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Where thoughts go unexpressed

  • Author Author AprilR
  • Create date Create date
  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 1 min read
I am sometimes overwhelmed by some thoughts and feelings that i can't explain. Like things resonate with me that i understand well in my soul. Unexpressed, unknown, known only to me and my creator.

I am proud of myself these times, that no one will be able to see these thoughts and feelings and they will never change, these feelings will forever be hidden from change and transformation that interaction brings.

I don't know why i feel proud, but i like it when it happens. Even when my thoughts are negative, ugly and scary even. As long as it doesn't get too bad i will handle everything alone bc i feel most myself when it happens. The price of being "me"

Part of my world is hidden and it will never change. It will always be there to be my silent companion and witness.

If my soul had a shape, it would be ugly and old, monstrous creature.


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