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Spelleng Bee

  • Author Author A BROUHAHA
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  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 1 min read
Leightly eye've ben halving eh lawt ove truble wrighting, eye whil goe two wright eh werd thaat eye've rittin eh thowsend thymes befour anned eye whil manedge too mrspell et. Eye cannt efen behgin two steight hough frustreighting et iz becauze eye no howe too spehl theez werds. Et's ohmost az tho win eye goe too wright summthing, az mie mined ahsmbles thuh sentance iff et iz unehble two recawl thuh werd eye kneed et whil giv mee eh mrspelled virzion ove et, or alturnativelee eh compleetlee diffrint werd thaht haz eh simular ifh knot idinticle sownd.

Mie abilety too speek iz moar ore lehss compleetlee unafectid, eht iz onlee mie abilledy too prahcess mie thaughts inntoo sentances. Troubble iz thaht eye donght realeyze whut eye've dun uhntill eye halve allredy dun eht.

Thes haz awlso ecstended too mie ablity two reed az whell whech eye figned kwite trubling az et waz wance eh fehvorit pastyme ove mien. Butt hay, ohn thah pluss syde ahtleest mie punktuation iz moar ore lehss entact.


Eye am sorry to see that thinngz hav bin a bit iffy leightly wif regardz to spelleng. However, thou do kno that itz been shown that people dont acshully read words letter by letter. They read the shape of the werd. So your communicashun is kwite clear!

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