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  1. L

    Support for neurotypical siblings of autistic children

    Hello everyone! I am currently working on my bachelor's thesis that focuses on how neurotypical children who have a brother or sister with an autism diagnosis can be optimally supported in their needs using a toolkit (collection of different resources and elements). The children should thereby...
  2. B

    New sibling causing constant meltdowns

    Hi, I'm new here. I joined specifically to ask this question and really hope someone can help... My 3yo soon is autistic (awaiting diagnosis) and non verbal. I recently had a baby (now 1 month old) and every single time the baby cries, peeps, coughs, hiccups, coos, anything at all... My toddler...
  3. AndyTrunks

    Shining some light on Insecurities - How autism affects siblings.

    Editor's Note: Having actually written it all out in one big page really puts things into perspective. That's some damn impressive levels of insecurity I have about myself there lol. Having said that though, I’ve decided to post what i wrote, as is. instead of putting it back in the box. I think...
  4. M

    Concerns with sharing and personal space

    I apologize if this is not in the right place. Although I’ve had an account for a couple of years, I’ve only spent a little time on the forum and have trouble understanding the forum hierarchy and organization (also on mobile). So I have a 12 year old daughter, diagnosed ASD who has always had...
  5. ryan1205

    Anybody else a twin?

    I have an identical brother. 6 months ago after we both graduated high school, he moved out of state to go to different college while I stayed in our home state. This is the first time ever we have been apart. Even though we were identical, as we got older in our teenage years, we started to...
  6. J


    I hand-picked a can of Spaghettios at the store and planned a specific time and day to eat them. And my brother ate them without telling me. It's an autistic nightmare.:eek:
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