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I only fell in love once, and i wish to be in love with him forever. I feel like my soul was saved by loving him. That i was given so much happiness i would be able to go on living no matter how many bad things happen.

Sometimes i watch a drama that reminds me of this love and i cry for a long time. The time i spent with him were the best days of my life.


The reality is there are many types of love. When I fell in love with my ex-wife, it was romantic love. Kind of like being high. It was horrible when she wasn't there. but romantic love fades. Then I was to transition to mature love, or a chosen love. This is kind of like when you adore a person for who they are. She wasn't able to do this and lamented the loss of the romantic love we had before. We have a son. I fell for him so hard, I never saw it coming. I would do anything for him. This has to be tempered to parent. I have to do right by him sometimes, which means saying no, and often letting him suffer the consequences of his choices. This can be really hard.
The reality is there are many types of love. When I fell in love with my ex-wife, it was romantic love. Kind of like being high. It was horrible when she wasn't there. but romantic love fades. Then I was to transition to mature love, or a chosen love. This is kind of like when you adore a person for who they are. She wasn't able to do this and lamented the loss of the romantic love we had before. We have a son. I fell for him so hard, I never saw it coming. I would do anything for him. This has to be tempered to parent. I have to do right by him sometimes, which means saying no, and often letting him suffer the consequences of his choices. This can be really hard.
I am glad you experienced both types of love. I feel like what i experienced with this person was similar to unconditional love too. Just him being in this world made me happy. It's a gift to experience this feeling.

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