pervasive over-emotionality so I'd bet that, statistically, an Aspie is many times more likely to be victimized by the anger of a NT than the other way around. I'd bet that more of them carry a fire-arm & are inwardly hoping for something they can spin as a 'provocation' that'll allow them to use it!

"So is that then wrong of me, I come to a place to talk with others about what makes me confused about being different and then I censure myself lightly so as not to make others uncomfortable, all the while I am confused that nobody else seems to be doing likewise, or is that part of the spectrum we’re on that some people might do that and others don’t see the sense in restraining themselves because we are on a site where we come to try to find help to understand why we are the way we are and so to censure yourself would be counterproductive?" -Gomendosi

Wrong? I find what the world calls right & wrong silly sometimes. As for counterprodictive, I tend to see it more as unnecessary in an Aspie dominated setting. If I was angry with someone specific here, I'd address them directly in a personal message to sort out any disagreements that were becoming ugly. Simple misunderstandings are bound to occur as are differences of opinion. So long as we don't assume any expressions of anger are directed at anyone here specifically we'll do just fine being true to how we think & feel.
I snap very easily. The smallest thing can bring such feelings of complete and utter hatred/anger for me that I have a surge of adrenaline and can feel quite shakey. Example someone pulls out infront of us on the road, I will be calling them alot of very nasty names, or when my daughter came home with a huge chunk of skin missing on her arm because a boy had pushed her over my first reaction was "I'm going to f**k that little s**t up, how dare he, etc etc" this was about a 7year old kid who most probably didn't push her deliberately but my first reaction is always rage.

That is why when it comes to dealing with anything my husband steps in because I get wound up far too easily and I am straight in with shouting and swearing and sounding like a lunatic...over the phone/net. Face to face I am just as angry but I internalise it all and end up shaking and on the verge of tears unable to speak coherently.

Sometimes over the phone I get the on the verge of tears thing too. I was talking to my dad the other night, I was already on 'wtf' mode because he called at 10pm which outraged me. Anyway we got on to the subject of my daughters meltdowns and he was all "you can't let her get away with that kind of behaviour". My first thoughts were to shout and scream at him that he knew absolutely nothing and how counter productive it would be to punish her for having a meltdown and basically FU you ignorant so and so...but instead my voice became shakey I had tears in my eyes and was stuttering as I tried to explain that it's just part of who she is (and me) and that it's not her fault she is just letting off steam from sensory or emotional overload.

I really have no idea why I'm like this, I can go from completely calm to full on ready to kick somebody's butt in 2 seconds flat, probably why I will never be able to have a job in customer services :bounce:

Oh and gomendosi you really shouldn't censor yourself just let it all out, we're all here to support each other and not judge.
Well done Gomendosi- I just posted something stupid about sport and put a little mindless violence in it as a humourous ramble/ banter: certainly not to bring anyone down-I am not sure how to navigate the site so I may get things wrong-nor am accustomed to forum protocol-I have never been on one before- you are right, of course,this forum could give a us all unique chance to explore how we see and view our respective worlds and to explore both positive and negative aspects as well as similarities and I hope coping mechanisms- I have never knowingly met another with aspergers and would really like to make the most of this experience and share some of my thoughts, fears and aspirations with like minded individuals, who happen to be on the spectrum. I am a peace loving guy but due to 47 years of aggravation, terror, despair, solitude and the belief I was the one with the problem,I too can fantasize about getting my revenge- This diagnosis has hopefully allowed me the chance to channel these energies into something wholesome and positive not just for me but all you could benefit from knowledge and compassion- I hope to put some of that energy into this forum and by you writing this post you also have contributed positively. so I personally thank you!
My gripe du jour:

I'm mad at the way we Aspies have been so conditioned to assume that, whenever a NT is angry at us, that WE must've done or said (or even failed to say ) something to cause their anger. Why must WE always be on the defensive (even with each other) anxious over screwing up? NTs are often judgemental hypersensitive crack pots. Some of them are rude, dumb & intolerant with it. WE are wired differently: NOT wrongfully. THEY are often very ignorant re Autism in general WE live in their world & know it well: it drives us nuts, but we know much about their baffling illogical ways.

Why are their ethics & 'values' always assumed to be the correct ones at all times? I'm becoming more vocal & rebellious regarding these arrogant assumptions. Why are WE forced to walk on eggshells all the time afraid & losing confidence? I'm becoming increasingly resentful of the double standard they impose on us. When one of them gets angry, over reacts (look at NTs & road rage!!! ) it's because they're human & they lost their temper. WE have a temper too! WE lose it for similar reasons sometimes & for different ones. That doesn't mean that Asperger's is to blame for everything. YES Asperger's makes us different to NTs BUT it doesn't make us into an undifferentiated mass that ought to be stereotyped & discriminated against due to a combination of intolerance & ignorance.
Soup- having read your post I am now angry at the fact that I have apologised twice today for being an aspie-what the xxxx was i thinking-its not just when a neurotypical is angry its also when we may have a difference of opinion-everyone has the right to an opinion n'est pas except if you happen to be an aspie- what sparked this off today?
Like the soup I'm obsessed with, it has been simmering for some time. I had this unspecified anger that I knew there was a good reason for but couldn't quite articulate. Today, gained some clarity. I think it came from a combination of encountering the grocery store parking lot crazy woman & dealing with my NT mother who STILL refuses to comprehend that forcing herself onto me in a uber-chatty obnoxious, intrusive manner will 'heal' me of my lack of a need for face to face social interaction. This is NOT a sickness: the Flu is a sickness. Gastroenteritis is a sickness. ASPERGER'S is a DIFFERENCE!

When 2 NTs disagree, does one of them automatically have to be wrong? BOTH may be correct because they see things from a different perspective. Does 1 automatically get branded as 'crazy'? NO. Disagreeing & the ensuing disputes, arguments, negotiations & sometimes frustration & anger are to be expected. We've kind of allowed doctors, shrinks, educators & other 'experts' make us feel like defectives who need 'guidance' to better adapt to their 'normal' world. Perhaps we Aspies need to open schools for crazy NTs to guide them away from all that emotionality, false empathy, feigned friendship, insincerity, bigotry & arrogance! We can make them smarter lie we are & show them how much better it is to respect others & leave them the hell alone, not chat them to death & be able to occupy themselves instead of craving constant over-stimulation!!!
we Aspies need to open schools for crazy NTs to guide them away from all that emotionality, false empathy, feigned friendship, insincerity, bigotry & arrogance! We can make them smarter lie we are & show them how much better it is to respect others & leave them the hell alone, not chat them to death & be able to occupy themselves instead of craving constant over-stimulation!!!
I am trying to work on setting up a conference that turns theory of mind on its head from the asperger perspective-these very sentiments are exactly what we should be addressing- countless books, thesis and general garbage under the guise of education has been floating about all for the benefit of the parents, carers and unfortunates who are weighed down by our annoying ways- i don't quite know how i am going to manage it but the day will come!
When that day does come ( & it inevitably WILL) let me know where & when! That's something I'd actually like to witness. So much of the blather NT 'experts' spout about Aspies is THEORY. Not even based upon sound scientific data but more like wild guesses! I refuse to accept that we're socially impaired. We're all doing great socializing here every day! We discuss deeply personal stuff, tough experiences, empathize & show humour. We're all ages, religions (lack of religion too) every colour, nationality & socioeconomic (class) bkgd. We just do it differently! SOCIETIES are often inherently flawed, dysfunctional structures. I'm living much better since I minimized my interaction with their so-called 'society'. I'm more thoughtful, less stressed, more serene & I've gained much insight. So, what's the freakin' problem? It really isn't OUR problem to HAVE!
I think I need to think carefully and learn first-however this kernel of an ideal came from hearing a remark by dr Luke Beardon at a conference in Colchester run by Autism Anglia-However my initial excitement waned when I realised what an uphill struggle I would face. secondly I would not like the neurotypical powers that be to censor the whole thing so as not to upset the proverbial apple cart. This forum and the many ideas and opinions is a great place to start learning and also gives me the opportunity to express myself with ease. we may not all agree on everything ,thank goodness for that but sometimes people just get it on here!!its so tiring having to explain everything all the time. Many out there would say I was intense because I would talk about personal things but I saw no problem with that; a fact is a fact right! however I would like to tell our story from a completely different perspective-its the writer in me-I am doing this for me. soup you say you are living much better since minimizing contact- I spend about 98% of my life alone its too much and I would like people in it-ideally a house with separate wings-due to long illness and spinal complications that not possible to build yet!! i appear to be on a ramble STOP.
Ramble on, Rolo! I was interested in hearing more about that dream house of yours & what you'd construct! Home adaptation is a life changing proposition. Many people with physical challenges become virtual shut-ins because they literally can't get in or out easily.

As for the uphill battle, you're battling uphill any ways along with the rest of us. Might as well do so for a cause you're passionate about. Go for it!
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