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Aspergers and Marijuana

o9o(As Always in the UK, due to its illegality.. especially tonight, as it took my 10yr-old son to remind me that life is still to live :)
How bad I feel about that is for tomorrow.. I'm still alive tonight!) I was grateful to my family for understanding,if not actually agreeing with, the emotionally uplifting benefits of cannabis and helping to carry me through to tomorrow..
.. or what? THE END seems close at the moment, but I utterly refuse to submit to it!
A hard time, but I know I want to live !!!..

..Later: So much better, for spending the night with my son at my mums.. I could not have coped by myself, honestly!.. some smoke (weak), better mood, discussion, spending time with my friends & oldest and youngst sons..
Tenda Iwe Ngirozi
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It makes me feel more comfortable being myself. I don't feel that I need to wear my mask. This is only around people I trust. Anxiety intensifies around unfamiliar people, but that's because I know how much others can judge and be closed minded about it. I'm normally quite anxious around unfamiliar people anyway. I always have been. I'm realizing its kind of sad that normally I would wear a mask around most people I trust. It's been engrained in me.
I sometimes enjoy smoking weed. It does help with a lot of psychological issues, and helps me to eat, which I have problems with. But it costs money, and in my case, could land me with some hefty fines and probation, so at times I feel it's not worth the risk.

I think it's laughable that people who don't smoke, haven't been appropriately exposed to it, or haven't tried it would even post in this thread at all. For the record, anyone in those categories is too inexperienced to even have an opinion.
To be honest, one of the only times I felt "normal" was when I smoked marijuana. Since I live in a state where its only available for medical use, I don't have access to it. I'm currently using alcohol as a means of coping while waiting for insurance to kick in (or letter of denial of).

Not gonna lie, if someone offered, I would take it. But of course it would have to be legal on my part.
To be honest, one of the only times I felt "normal" was when I smoked marijuana. Since I live in a state where its only available for medical use, I don't have access to it. I'm currently using alcohol as a means of coping while waiting for insurance to kick in (or letter of denial of).

Not gonna lie, if someone offered, I would take it. But of course it would have to be legal on my part.

I'm alternately medicating with MMJ and alcohol, only because cannabis is expensive and hard to obtain at times as it's still illegal in the UK :rolleyes: But I don't like to have to use alcohol for extended periods.. not healthy!
Yeah, to those fellows, like myself, who've had to "replace" marijuana with other drugs or alcohol, I hate to be the "finger-wagger," but I've been there, and it's an ugly mental state to be in. Since cutting back almost entirely on alcohol and hard drugs, I've learned to use special interests and stims as a sort of substitute for pot when I'm terribly ill or stressed and can't get it. I don't want to sound like I'm telling you what to do, but please take my advice as someone who can relate, that's a very bad groove to fall into. I strongly feel it turns your relationship with the pot into something more like an addiction to opiates or stimulants, wherein you need it to feel good, or as said above, even normal. Now that it's been a long time since I've actually felt that dependent upon a substance (besides nicotine, because I am a disgusting smoker :( ) I get so much more practical value and enjoyment out of experiences with marijuana. And I don't have the guilt of feeling addicted. :)
I think marijuana is pretty helpful. I understand so much more when I do smoke like jokes and stuff. Now, my anxiety is pretty bad especially in overly-crowded places, but I really don't feel it when I am on it. I don't get what's wrong with it. Hell, I'm sure if I took anti-anxiety meds I'd become dependent on those way more than marijuana. Not to mention it helped me find a pretty good talent that's already landed me a project and a side job! :D
If it works, Fine, I agree vaping is probably the healthiest way to introduce THC into your system, that or edibles. Be aware however that some people find they experience a greatly increased sense of anxiety, paranoia and a wide range of unpleasant results. Most of the strains these days are far removed from the comparatively low cannabinoid content of older strains. I personally find I do not enjoy the experience, however I have friends that swear by it being a life saver. If you are going to use it then start with what would be considered a low dose and then halve that, and that though ingestion may be somewhat healthier the effects can last a lot! longer. Stay away from resins, oils and hash before you decide if you think the effects may be beneficial or detrimental. If buying directly, ask for bush and not nuggets or anything stronger.
Do some research and make sure it is not based on biased either for or against.
For me? my motivation is incredibly diminished on pot.
Update: I have tried smoking Marijuana again after a 10 year+ break; It has helped so much. Even the day after I smoke I feel completely different and better.

I smoked last evening and feel good today as compared to recent days when I felt terrible.The Depression seems to disappear completely. I am not sure how it is affecting my Aspergers, but I feel more calm in general and not so conflicted, obsessive, etc.

When used as a medicine (and not habitually) I believe it can help.
Update: I have tried smoking Marijuana again after a 10 year+ break; It has helped so much. Even the day after I smoke I feel completely different and better.

I smoked last evening and feel good today as compared to recent days when I felt terrible.The Depression seems to disappear completely. I am not sure how it is affecting my Aspergers, but I feel more calm in general and not so conflicted, obsessive, etc.

When used as a medicine (and not habitually) I believe it can help.
I attribute a lot of my brain damage recovery to the use of it in light dosages. I tried it again during my initial recovery because I had lost all hope of ever getting better even it it had detrimental effects. It did make me feel better and I would recommend others trying it to see if it worked for them for anxiety and depression.

Once again,I will stress that it is not for everyone ;)
I attribute a lot of my brain damage recovery to the use of it in light dosages. I tried it again during my initial recovery because I had lost all hope of ever getting better even it it had detrimental effects. It did make me feel better and I would recommend others trying it to see if it worked for them for anxiety and depression.

Once again,I will stress that it is not for everyone ;)

Yes, I agree; Light dosages. And, it is not for everyone, as you stated.
I don't know how old you are, but my understanding is that marijuana has gotten significantly stronger these days than in the past. I used to be able to smoke just a few buds mixed in as a spliff and be sufficiently buzzed for an entire evening

The Marijuana has gotten extremely potent over the recent years in America. In my earlier years of using (The 1990's) I was used to usually only getting poor-grade Mexican, brown weed. Now, the stuff in my region (NYC) is just like the stuff I smoked in Amsterdam, Holland when I was 21. Almost too strong now. Therefore, when I have the opportunity to smoke (which is not often nowadays) I only take 2-3 hits. That is plenty. :)

This is a slightly outdated chart as one or two strains I've tried over time have proven to be in the wrong area, but it shows the advantage of growing your own over just buying what's available on the street. You have the choice of high/balanced/low THC/CBD content - good pain-killing strains are the strong indicas, sativas are the good heady/highs, the middle column is the roughly 50:50 ratio good for anti-anxiety/depression.
I've tried 7-8 of these, plus some others, allowing a set dosage of 0.5g per day vapourised and/or 7-14g in tincture per month.
I really wouldn't bother with super-high THC street weed unless I can mix it with a high CBD strain as I've found that prolonged use can lead to loss of motivation until it's out of my system.
Roll on legalisation and general knowledge of this plants uses and benefits.
A little bit of news I thought those interested in medical cannabis might be interested in..

There's a lot of bad press about cannabis at the moment in the UK, official opinion being that there is a direct correlation between cannabis use and psychosis. I'm not going to speculate on why government are pushing this view with no evidence whatsoever to back it, but I am anticipating a reversal now the elections are over.

I Heart Intelligence A New Study Shows that Anti-Cannabis Claims are Wrong.

The above link shows that, if we try hard enough, we can find erroneous correlations anywhere we want:

"What they did find is that there were several environmental factors ranging from poverty to bullying that lead to both cannabis use and psychotic episodes. Basically the same environmental factors that lead to teenagers smoking cannabis ALSO lead to psychotic episodes, not BECAUSE of cannabis use. This is important research because it is another case of the anti-cannabis movement using false correlations to demonize cannabis use. Correlation is not causation."

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My opinion is that there is nothing wrong with smoking weed. I think alcohol is 100 times worse than cannabis, people drink alcohol, become aggressive and abusive, do stupid things like drunk driving and there have been plenty of alcohol related deaths. When you smoke weed you just want to chill out, your not harming anyone. I'd rather have a joint on the weekend in the evening, chill out and watch a film then sit there and drown myself in booze. Of course there is the addiction same with most legal drugs people are perscribed, take it too much get addicted. Everyone is affected In different ways depends on how much you take and the strain of the plant, different plants contain different levels of THC, also then there's the chemicals people use to grow them.

The reason it's frowned upon in so many countries is that the government's can't regulate it and there for can't make their cut on it, unlike they can with tobacco and alcohol. Cannabis can be grown in a tent in a bedroom and every three months someone makes a nice little lump sum of cash.. tax free, this is why it's criminalized and why the media publishes so much nonsense on the subject
I've never tried smoking cannabis, or anything else, and have no intention of doing so. Like any drug, legal or otherwise, however helpful it may be to some people, one cannot eliminate the possible side effects, which can be extremely harmful and even kill. I've seen the side affects that smoking weed can have close up, as a family member used to smoke it, and for me the risks far outweigh the possible benefits. It's just not worth the risk. Our lungs were designed for breathing air, not burnt plant material. So no thanks, not for me!
Here is a rundown of drug related deaths with big pharma holding up the lead ;)Annual Causes of Death in the United States | Drug War Facts

There are still no deaths reported from marijuana overdose.
Marijuana does not have to be smoked for it to work,there are vaporizing and edible ways to ingest it.

The human body has cannibinoid receptors and produces it's own cannibinoids for mood regulation,so I view it's usage as less harmful than anything that is prescribed by doctors.

I used to use big pharma's poisons but feel the chemistry set is a bit too iffy to run my body on.

I will point out again that it is not for everyone ;)
I'm liking the amount of information becoming available now cannabis is being more broadly legalised. Here's another link for anyone looking for good strains for social anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD..

I like stories like this one too, as they give hope to so many people, with so many ailments, not just Autism, that some serious research will be done into efficacious medicines with no harmful side effects. In the meantime there's a quickly growing body of anecdotal evidence out there now..
I've been feeling pretty low the last few days and have had to resort to alcohol again to raise my mood a little in the evening, in lieu of cannabis, which is still illegal in the UK and difficult to find and afford - I allow myself only one bottle of wine per night as this and no more seems to have the best effect on me. last night, though, I managed to get some of my medical-grade 'Mango Haze' and am feeling considerably better - the positive effect on my depression is instant and cumulative over 2-3 days so, even without being able to change the cause, I can still ease the symptoms.
I really don't like using alcohol as I worry because I find that it does become a habit and I may become addicted - alcoholism is the last problem I need to add to my repetoire, thanks UK Government!
This story reflects my difficulties from across the pond - interesting to see the enlightenment spreading over there..
I've been feeling pretty low the last few days and have had to resort to alcohol again to raise my mood a little in the evening, in lieu of cannabis, which is still illegal in the UK and difficult to find and afford - I allow myself only one bottle of wine per night as this and no more seems to have the best effect on me. last night, though, I managed to get some of my medical-grade 'Mango Haze' and am feeling considerably better - the positive effect on my depression is instant and cumulative over 2-3 days so, even without being able to change the cause, I can still ease the symptoms.
I really don't like using alcohol as I worry because I find that it does become a habit and I may become addicted - alcoholism is the last problem I need to add to my repetoire, thanks UK Government!
This story reflects my difficulties from across the pond - interesting to see the enlightenment spreading over there..
Spiller, I hope you come through this bad time soon. I have dark periods occasionally too, but am pretty good at the moment. I also find that exactly one bottle of wine works best.
I haven't used any green for about 30 years now - maybe I should put part of my garden to good use :cool:
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