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List of Chores

  • Mop the floor in the bathroom.
  • Mop the floor in the kitchen.
  • Take my medicine and vitamins.
  • Walk my fur baby.
  • Feed my fur baby.
  • Shower.
  • Brush teeth.
  • Write in my private food diary.
  • Wash my dishes.
Here is a list of my chores I need to do tomorrow. Most of these are things I do everyday but it helps to keep a list so it feels less overwhelming. None of these things will ever take too long (the longest things lasting about twenty minutes). I may have a late start however, my Moderna shot is making me very tired and I slept most of the day today. I don't know when I'll get to sleep tonight.


Lists are great, especially for prioritizing. When I was young, with lots of mild physical disabilities, I wrote out all the things I needed to do before work each day. I wondered why I always had to get up 3 hours before work when other people only needed 1.5 hours. I'm still the same way, but I only list the most important stuff because I'm over 50 now & my hands don't work as well as they used to. I have less energy and more stiffness. My blood pressure pills make me a little foggy/fatigued/forgetful. I have 3 list stations: One by my morning beverage station, one at my computer and another on the car dashboard. That way I have no excuse for failing to write an item down. I tear the shopping part off each one (ideally) before I go shopping. I end up with 3 copies (from each station) & some redundancies, but it is way better than winging it!

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