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  1. Masaniello

    Great idea for an app

    I had this great idea for an app and I hope it hasn't been taken already. I don't know if it is technologically feasible but I think Apple, Samsung and the others should give it a go. Once installed, the app will help with phone user safety. If the user is staring at their phone and not...
  2. O

    Survey respondents needed - App for looking up sensory information about social venues

    Hi everyone, I hope you're having a good day. I'm a student UX Designer, based in London, and am in the process of conducting research for an app that allows people to search for social or entertainment venues (such as restaurants and pubs) in their local area to find out information relating...
  3. Streetwise

    Samaritans.org self help app

    The Samaritans is an English charity, originally, now UK and Eire(republic of Ireland)wide ,founded by rev(pastor in USA)Chad Varah, in the early 1950s ,as there was no suicide prevention, 24 hour helpline and suicide percentages were high. Cut to the 21st century, now there is the Samaritans...
  4. G

    Apps for movie-making

    I plan on making YouTube videos as part of my Autism Advocacy, what kind of apps would you recommend? All of my laptops are down, and I only have my iPad and iPhone, so I can only use apps for this.
  5. Emzical

    aspie central app

    hey, have many of you noticed the lack of social media apps available for Aspergers? There's plenty of messenger apps to meet people on but it's hard to distinguish neuro-diverse people on them hence the creation of this site. But I think it'd gain a larger following if it could be turned into...
  6. C

    Favorite apps?

    Hi everyone. Just wondering what favorite apps you might have and use often? Can be for iOS, android, desktop, anything goes. Can be absolutely anything you like, games, planning, relaxation, social media and so on. Have you found anything that has helped with autism specifically? Cory ✌️
  7. Ephraim Becker

    My mimicker alarm clock works!

    My new alarm clock, mimicker, solved my oversleeping problem. You can install the android app here.
  8. Ephraim Becker

    I found an interesting android app called mimicker

    I found an interesting app in the Google Play Store called mimicker. The app description says that it solves people's wake up problems. I'm trying this app for my alarm clock instead of my Amazon Echo alarm clock for tomorrow morning.
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